Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 394 The Persimmon Tree

The next day, the four of them did not go to fetch water. Instead, they took their sacks and sacks to the ravine where Tang Ying went in Qinxi yesterday.

The dozen or so chestnuts hanging on the chestnut tree were also knocked down very quickly. The four of them only stayed under the chestnut tree for a few minutes before leaving.

The sky was very dark today, so the four of them decided to go to the left, where the sky would be brighter.

After walking forward for another ten meters, I found a jujube tree. However, the leaves of the jujube tree at this time were almost gone, with only a few scattered leaves left. The bare trunk looked very ugly.

The four of them originally planned to search here to see if they could find some dried dates, but Qin Jiang looked up and saw the big tree in front of him with red things hanging on it.

"Look, is that a persimmon tree?"

The four of them did not plan to stay here anymore. After all, dates are not like chestnuts, which are protected by a hard shell. When the dates are on the tree, they are eaten by birds and insects, and if they fall to the ground, they will not even scream.

The persimmon tree looked like it wasn't far away, but it took them more than ten minutes to walk there. That's how they got there.

"Huhu. It's really a persimmon tree, big enough!"

Most of the persimmons hanging underneath are still very hard, and the skin of the persimmons has a slight green color.

As for the tops of the trees and the outer layers of the canopy, the well-developed persimmons, which are sunny and well-developed, are already red and ripe, and at the same time, their sweet smell attracts the favor of birds.

Ripe small sweet fruits on trees basically cannot escape the pecks of birds. Fruits that have been eaten by birds must be sweet, moist and delicious.

Some of them also fell under the tree. They were over-ripened, and the ones that had been eaten by birds and fell to the ground were directly mixed with the dead leaves and mud on the ground, forming a dry mass that was inseparable.

"This persimmon tree is not small!" Tang Ying looked at the six or seven-meter-tall persimmon tree and sighed sincerely.

This place is deserted within a radius of ten miles. If it were not far from the village, it would not be their turn to come here to pick. They would have been troubled by the children in the village.

Because it is a wild persimmon tree, naturally no one thins out the branches when it is young, so it is easy to climb. The thick branches crisscrossing each other can be easily climbed up by stepping on it.

What they like most is not the soft, already fully ripe red persimmons, but the hard ones with a hint of green.

This kind of persimmon is durable and resistant to falling, so you don’t have to worry about it being crushed on the way home.

Qin Jiang, He Yuan and Tang Ying all climbed up the tree. Qin Xi did not climb up. Instead, he plucked the persimmons he could reach and put them in his basket.

As for the sack, Qin Jiang took it up the tree. It is very inconvenient to pick persimmons with a basket on the tree. The sack is different. You can just find a fork to put it in and it will be stable. Sometimes it is inconvenient. Can also be hung on a tree.

There were enough persimmons on this big tree to fill the two baskets they brought with them. The specific situation would not be known until after they were picked.

Qin Xi is at the bottom, which is the easiest. You only need to put the backpack in place and stand or squat to pick the fruits hanging from the hanging persimmon branches.

This persimmon tree is infested with insects. They are small and look like mini versions of grasshoppers, but their bites are painful and itchy.

However, at present, these small problems are simply ignored.Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were fine, they still had three to four hundred kilograms of grain at home, but Tang Ying and He Yuan were different. They bought less grain on the black market and only had more than 100 kilograms of grain left at home, so they could barely survive the winter. They may run out of food in February or March next year. These persimmons are crucial to them. After all, in many places, persimmons are eaten as food.

Tang Ying stepped on a branch, pinned her hand to another branch, and picked persimmons with only one hand.

In the past, she had always been cautious when standing at the end of such forked branches, fearing that the branch would suddenly break and fall. This time, she was not afraid.

One is that the persimmons in front of her are too tempting, enough for her to take risks, and the other is that she is not standing very high, just over two meters. This height is nothing to her. Even if she accidentally falls, she will be in danger. Nothing serious will happen.

The four of them were busy picking persimmons. Although there was no communication, the good mood always accompanied them.

This persimmon tree was very big. The four of them picked the top persimmons, which were already red and very soft when pinched. Although some of them were pecked by birds, they all ate happily. The persimmons are sweet. Just like how they feel at this moment.

"Qin Xi, come on, this must be delicious. The bird has already eaten half of it." Tang Ying climbed down and handed the persimmon to Qin Xi, who had not climbed up the tree.

Qin Xi was not polite. After peeling off the outer skin, he ate it directly. It was soft, glutinous and sweet. No one could resist such a persimmon.

This kind of fruit, which was very common in later generations, is quite rare now. It is naturally impossible to eat it whenever you want. Even if you go to the villagers to buy some, some people will make irresponsible remarks and say that you can't live a good life, which is very annoying.

"How do you like it? It's delicious!" She specially selected this. The color makes it look very sweet.

"It's delicious, very sweet." After Qin Xi finished eating the persimmons, he took out the bamboo tube and took a sip of water.

Don’t eat too many persimmons. Eating too much can easily lead to internal heat and indigestion in the stomach. Oh, by the way, people with stones should eat less persimmons.

After a brief rest, all four of them climbed up the tree. However, Qin Xi was timid and provided more auxiliary services to her brother, such as taking the persimmons he picked down.

In short, by about ten o'clock at noon, they had almost picked the persimmons.

Tang Ying and He Yuan picked a full sack and a basket of persimmons. The ripe and soft ones were placed on top of the basket so that they would not be easily crushed.

Qinjiang and Qinxi had less, but the amount was very limited. In short, the harvests of both sides were almost the same and maintained within a balance. After all, Qinjiang's persimmon picking speed was not limited.

"Should we go back next, or keep going forward?" Tang Ying asked, sitting on the sack.

The persimmons in the sack are hard and need to be left for a while until they soften before eating.

Of course, you can also choose to peel and dry the persimmons, but the weather is not good now, so we will see in a few days.

"Go forward! If there is nothing in front of you, don't come here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Go directly to the right." Qin Xi made a choice.

It would be nice to have surprises during the rest of the journey, but there were no surprises. They were not disappointed. After all, they picked too many persimmons today. The two of them weighed more than 100 kilograms together. Tang Ying Compared with He Yuan's persimmons, there are only a lot more.

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