After walking forward for a few hundred meters, there was nothing to gain. Further forward, there was a cliff with no way to go, so the four of them fell back.

With the persimmons, the four of them were satisfied and went back directly.

These things are already the limit of what they can bring back. Even if they continue to walk to the right and find some good things, they can't take them away. In this case, they might as well just go back like this!
Qin Jiang and Qin Xi were both carrying baskets on their backs, as was Tang Ying, but He Yuan was carrying a sack full of persimmons. Because the baskets on his back couldn't hold it, he carried it back in a sack.

The four of them walked uphill very hard. Once they reached the slope, the four of them immediately stopped to rest and sat on the ground panting, completely helpless.

The journey back was very difficult for the four of them. Before eleven o'clock, the four of them started to rush back, but they did not arrive home until after two o'clock in the afternoon.

They were the last group of people to go home. They took a small road to return. They were so quiet that no one knew they had brought persimmons back.

Tang Ying and He Yuan did not bring Persimmon back to the Educated Youth Point. After getting along for a long time, the two of them had nothing but distrust for the people in the Educated Youth Point, so they chose to leave their things here in Qinxi.

Of course, Qin Xi would not touch other people's things without taste. She also has a lot of persimmons, enough to last for a long time, and she is not greedy for other people's things.

"When the weather gets better, we will dry persimmons together. When the time comes, you can just come." Qin Xi said with a smile.

Thinking of the deliciousness of persimmons, she was already swallowing her saliva.

There was no way, since she came here, she found that she was too greedy. There were many things she didn't want to eat, and she kept thinking about them in her heart. Even in her dreams at night, she would dream about the delicacies from her previous life, such as Braised Chicken Hot Pot, Braised Pork and Steamed Pork Ribs. .
Perhaps because she was too short of oil and water, she was particularly greedy for meat in this life.

"Okay, when the weather gets better, we will dry persimmons together."

"It won't work these days. It might rain soon."

After a brief chat, Tang Ying and He Yuan left with half a bucket of water.

It’s been a busy day today, so I still need to take a simple shower.

Thanks to their previous diligence, the water tanks in Qinxi are always full. Even if they don't go to the mountains to get water for three or four days, they still have water to drink.

The sky has been gloomy for two days. From time to time, two dark clouds can be seen passing by. Sometimes, thunder can be heard. However, it has always been dry thunder and no rain. The villagers are cursing.

The rain has not come down, even if it is a gentle drizzle, the kind of rain that can't even wet clothes, it has never fallen. The villagers' mentality is becoming more and more unstable, and they no longer hold much hope for the rain. Expectation, fearing that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment will happen to them.

Although they didn't say it anymore, the villagers kept thinking about rain in their hearts. As long as it rained, they wouldn't have to walk so far every day and go into the mountains to carry water.

It can be said that now everyone in Yinpen Town, old and young, are all looking forward to God's blessing and rain!

After Qin Xi and Qin Jiang briefly scrubbed, they cooked some porridge and then went to rest. After working for a long time, both of them were so tired that they didn't want to move at all.

As for the left-behind child Qin Qing, she went to school. The elementary school is not out yet, so she goes to school every day.

Qin Jiang and Qin Xi didn't come back at noon. She was alone at home and made herself a bowl of fried noodles. Qin Xi had been prepared for this situation and the fried noodles had been put out for her.The weather was cool, and both Qinjiang and Qinxi had a rare good sleep. They slept until about four o'clock in the afternoon, and then were woken up by the sound of rain.

The rain was so heavy that it was so dense that it was indistinguishable between humans and animals five or six meters away.

After Qin Xi woke up, he stood by the window and felt the strong wind and rain outside through the window that was blown by the wind. After a while, rainwater poured into the room through the cracks in the window and door.

At this point, Qin Xi had to be thankful that more than two months ago, she and her brother had just worked together to replace the straw on the roof. It was considered a major repair!
Now it's time to test the results. Fortunately, they are qualified.

Qin Xi walked around the house and was very satisfied with the condition of the house. There was no leakage.

At this time, there was a knock on the door next door, and Qin Xi quickly walked over and opened the door: "Brother, you're awake too."

"Well, it's raining now. I'm so happy that I couldn't sleep when I woke up." Qin Jiang said with a grin.

"Oh, right." Qin Xi suddenly thought of something, quickly took two buckets, opened the door against the pressure, and then placed the buckets in front of the door.

It was raining heavily now, and it was time for her to take a shower. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she took a shower. She always wiped her body. Now that she finally had water, she wanted to take a quick shower. The kind that no one can stop.

After placing the buckets, Qin Xi returned to the house and closed the door against the strong wind.

In just this moment, less than half of her clothes were wetted. If she had moved slower for a while, all her clothes would have been wetted.

Qin Jiang saw her actions and reacted, but he was not in a hurry.

The rain won't stop for a while.

Qin Xi made a pot of chrysanthemum tea with an elegant fragrance, and sat comfortably by the window with her brother, listening to the sound of wind and rain.

The atmosphere in the house separated by a wall from them was not very friendly, because Qin He had not repaired the roof. Today's violent storm directly shattered the very fragile barrier on the roof.

"Qin He, I asked you to repair the roof a long time ago, but you didn't listen. Now look at how leaky our house is."

Liu Mei couldn't bear it anymore. It was a simple matter. Spending a little money or work points to buy some straw from the brigade, she could repair the roof or replace it with new straw.

Who knew that she couldn't get Qin He to call her, but Qin He kept saying that the roof at home had just been replaced not long ago, so there was no need to replace it with a new one.

But this time the heavy rain dealt a heavy blow to them. It was raining heavily outside, but it was raining lightly inside. She couldn't help but feel lucky that the roof of the bed was holding up and no water leaked in. Otherwise, they wouldn't know where to sleep at night.

"This is an accident. Besides, water is leaking only in this place. Bring a basin or bucket over and catch the water." Qin He said very nonchalantly.

Why don't you just let some rainwater in?As for talking so much?
He thought it didn't matter, but Liu Mei was so angry at his indifferent attitude that her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached. Could this be solved by bringing a basin over to collect water?

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