Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 396 Buying Cotton Clothes

There was an autumn rain and a cold. Yesterday I was still wearing short-sleeved clothes. The next day, as soon as I got up, I was so cold that I got goosebumps and had to start adding more clothes.

On this day, it seemed like overnight, the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees, a huge drop. It was still daytime, and at one or two o'clock in the morning, the temperature was even lower.

Anyway, Qin Xi woke up early in the morning and was woken up by the cold.

As soon as Qin Xi got up and saw Qin Qing still wearing the summer clothes remade from her old clothes, she suddenly realized that she had forgotten something.

It's still late autumn, so Qin Qing can still carry two clothes. Once winter comes, she won't be able to go out with the clothes she has so far, because she doesn't have cotton-padded clothes.

This is not possible, the child still needs to study!It’s nothing if you don’t have cotton-padded clothes to wear.

Qin Xi went back to the house, found a long-sleeved coat of his own, and gave it to Qin Qing: "Here, the weather is cold. This piece of clothing is very cold. It won't be good if you catch a cold from the cold."

"Tang Ying and I have something to do today and can't go to the county town. Tomorrow I will go to the county town to buy some cotton and come back to make you some cotton clothes."

At present, the cloth tickets in her hand are only enough to make her a cotton-padded coat.

"Sister, there's no need to make me cotton-padded clothes. The clothes I'm wearing now are pretty good. In winter, I like to be in bed and don't like to go out." Qin Qing said, twisting the corners of her clothes.

Her life is already very good now. She can eat well and go to school. She doesn't want to cause sister Qin Xi too much trouble.

"No, you still have to go to school!"

"Besides, you can't stay at home all the time in winter, right?"

"It doesn't cost much to make a cotton-padded coat. Besides, it won't be worn for one winter. If you wear it for a few more years, the cotton-padded coat won't be expensive anymore."

Seeing Qin Qing's still unmoved look, Qin Xi continued: "Don't refuse in a hurry. If you don't have cotton-padded clothes, it will be very uncomfortable to catch a cold in the winter. You don't know how much it will cost to see a doctor and take medicine." Money, that’s just spending money to find misfortune!”

Hearing this, Qin Qing frowned and did not refuse again.

"That's right, this matter is settled."

After breakfast, Qin Xi originally wanted to go find Tang Ying, but Keren came on her own initiative.

The persimmons they brought back yesterday have not been processed yet. In addition, the wild onions they dug up before have not been washed yet. They were all buried in the vegetable patch behind the house. This way, they can keep the wild onions fresh and tender.

It rained heavily yesterday, and Qinxi received a lot of water. All the water-holding utensils and water tanks in the house were full.

Things that have not been done before must be completed today. Otherwise, it will always be on your mind and your thoughts will not be clear, which will be very annoying.

"What should we do first today?" Tang Ying asked whether to peel the persimmons or wash the wild onions first.

It was because there was a lack of water at home that I didn’t take any action. After all, water was so precious at that time!We use water carefully, for fear of wasting it. It is impossible to use the water that took five or six hours to pick up to wash the mud stuck to the wild onions.

This is nothing more than using a cannon to fight mosquitoes and making a fuss out of a molehill.

Wash and dry the wild onions, pickle them, and put them in a jar. Generally speaking, they will be delicious after about 20 days. The more they are pickled later, the more sour they will be. If they are more than a year old, they are perfect for stewing fish. .

Tang Ying has done this with Qin Xi several times, and she has gained some experience. After all, luck can always happen.

"Let's take out the wild onions first. It rained heavily yesterday. If we continue to bury them in the ground, they might take root and sprout in two days." Onions are chewy and very crunchy. If they take root and sprout, they always feel a little bit worse.

The two of them were lucky enough to find this good thing before, but they can't waste it because of laziness.

"Okay, let's go dig now."

As for water, Tang Ying is not worried. Since Qin Xi has had this idea for a long time, she must have been fully prepared.

Sure enough, the thatched shed was filled with utensils full of water.

Yesterday's heavy rain caused the soil to mix into a large, sticky mass. Naturally, the wild onions were slightly affected, and many of them were covered with mud.

However, this piece of yellow mud could not stop the two of them from being in a good mood. After digging it out, the two of them did not go home immediately, but went to the small ditch in front of the door. Yesterday's heavy rain caused there to be big fish in the small ditch. Large and small mud puddles remain.

Qin Xi took a basket and put the wild onions that were lumped into a ball in the mud. The basket was placed in the middle of the mud pit and he scrubbed the wild onions inside vigorously. Soon, they took off their yellow temporary coat and basically returned to their previous appearance. , it looks much more pleasing to the eye.

Tang Ying was cooperating on the side. She and He Yuan didn't have a jar, and it was not easy for educated youths to put jars. She always worked with Qin Xi, using a jar, and when it was time to eat, she would just take it. Just put it in a bowl.

After all the washing was done, Qin Xi and Tang Ying had to sit on the small bench and wash the wild onions carefully again after returning. After all, it was something that was put into the mouth and it had to be clean, otherwise they would not be able to swallow it.

After doing this set of operations, a whole morning passed.

The wild onions were put in a dustpan and left to dry outside. After lunch, Qin Xi tied the wild onions with salt and put them in a jar for pickling.

In the afternoon, the two began to peel persimmons.

In addition to keeping what you eat, the rest should be peeled and dried in a dustpan until they are dried into persimmons.

Fortunately, the temperature has dropped a lot now. When it gets dark, I feel cold all over. At this temperature, persimmons are less likely to go bad. Although the sun is not strong during the day, the temperature is enough.

The next day, Qin Jiang He Yuan was looking at persimmons at home, while Tang Ying and Qin Xi went to the black market in the county.

Qin Xi went to buy cloth and cotton, planning to make Qin Qing a cotton coat, while Tang Ying went to see the food. If the price was acceptable to her, she would buy some and bring it back. After all, she and He Yuan did not have much left. , compared with the money and hunger, she chose the latter and spent money to fill her hungry belly.

"Go to the supply and marketing cooperative first or the black market first?"

Tang Ying would have looked down on this small county town in the past, but it was different now. After staying in the countryside for a long time, even a small county town found it very prosperous and attractive.

How great it would be if I could return to the city again and become a city dweller!
Although she was far away from Qinxi in the countryside, she missed the time when she didn't have to work and had good food and drinks.

"Go to the black market first. The supply and marketing cooperative will not run away. It is more likely that something will happen in the black market."

Although I was still curious about the reason for the emergence and existence of the black market in Yongxin County before, I am no longer curious at all.

Maybe others may think that the prices of things on the black market are very bad, but in Qin Xi's opinion, this is a good place and it brings her too much convenience.

If there wasn't a black market, she couldn't imagine how miserable her life would be here.

(End of this chapter)

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