Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 397 Homemade Cotton Cloth

The black market is still as lively as ever, especially this year's drought, which has added fuel to the excitement.

Unsurprisingly, the most popular stalls in the black market are the stalls selling grain. There are few people selling grain, but not none. There are always villagers who are in urgent need of money and come here to sell grain in exchange for money to tide over the difficulties.

The most popular one is the food stall. I don’t know where the black market gets so much food. Anyway, Qin Xi has never seen a shortage of food in the black market. As long as you have money, there will be a lot of food for sale in the black market. .

At this moment, there were four middle-aged women and three older aunties gathered around the food stall.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying did not go to the noodle shop to eat noodles this time, and they did not even visit the bun shop next door. This was not because they were picky, but because the prices of the items inside were a bit too exaggerated.

As soon as the two of them entered the door, they were shocked by the price of the noodle shop. They walked out without saying a word or asking any questions.

The situation at the bun shop next door was similar. Qin Xi couldn't bear the buns costing [-] cents each, as they were too expensive.

Qin Xi couldn't bear to part with it, let alone Tang Ying. Now the way to raise rabbits was cut off. The money in her hands should be used wisely, so it wouldn't be considered a waste.

The two of them first came to the stall selling cotton fabrics. Qin Xi touched the cheapest homespun cloth and felt like it, so he asked: "Sister, how do you sell this homespun cloth?"

Although homespun is rough, if you wear a close-fitting, soft cotton coat underneath, it will be fine. After all, homespun is used for outerwear.

The homespun cloth is woven by the villagers themselves at home. Although the material is also cotton, it is relatively rough and the price is very affordable, so you can earn a lot of hard money.

There are several aunts in Chenhui Village who have spinning and weaving tools at home. They also make some of this in their spare time. The homespun cloth they make is used by their own families, or is used to exchange money for things to support the family. All are very good choices.

"Eighty cents per meter, according to this calculation, it is different from the supply and marketing cooperative." The elder sister sitting in front of the stall knitting a sweater said with a raised eyelid.

This price is not very expensive.

At this time, the most expensive thing on the black market is food, something edible. Even if winter is approaching, hunger is the biggest threat to the villagers.

The prices of other things on the black market rarely increase accordingly, and the prices of other things that are not suitable for eating or drinking may be appropriately lowered in order to sell them.

After all, some things will be spoiled if they are not sold in time.

"Sister, give me eight meters." Qin Xi made a rough estimate and gave the number.

She didn't know much about these things. She had never made clothes, so naturally she didn't know how much fabric it would take to make a suit of clothes for her body type, and she didn't know how much fabric it would take to make a dress.

When you buy it back, just let Sister-in-law He make it. If there is some fabric left, then make a few more pieces.

Sister-in-law He is a sister-in-law that Qin Xi is familiar with in the village. She is a decent person and can make clothes as much as she needs. Unlike some people, whose hands and feet are not very clean, or who are too opinionated.

It's like, you clearly want a suit of clothes that fits your body, but the other person insists on making the sleeves and trouser legs longer for you, saying that they will grow in the future, no guarantee, they will grow in the future, leaving you some room. , making the final product completely different from what she had expected and wanted.

Although her heart may be good, she doesn't like or accept the result.

"Tang Ying, do you want to buy some? It's not expensive."

Not only was it not expensive, it was even a little cheaper than the price she asked before.

"I just want four meters." Four meters should be enough for her and He Yuan to make a set of clothes each.Qin Xi had planned to spend the cloth money at home before, but when he thought about it carefully, cotton-padded clothes were outerwear, and there was nothing wrong with using homespun cloth, as long as it was warm.

As for the cloth tickets, keep them for now, just in case they want to buy something before the end of the year and they will use them!

It is impossible to waste money. At the end of December, after New Year's Eve, the cloth tickets expired and were immediately invalid. She would have spent the cloth tickets before the year.

At that time, even if you don’t want to make clothes, it is still a good choice to spend the cloth tickets and buy a piece of cloth to put away. The cloth will always be used and will not be wasted.

After Qin Xi bought the cloth tickets, she also bought five kilograms of cotton, two and a half kilograms of which she planned to use to make cotton-padded clothes for Qin Qing, and the remaining cotton was useful to her.

As soon as Tang Ying saw that Qin Xi had bought the things, she directly took people to the stall selling food.

"Boss, make it cheaper. As long as you are willing to make it cheaper, I will buy thirty kilograms of potatoes directly and do business for you."

"Yes! It's two cents cheaper, and I also want twenty kilograms of grain."

"I want it too, I want fifteen pounds."

"I want twenty pounds"

When the stall owner heard these voices, his face became even worse. He, a little guy, couldn't decide whether to lower or increase the price. If the people above asked him to sell at this price, he would naturally be obedient and had no right to refute.

Now these people in front of him are all making things difficult for him.

The first old lady was here at about seven o'clock, and she had to catch him and grind for more than two hours. What kind of evil has he done!
"Don't talk to me. No, the price is set by the people above. It has nothing to do with me, and I can't give you a discount."

"If you want to buy it, buy it quickly. If you don't buy it, don't waste each other's time. Let's get together and relax, okay?"

The people standing here are all idle at home and don't believe in evil, especially the old ladies. They don't believe it and they really can't bargain. Today is not the first time that they come here to try to find out the price. In fact, Today is the third day.

In the past two days, they came earlier and waited here at around six o'clock in the morning. However, at that time, the boss's business was good and he had no communication with her at all.

"No! Boss, we come to your place every day and buy things for you. Can't we make it a penny cheaper?"

"Yes! Then what are we doing here to torture you these days?"

"That's right, you absolutely can't give up so easily."

This is all about not believing in evil, and being idle at home is really boring.

There are also two people who can't live up to their reputation. After all, they used to show off their power and beat their daughter-in-law or their own husband to pieces. They called them stupid and just took whatever others said for no reason. Give money to others.

Now that I am here, knowing how difficult this boss is, I rarely regret it, but it doesn't help.

They haven't left yet because there are so many of them and they huddle together for warmth. They are just holding on for the sake of face.

(End of this chapter)

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