Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 398 Tender yellow mushrooms

Tang Ying finally squeezed to the front, suppressing her heartache, and spent about ten yuan to buy thirty kilograms of the cheapest dried sweet potatoes.

Qin Xi followed closely behind and spent nine yuan to buy twenty kilograms of soybeans.

Next, winter is coming. You can eat the soybeans in a pot or put them next to the charcoal fire to sprout the soybeans.

Vegetables are so scarce in winter. Even simple soybean sprouts with a slight raw flavor will definitely be the MVP on the dinner table.

Besides, one pound of soybeans can produce at least five or six pounds of soybean sprouts, which is more economical than anything else.

After returning to the village, the two handed their things to Sister-in-law He and ignored them. They just waited to wear new clothes.

This is the tacit understanding formed by their long-term friendly cooperation.

In the process of making clothes, the remaining steps are Sister-in-law He's reward. That's it, both parties are quite satisfied.

After two days in the sun, the persimmons were already a little wrinkled and soft, and their size seemed to have shrunk a lot.

On the third day, the autumn rain came again. Fortunately, Tang Ying and the others were sitting here and did not go out, so they harvested the persimmons in time. The persimmons were not exposed to the rain, so the situation was not bad.

This time the rain fell very slowly, but it did not come quickly and urgently like before. Although the rainfall was heavy, it was not lasting.

The next day, the rain still didn't stop. Seeing that the outer skin of the persimmons was a little bit black and obscure, Qin Xi and Tang Ying decided to dry the persimmons using charcoal fire after discussion.

If we wait any longer, the persimmons will turn into black balls in less than two days. By then, not only will they taste bad, but they will also go bad easily.

Instead of waiting for the weather to clear and doing nothing, it is better to do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, and bake the persimmons over charcoal fire.

If the persimmons that were finally obtained were ruined like this, not to mention Qin Xi, Tang Ying, and even Qin Jiang Heyuan would not agree.

We must find a way to preserve the persimmons.

The four people moved quickly, and the cage was set up. There were three layers in total, and all the peeled and dried persimmons were inside. Fortunately, they had been dried for two days before, and the size of the persimmons had shrunk a lot. Besides, the surface layer of the persimmons had already dried. , even if they are placed closer together or even stacked, it will be fine.

More than a pound of black charcoal was laid under the cage, not much. Use a little pine needles to ignite it until the smoke dissipates. Then you can use a bamboo mat to surround the cage and cover it with a piece of cloth on top. In this way, This is to lock in the heat as much as possible and focus on baking the persimmons inside.

Next, they don't need to worry about it. If the charcoal is burned out and it's not dry yet, just add some more charcoal and continue drying.

The weather has cooled down completely now. Although it is not yet warm enough to be warmed by the fire, it is just right to wear a cotton-padded coat in the morning and evening. As for the daytime, you can wear two or three long-sleeved clothes.

At this time, fabrics were precious, and it was impossible to collect all four types of clothes: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. To be precise, they only had two types of clothes: summer and winter. Autumn and spring were the superposition of summer and winter clothes.

When it’s not too cold, wear two or three summer clothes. When it gets colder, cotton-padded clothes are enough.

Three days later, the sky cleared.

Although the sun has come out, it is slippery everywhere, and you may fall down if you step on the mud. Therefore, most villagers will choose to stay at home at this time.After all, the firewood in the woods is wet, and now is not a good time to go into the mountains.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang had nothing to do at home. They put on their rubber shoes, carried a basket and went out. They planned to go to the mountains and maybe find some fungi.

At this time, other fungi are gone. Some amanita and fir fungus mushrooms are still growing. With luck, you can also find some ox liver and ganba mushrooms.

There are also people with the same purpose as them. There is really no food to eat at home. After finally waiting for the rain to stop, they will naturally choose to go into the mountains and try their luck.

When Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went into the mountains, they didn't find any fungi. However, they found a millet fruit tree with fruit as big as a grain of rice.

They had nothing to do now, so the two of them stood next to the small bush and started to collect fruits. After picking the fully ripe purple fruits, the two of them stopped in unison and left the rest. , let’s wait for the next one!
This kind of millet fruit tastes sweet, but the skin is a little astringent. The skin is very tough and tastes good. It is very popular among the children in the village.

That is to say, it rained for several days in a row, and the children in the village were kept at home by the adults and were not allowed to go out. Only these millet fruits could survive. Otherwise, they would not be able to wait for them to come. Not to mention the purple ones, but the red ones. The millet fruit, which is not very sweet, will be ruined by the children in the village.

After walking around in the forest for a long time, not even a bird feather was seen, let alone fungi. The two of them had given up and walked back. Unexpectedly, when passing by a piece of water bamboo shoots, Qin Jiang saw with sharp eyes There is something under the bamboo leaves.

But he wasn't quite sure, because everything was covered tightly with dead bamboo leaves. He could only see a bulge there, but he didn't know exactly what was underneath.

In normal times, the bamboo leaves that fall here are so delicious that anyone who sees them will pick up a bamboo rake, collect the bamboo leaves together, and take them home to burn.

But this is not the past few days. The weather has not been very good. It has been raining for the past few days and no one has entered the forest. The dead bamboo leaves have accumulated a thick layer, so the things underneath are covered tightly.

"Xiaoxi, look at that pile of bamboo leaves. Does it look like there are fungi hiding underneath?"

What is hidden in the bamboo forest is most likely a mushroom. Whether it is a yellow mushroom or a brown mushroom, they like to grow in the bamboo forest, growing in bunches.

Of course, fir fungus is also a possibility. After all, this kind of fungus can grow anywhere without being picky about the place.

"I'll go over and have a look." Qin Xi said as he got inside. She was thin and shorter than Qin He. In the bamboo forest, she moved more dexterously.

She opened the bamboo leaves and saw bright yellow mushrooms inside, small but with long legs, growing in clusters. She was very happy. She had already decided on the dish for lunch today, which was mushroom egg soup. It was absolutely delicious. Fresh enough.

"Brother, these are winter mushrooms, the yellow ones, so beautiful!"

The yellow mushrooms have just grown up. The canopy is still open, and the handle is thick and strong. It is hard when you hold it. If you get close, you can smell its unique fungus smell. It is definitely the best mushroom.

"I'll look for it again, maybe there are some more, but we just ignored them."

Mushrooms like to grow together in large clusters. If they appear, look around and you will most likely find their companions around.

(End of this chapter)

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