Chapter 43

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the Wang Po next door came to Qin's house with a malicious smile.

"Hey, isn't this Wang Po? Why do you come to my little place today when you have time?" Li Chunhua couldn't control her mouth when she saw Wang Po, and habitually sneered.

"I don't want to come either, but your two little ones have caused trouble, and I'm here to report to you." Mrs. Wang didn't care about Li Chunhua's eccentricity, she had long been used to it.

Besides, her two grandsons caused trouble today, and together with others, they blew up the cesspit in the street. Good guy, shit is everywhere, and the Qin family must have nothing good to eat.

Fortunately, her grandson is well-behaved and sensible, and has never participated in this kind of thing. If she was angry at her daughter-in-law Ouyan for being too strict in disciplining her children before, she is now lucky. She heard that the people in the street office sent In other words, parents who want to make trouble for their children bring their own tools to clean the public toilets. In winter, this job is not easy to do, and they will suffer.

"What's the matter? Aunt Wang." Liu Qin's originally casual expression suddenly became serious, and she already had bad associations in her mind.

Who are the two small ones?

"This..." Wang Po looked at Li Chunhua, then at Liu Qin, and then she pretended to be embarrassed and said, "It's not easy for me to say, or you should go out and find out! Otherwise, your mother-in-law will accuse me of telling lies again." , I can't see her recovering."

Upon hearing this, Li Chunhua was furious: "Old godmother, what do you mean?"

"Say it if you want to say it, and get out if you don't. There is no one who can't stand here."

"Isn't it intentional?"

"You're so brave! You've come to the house, believe it or not, I'll give you two big mouths, let you taste the sweetness!"

Li Chunhua is gearing up and is eager to try. As long as Mrs. Wang doesn't mind, she will naturally not mind having a flesh-to-hand fight with her. She is six years younger than Mrs. Wang, and she can definitely beat that thief old woman.

"Mom, don't make any trouble at this time." Liu Qin yelled at Li Chunhua impatiently.

But when she faced Wang Po, she was calm and gentle, which made Li Chunhua angry enough.

The daughter-in-law here is not allowed, and she will be troubled all day long. Knowing that she is not getting along with this old woman, she still demolishes her in front of this old woman, embarrassing her, and embarrassing her. This is not for the old woman to see for nothing Got a joke?

Moreover, Liu Qin's attitude towards her old woman is so bad, and her attitude towards Mrs. Wang is so good, what does this mean?I can't look down on her!
"Aunt Wang, don't worry about my mother. She is small-minded and has a bad temper. Don't take the unpleasant things she said."

"I know, after all these years, she still hasn't changed at all, she's the same as before."

Wang Po had Li Chunhua's most hated smile on her face. It was the kind that blatantly despised her, looked down on her, thought she was born with mud legs, and now her heels were still stained with mud, which couldn't be washed off.

"Who do you look down on! Now a family of workers and peasants, the poorer you are, the more honorable you are. My family is a poor and lower-middle peasant, and a proletariat. If you want to despise, I should despise you two capitalists." Li Chunhua said angrily.

She also heard these words from others, and she didn't fully understand the meaning, but she also knew a lot, and if she didn't say anything else, it was enough to bluff people.

"Mom, you can't talk nonsense. If someone outside gets caught, none of us will have a good fruit to eat." Liu Qin said to Li Chunhua with a serious face.

She doesn't care about other things, but politics is something that her family can't play with, so she can't give her peace of mind. Capitalism is not afraid of being laughed at. Her family is a proletarian working class OK.

"Oh, she doesn't know what the proletariat and capitalism are. It's just that people outside said these words, and she memorized a few words afterward, picking up the wisdom of others."

"I'm here today, doesn't she have to show this and let me listen to it, so that she can show herself?"

Wang Po's thoughts on Li Chunhua are clear, because the two of them have too many similarities, so if you put her in Li Chunhua's position and think about it, everything will become clear.

Of course, she is the most ruthless one. What she says often hits the nail on the head, directly hitting Li Chunhua's sensitive and fragile heart. No wonder Li Chunhua hates her so much.

"You..." Li Chunhua's hands trembled from anger, but she had nothing to do with that old woman.

If the two were fighting alone, the old woman would certainly not be her opponent, but in terms of her smooth talk, the three of them tied together would not be the opponent of the thief woman.

"You ass, you, what, you are getting older, and you can't speak fluently, you won't be like the grandma in the back street, dumb?"

After teasing Li Chunhua for a while, and seeing enough fun, Wang Po also started to talk about the business: "Liu Qin! Your twins played firecrackers with some children and blew up the cesspit in the street. There was shit everywhere, and the smell was smoky. Oh my god, I've been there, and I've been so nauseated that I vomited."

"The houses next to the cesspit are very angry, and so are the people in the street office. Both of your boys have been arrested and sent to the street office. Let your parents go and get them!"

"Oh, by the way, when you go, remember to bring cleaning tools, brooms and buckets, etc. The people in the street office said that it is not the fault of the father, let you parents clean the toilet yourself!"

She has already seen the scene of the accident, and she is very ecstatic. Those parents are about to usher in the most unforgettable New Year's Day in their lives.

"Fried cesspit?"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, and finally they both decided to call Qin Shan.

Since they said to clean up, they did bring brooms and buckets with them when they went.

As soon as he entered the courtyard of the street office, Liu Qin saw the pitiful two brothers who were punished to stand in the courtyard. At first, they felt a little distressed, but when they got closer, they found that their clothes were speckled with unknown stains, and their bodies The pungent smell directly smoked away her mother's love.


Seeing familiar people, the impulsiveness has long since gone, and the rationality has returned. The twins are excited, and the original anxiety has turned into attachment to seeing Liu Qin now.

"Mom, you're finally here, woo woo."

Seeing the two shit kids rushing towards her, Liu Qin's first reaction was to refuse: "Don't come here!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Who made them get too close together before? This time, the two brothers jumped at each other. According to the habit, each of them hugged one thigh, and the free hand kept flapping upwards. Out of fear, they wanted to Liu Qin hugged them, so that they could feel safe.

Seeing this scene, both Li Chunhua and Qin Shan took a few steps back quietly. They don't want this kind of attachment with taste.

(End of this chapter)

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