Chapter 44
Liu Qinsheng stood in the same place without love, and it took a while to recover from the impact of this mysterious taste.

"You want to die! You smell so bad, and you still throw yourself on me, look at my clothes, you two little bastards, can't you let me save myself?" Liu Qin's disgust was undisguised. .

After finishing speaking, Liu Qin became even more angry when she saw the mother and son who were far away from her: "Why are you running so far away?"

"You don't know what's going on with the children, so you just run so far, what's the matter? Do you dislike them?"

"I don't have one." Qin Shan moved slowly to the side of the mother and son step by step.

As for Li Chunhua, she is not afraid at all. She still remembers that Liu Qin didn't give her face in front of Mrs. Wang just now!
Besides, the three of them, the mother and the child, had feces rubbed on their bodies. If she passed by, it would be bad if she accidentally rubbed it on. How stinky it would be!

She only has this cotton coat in winter, and if it gets dirty, she can't wash it.

If it is even more unlucky, it happens to be a rainy day, the rain is dripping, the humidity is heavy, and the big cotton coat can't be dried for a week. At that time, wouldn't it be that I have no clothes to wear, and I will definitely catch a cold.

Not long after, the parents of other children came over one after another, and the small yard suddenly became noisy. Many grumpy parents had already taken off their shoes and comforted their children with love. Let's not talk about it, let them vent their anger first, so as not to be pissed off by the little bastard.

The staff of the sub-district office saw that all the people had arrived, and all the tools were brought, without any fuss, they took the parents directly to the scene of the crime.

Ten meters away, everyone could smell the smell. When they thought of cleaning the public toilets themselves, some parents were already thinking about how to teach their children when they got home.

"Look at it! Parents, this is the masterpiece of your children this afternoon. Now people in our street want to go to the toilet, and they have to walk 500 meters."

"Okay, don't be dazed, take the child, let's start!"

"I'll just wait here. You go in and clean up the sanitation. I'll check later. If you pass it, go back and take a good shower. If you don't pass it, then continue."

The mood of the staff is not good either. Anyone who is dragged here to deal with feces and urine during the Chinese New Year will find it unlucky and unhappy.

As for the situation inside, he had already seen it before, it was too tragic, he probably didn't have the appetite for today's dinner.

Lele alone is worse than Lele together. The parents of those little bastards can't run away. Anyway, he can't eat dinner, so they don't want to eat well today.

Qin Shan stood outside the public toilet door, hesitating, Liu Qin saw it, and pushed him directly: "Da Shan, you go quickly! I'll wait outside for you to come out."

The two younger ones now know they were wrong, but it was too late.

At the beginning, they just threw a few small cannonballs into it, which didn't cause any impact. Afterwards, they didn't enjoy playing, so they tied five or ten together and threw them together, and the power would be much greater.

The runny-nosed child, that is, Chen Jun, felt that the power was too small, so he said hello, and took the two of them to the nearest supply and marketing cooperative. The firecrackers he bought this time were more powerful, but they were also very limited.

Later, someone who was damaged picked up a fist-sized rock from the outside and threw it down, and the few who got close suffered. After that, things got out of hand and completely out of control.

All the children were scrambling to find the stone, and even raised their hands for it. Once they found it, they took it to the toilet and threw it in the cesspit to blow up shit. The twin brothers were the most diligent in throwing. One, the clothes were inevitably splashed with some stains.

They are all children in their 90s, [-]s, and [-]s. They were very happy when they threw them away, and they even rushed to throw them away. Now they want to take them back to clean, but they refuse to live or die, and some even cry on the spot.

The parents of today are not the parents of future generations. If something happens, they will do it for real. When they beat their children, they will beat them for real. Thinking of what they are about to encounter, they will be more ruthless than the other. They have to interrupt the meeting.

The same goes for the twins. Liu Qin was rubbed all over her body just now, and now she really doesn't feel distressed. She is still thinking about what to do with the cotton coat she is wearing!
If it is washed, there will be no cotton clothes to wear in the next few days, and if it is not washed, she will not be able to bear the smell.

"Mom, I don't want to go." Qin Hai turned around and wanted to hide behind his mother, but Liu Qin was prepared this time, stretched out her hand, and directly pressed his head, not allowing him to approach.

"If you have something to say, don't come over and rub it!"

"You guys caused this. If that's the case, you have to bear it for me. You are men. If you dare to escape, you will have good fruit to eat when you go home." Although Liu Qin loves the twins very much, she should be taught Stuff never falls.

She is not stupid, what is really good for the child, she clearly distinguishes it, if she really doesn't care about it and only cares about the child, then it will really ruin the child, if she really teaches a harm that is not worth four or five, She was the first to harm herself.

The two brothers followed Qin Shan into the public toilet step by step. There were seven or eight parents and seven or eight children present. They worked together in a division of labor. It took more than half an hour to finally clean up the stains in the toilet. Of course, the people were almost marinated. up.

On the way home, the neighbors who have been in the neighborhood for more than ten years chatted with them from time to time, walking and stopping all the way, and when they got home, it was already 05:30, and it was almost completely dark.

Thinking of the joke that they were watched all the way, the anger in Liu Qin's chest was getting hotter and hotter, and it started to flare up as soon as he returned to his home.

"You two, kneel down for me."

Seeing Liu Qin's angry look, both Qin Hu and Qin Hai's heart trembled, didn't they just kneel down?Simple.

"Do you know you are wrong?"

"Understood." The two were very consistent, and the words they said were generally the same.

"Where is it wrong?" Liu Qin spoke in a very serious tone, if they couldn't say one, two, three, four, they just waited to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots!

"I shouldn't have bought firecrackers, I shouldn't have gone to blow up the cesspit with others, and I shouldn't have stained your clothes." Old Five Qin Hu reacted quickly and said first.

"Me too, I will never play with them in the future, I know I was wrong, Mom, don't be angry." Qin Hai knows how to make his mother soft-hearted, and the last cry is called a sweet attachment. .

Liu Qin calmed down, and let them get up after all, the child is still young: "Well, it's good to know that you made a mistake, if you dare to commit the crime again in the future, I will never forgive you lightly."

(End of this chapter)

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