Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 45 Shame and Anger

Chapter 45 Shame and Anger
Going back to her natal home on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Qin got up early in the morning to get ready.

She spent more than a month preparing for the New Year's gift, just to show off in front of all the brothers and sisters today.

Apart from Liu Qin and Qin Shan's husband and wife, the twins and Qin Qing went to Liu's house today, among other things, the good meal at noon was enough to make the little ones happy.

In their minds, their ancestral family is a rich family. Every time they go there, they can eat things that they can't eat at home. In Liu's house, they eat big white rice with meat in the dishes!Oil and water are called a foot.

Usually at home, they can only eat meat once every two or three months, but every time they come to their ancestral home, they can eat meat. It is conceivable what kind of image this ancestral home has in their hearts, so every time Liu Qin wants to go back to her natal family, and the younger ones are more active than the other, for fear of being left behind.

When Qin Jiang was a child, Liu Qin often took him back to his natal home, but since his head was burnt out, she never took him there again, because she didn't want to be the talk of relatives and friends.

Qin Xi doesn't envy them at all. From Yuanshen's memory, he knows that the people from his outer family are a bit snobbish. He thinks their family is poor, and he sees their family's poverty. Every time he comes to the house, he picks and chooses. , it’s not that the place is not clean, it’s that it’s too messy, or that the children are not taught well, don’t call people, have no manners and so on.

It's like a dog taking a mouse, meddling in other people's business, full of food, don't know what it means.

The family lived frugally, and the bacon, eggs, and fish that they were reluctant to eat were all used to entertain them, but they could always find something that they were not satisfied with.

Liu Qin tidied up her things and was satisfied with everything, except for the stinky clothes on her body, Qin Shan and the twins were no exception, a cotton coat for each person in the family is already very good, there is really no extra clothes for them to change, So, they were still wearing the clothes they had yesterday.

She disliked the smell of the clothes, originally she was going to wash them, but today, on the second day of the Lunar New Year, she was going back to her mother's house, so the washing of clothes had to be slowed down, she couldn't just go visit relatives in thin clothes!

Before going out, the more Liu Qin looked at the clothes on her body, the more uncomfortable she felt, and the lump in her heart became bigger and bigger as she was about to go out. When she went back to her natal family to be a guest with the same clothes, her brothers, sisters and sister-in-law looked at her differently, and she felt very uncomfortable.

So, Liu Qin found Li Chunhua: "Mom, my clothes are smelly. I'm going back to my mother's house today. It's not good to wear these clothes. Can you change clothes with me?"

"Don't worry, when I come back from my mother's house, I will definitely exchange it with you."

At this moment, she felt that she was too lenient to the twins last night. She just let them kneel down for a while and saw the big trouble they caused her. On the fourth day of the new year, these days, she can't change clothes with Li Chunhua every day!

Even if she is willing, Li Chunhua is not willing!

Wearing that smelly clothes is not decent at all, what face does she have.

Li Chunhua didn't even think about it, and directly rejected her: "No, I lent you this cotton coat, what should I wear?"

"Don't come here to make me think, I don't know how to wear your shit-smelling clothes, how ugly!"

"I'm in my fifties, I'm almost sixty, you don't want to take my clothes away, and let my old woman have nothing to wear in this cold winter, and finally catch a cold?"

She knew who Liu Qin was, he was too calculating, her wife couldn't play with her, and she didn't want to play with her.

Her cotton coat was handed down from several generations of the old Qin family. If she lost it here, she felt that she would have no face to meet the ancestors of the Qin family when she went. After all, Liu Qin cared so much about her natal family, She is clear.

"No, how could I be like this." Liu Qin felt very embarrassed, but there was a forced smile on her face.

Who doesn't have two faces anymore, even if they are crying or cursing in their hearts, they still have to smile kindly and brilliantly.

Li Chunhua's rhetoric can be regarded as tearing off all of her face.

"It's fine if you don't, you guys go!"

"Eat more at noon, the Liu family is rich! Every day there is a lot of fish and meat, pity my wife, I can only eat sweet potatoes and drink gruel at home with my grandson."

Liu Qin didn't know how to answer these words, and felt that no matter how she answered them, it was wrong.

As soon as the people left, Li Chunhua hurried out. She didn't go to other people's houses, she just sat under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the alley, and there would always be old ladies coming to chat with her.

Li Chunhua poured bitter water there, saying that Liu Qin brought some good things back to her mother's house and asked her for clothes. The poor little ones they stayed at home could only eat sweet potatoes and the like, because all the food in the house was Liu Qin Received.

All in all, everything changed after her proclamation. Not surprisingly, these words will spread throughout Ping An Street in the next few days, becoming the gossip of those aunts and ladies after dinner.

Doesn't Li Chunhua know that these words will be spread everywhere?

She knew it, but during this period of time, Liu Qin was getting more and more picky about her. All the money for the firewood box was in her own hands, and she didn't even see a hair. If she loses face in front of her deadly enemy, she should be restrained. A daughter-in-law who is as powerful as her will be stronger than her mother-in-law. Since she is so powerful, she must not help her to spread the word!

At one o'clock at noon, Liu Qin and the other five returned from Liu's house. As soon as they came back, Liu Qin ran back to the house, unbuttoned the cotton coat in twos and twos, and took off the cotton trousers. Cotton clothes and trousers should be washed with cold water.

Qin Shan went up to stop him, but she scolded him and took off his clothes.

"Go to the kitchen to boil water, the sooner the better, I can't stand this dirty clothes for a moment."

She also forcibly took off the twins' clothes. Thinking of the humiliation she suffered at her mother's house today, she now has the heart to strangle the two skinny children.

"Damn it, you two, get over here and boil the water first. I'll personally supervise the two of you to wash your clothes later. If you can't wash them clean, don't eat tonight."

Originally, I wanted to wash it by myself, but seeing the two little stunned pestles there, the more I looked at it, the more I looked at it, the more I didn’t like it, it’s useless to beat, let alone scold, if this is the case, it’s better to hand over the clothes to them Wash it!
With her watching, he couldn't believe that these two boys dared to act like monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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