Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 46 All Things Are Not Going Well

Chapter 46 All Things Are Not Going Well
Before the hot water was ready, Li Chunhua, who knew that Liu Qin and the others had returned from Liu's house, rushed back from the outside.

As soon as she finished her lunch, she went to the next door to the next door, that is, the house that Mrs. Wang's house used to go to, Mrs. Xiangxiu's house. She only had one son. Today, the young couple took a few children to grandparents' house Well, because of their similar experiences, the two of them chatted very speculatively today, so she passed by non-stop as soon as she finished her lunch.

"What is this doing?"

"Liu Qin! Why did you come back so early today? Nothing happened, right?"

That is to say, it took a few minutes to talk to Xiangxiu Po, otherwise she would have followed them back.

"It's nothing." Liu Qin replied coldly with her arms folded.

She's not in the mood to confront her troublesome mother-in-law now, she's annoyed!
"It's okay, you wear so little? Where's the cotton coat?"

"It's winter, don't wear cotton clothes, don't catch a cold!"

Looking into the kitchen, Qin Shan and the two children were also wearing very little, and all cotton clothes had been taken off.

Li Chunhua is a little anxious now, what should I do if I catch a cold?

Although the twins are nine years old, they are still young. Even adults can withstand the severe cold weather, but what about children?

"Quick, what are you doing? Put on your clothes quickly!"

"It's winter, it's fun to wear a ragged singlet!"

"Mom, don't worry about it. I have my own reasons. The weather is not bad today. Hurry up and wash your clothes. Otherwise, our relatives and friends will laugh at us." Liu Qin stopped her from the basin. Li Chunhua taking clothes from the inside out.

Clothes are important, but face is equally important. When these two things are put in front of her and she is asked to choose between the two, Liu Qin will choose face without hesitation.

Clothes can be dried slowly over a fire. If you lose your face, you will never be able to pick it up again. For the rest of your life, your relatives and friends will make fun of this matter. Thinking about it, I feel desperate, especially for Liu Qin, a strong woman. to say.

In her opinion, face is much more important than face.

"Fuck you, Liu Qin, are you stupid! Washing cotton clothes in winter."

"Go out and ask yourself, who washes cotton clothes in winter." Li Chunhua said emotionally, pointing to Liu Qin's head.

She really can't help it, isn't it because of the smell on the clothes?What's the matter, the cotton padded clothes that have been worn for several months, no one has any smell on them.

"My house, I'll wash it today, no one can stop me."

Qin Jiang, Qin He, and Qin Xi sat peacefully in the main room and warmed up to the fire. They didn't want to provoke the right and wrong outside. The two women in the family were not reasonable people. If they went out to watch the excitement, they would say no. If you stand in the corner and don't make a sound, you will be scolded.

"You can wash it yourself. I can't stop you if I don't stop you, but Qin Shan and the old and the old, don't wash them. If they catch a cold, I'll never stop with you." Li Chunhua couldn't stop anyone. , simply don't stop her, she can do whatever she likes.

This dog's temper has been around for many years, but he is still as stubborn and annoying as ever.

"No, if you want to wash, you can wash it together. After washing, you can directly burn it and dry it. You can wear it tomorrow. We all sit by the fire to warm up. We won't catch a cold. If it doesn't work, let them go back to bed and lie down with cotton wool. Covered, this will not catch a cold!"

Thinking of the humiliation she received today, Liu Qin must cut off this pimple, and no one can persuade her.

"Qin Shan, what do you think?" Li Chunhua called her son by his first name. This was a signal that she was in a bad mood and angry. Qin Shan should know why she was angry.

"I listen to my daughter-in-law, mother, the smell on my clothes is indeed too strong, so don't worry about it."

Qin Shan's attitude of standing next to Liu Qin without hesitation stung Li Chunhua's heart. She really couldn't help her son, her son who had worked so hard to grow up finally became someone else's, and she would no longer deceive herself.

"Okay, my wife is meddling, I apologize, I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the kitchen angrily, slammed the door to show his dissatisfaction, and walked outside.

If she didn't find someone to talk about the distress in her heart, she would be suffocated to death, and they were all unreliable things.

Once the hot water was ready, Liu Qin began to direct the twins to wash the clothes. In order to clean the clothes, she also took out the soap that she had kept for a long time. This is a good thing for washing clothes, and she is reluctant to use it usually.

"Hurry up and wash carefully. If the clothes are ruined, don't blame me for inviting you to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots."

She's not just talking, if the twins are really worried and mess with her by ruining the laundry, she really intends to beat them up and tell them to be honest.

She regretted it now, as soon as she came back yesterday, she should beat them up directly, so that they can remember them long. If she wants to beat someone up now, she has to find an excuse.

"Hey, tell me, how long will this cotton-padded coat dry by the fire?" Qin He turned sideways, touched Qin Xi with his shoulder, and asked curiously.

"I don't know, I haven't tried it, but it's dangerous to dry cotton clothes by the fire. If you're not careful, the clothes will be gone." Qin Xi shrugged his shoulders and said.

"That's right, I hope they can keep an eye on it." Qin He smiled maliciously.

Anyway, he's an outsider, so it would be nice to see a fucking joke.

People can't help talking, after finally washing the clothes and wringing them dry, something went wrong when drying the clothes. Liu Qin didn't pay attention, and her cotton padded clothes fell on the ground.

The land at home is muddy. It hasn’t rained or snowed these days. The ground is dry and there is a lot of dust floating on it. When the wet clothes fall on the ground, they are covered with dust. The clean clothes are buried immediately. no more.

Liu Qin picked it up and looked at it, she couldn't get angry, and when she got angry, she threw the clothes in her hand out, and said angrily in a crying voice: "I don't want this broken clothes anymore. Whoever wants them will want them. Change them." Tomorrow I'll go to the department store to buy a new one."

Qin Shan silently picked up the clothes, took them out, soaked them in cold water, and then went into the room and asked the second child, Qin He, to go out and wring out the cotton clothes with him.

"It's not easy for your mother. She has been with me for so many years and suffered a lot. It's because I am useless and can't give my wife and children a good life."

Qin He froze for a moment, not understanding why his father said that suddenly.

"Don't hate her. She has such a temperament. She loves to chatter, but her heart is not bad. She has the same heart for you brothers and sisters."

At this moment, Qin He understood a little bit: "I know Dad, I never held grudges against her, she is my mother."

(End of this chapter)

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