Chapter 47
On the third day of the Lunar New Year, the Liu family's grandma and two aunts brought their eldest granddaughter and grandson to Qin's house, and the second uncle Qin Shu from his hometown of Qingou Village also brought his second aunt Jiang Yu and several children to the city.

The Qin family started to get busy early in the morning. They were reluctant to eat the Nian fish, and went to the vegetable market to queue up to buy the meat early in the morning. Liu Qin also took out rice and planned to eat sweet potato rice at noon today.

Whether it is a big child or a small child, it is a joy to have a good meal at home today.

Qin Xi, Qin Jiang, and Qin He were tasked with cleaning the tables, chairs, benches, doors and windows, and even the corners of the ground. This is Liu Qin's request. She wants to get back the face she lost yesterday. Try to make sure that the two sisters-in-law don't have any picky things to say.

The work of cutting meat and slaughtering fish was assigned to Qin Shan. Except for him, she was worried about other people doing this. Qin Xi and the others were young. As for her mother-in-law Li Chunhua, she was afraid that she would secretly hide meat for food. She had a criminal record for this matter. , have to guard against.

As for the rest of the people, those who prepare the side dishes prepare the side dishes, those who light the fire burn the fire, and the hot water must be kept ready at all times. The only thermos bottle in the house is filled with freshly boiled water and tea leaves in it early in the morning.

The one who came first was not the Liu family who were close, but the second uncle of the Qin family.

"Mother-in-law, elder brother and sister-in-law, we are here to wish you a happy new year!" Jiang Yu greeted the child as soon as he entered the door.

Jiang Yu's heroic temperament, set off by the timid, hunched man beside her is so hard to handle.

The two children who followed them were also very well-behaved, calling for someone as soon as they entered the door.

There is an early bus in Peach Blossom Town, which leaves at 06:30 and arrives at the county seat at about 08:30. It is now nine o'clock. It seems that they did not delay at all, and they rushed home as soon as they got off the bus.

Jiang Yu's dexterity set off Qin Shu's shrinking, and Li Chunhua didn't want to see this poor son anymore. She didn't see her several times a year. Now that she sees her, she doesn't know how to say hello, let alone care about her. What's the use of raising this son Woolen cloth!It's useless.

Liu Qin, Qin Shan, and Qin Shu's family sat together. Under the table was a hot coal stove, surrounded by a tablecloth, which not only warmed their hands, but also their legs.

Peanuts, melon seeds, and dried sweet potatoes were placed on the table, which were for entertaining guests. Except for Qin He and the others who grabbed a handful on the first day of the new year, no one touched the rest, and they were not allowed to touch them.

"Eat quickly, there is nothing good at home, just a few peanuts and melon seeds."

Liu Qin grabbed the peanuts and melon seeds on the plate while talking, and grabbed a handful for the two children and Jiang Yu each.

As for Qin Shu, it was Qin Shan who was in charge. Liu Qin was generous to her natal family and stingy to her in-laws.

"This little guy is really strong, and he will definitely be a strong boy in the future."

The sisters-in-law are not familiar with each other, so there is really nothing to talk about, they can only talk about the children, which is never wrong, just praise each other's children.

"I see that your twins are also very sensible, and they will help you with the work. Your six children are about to grow up, and you will enjoy the blessing soon!"

Jiang Yu is not familiar with her nephews and nieces. After all, she can’t see her twice a year, so she can only praise her from the perspective of how the children are getting older. She doesn’t know what the children are good at, and what they are doing now, so she simply doesn’t say anything. This, so as not to step on the thunder.

Seeing that the two women started chatting, Qin Shan handed Qin Shu a cigarette, which was much better than the dry tobacco he smoked at home. The two men each had a cigarette, and went outside to smoke, and chat about things in their hometown by the way.

Although he has already moved his household registration to the city, he still cares about his homeland!
The words "It's hard to change your hometown accent and it's hard to leave your homeland" are not just words.

Qin Shan also plans to return to his hometown for the elderly in the future!At that time, I will move my household registration back, build a house in my hometown, plant two pieces of land, raise a few chickens, and feed a dog. That's life!
As for Liu Qintong's disagreement with this matter, it is not within his scope of consideration. Now he is only thinking about this matter. If he wants to take action, he will have to wait at least 20 years.

"This is Qin Xi? I see that she has changed a lot. She is a big girl now. This child is up to you. She looks good."

"The same goes for Xiao Jiang. His eyes are much more lively, and he will be fine in the future." Jiang Yue comforted Liu Qin when she saw the two brothers and sisters coming in.

Of course, Liu Qin just doesn't appreciate it. These two disobedient sons came in again to embarrass her. She hates people talking about Qin Jiang's affairs with her the most. She always feels that those people have bad intentions. And she!

"Oh, yes"

The awkward atmosphere didn't last long, and Liu Qin's natal family came.

The first person to enter the door was Liu Qin's sister-in-law. She held the eldest grandson of the old Liu family in her arms, held her head high and her chest high, and walked in proudly.

Mother Liu is holding the seven-year-old granddaughter of the old Liu family, who also belongs to Liu Qin's sister-in-law's family. The little girl looks around as soon as she enters the door, her eyes rolling around, she is too lively, and she is not very honest when she looks at it.

Liu Qin's second sister-in-law came here alone. If it wasn't for the fact that sister-in-law Liu Qin has always been kind to their family, and she has a high degree of affection for this sister-in-law, she would not have come.

After all, both her and her husband's wages are not low, and the treatment is good. The conditions of the family are much better than that of this sister-in-law's family, and there is no shortage of such food.

"Mother, sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, you are here!" Liu Qin turned around and saw the person coming, and exclaimed in great surprise.

They couldn't come to the house twice a year, and every time they came, Liu Qin attached great importance to it, for fear that they might not be entertained well and not make them feel at home.

"Mother-in-law, you are here! Happy New Year!" Although Li Chunhua was complaining in her heart, the smile on her face was brighter than anyone else's.

They are both in their 60s and [-]s, and they understand the worldly things. Mother Liu also put on a smile and greeted her, holding hands, as if the two had been friends for many years and had such a good relationship.

"Mother-in-law, you look pretty good! Your body is very strong!"

"No way, they're all old." Li Chunhua said pretending to be modest.

But hearing this, I was still very happy.

"Not old, not old at all. With your current look, who would believe that you are over 50? Others will think you are just in your early forties." Mother Liu didn't even bat an eye when she spoke nonsense.

In the past year, she had heard her daughter say that the old woman was difficult, and she wished that the old woman would immediately fall in front of her so as not to cause trouble to her daughter's life.

"No, you are the one who really looks good."

Li Chunhua's praise was a bit embarrassing, this in-law, it doesn't look so annoying!

(End of this chapter)

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