Chapter 48 Education
Today's lunch meal is particularly willing to put oil, the fried cabbage is delicious, especially the big grass carp weighing four catties, fried delicious, with a lot of chopped peppers, this dish is spicy and salty, but It's especially delicious for dinner.

There is a whole table full of food, there are fish and meat, it is very rich, the seats on the table are limited, adults have seats, children mostly eat with bowls or standing or sitting, in short, there is no place for them on the table .

Originally, the atmosphere was quite harmonious. During the Chinese New Year, relatives gathered together and had a happy meal.

But after Qin Jiang picked up two extra chopsticks of fish, and was taunted by the so-called aunt who looked at him coldly and said yin and yang words, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward.

Liu's mother tugged at the corner of the elder daughter-in-law's clothes, signaling her to restrain herself, this is not at home, don't make it too ugly, and make her daughter-in-law difficult.

"Mom, why are you pulling me!"

"Didn't I say it right? Whose child has no sense of propriety, trying to pick up vegetables at the guest table. If my child is like this, she will interrupt her hands. She doesn't understand any rules. Others will laugh at our family." " Yu Li triumphantly hugged her eldest grandson in her arms, looking straight at her sister-in-law Liu Qin and said.

Liu Qin endured so much that she stopped talking with a smile.

She could bear it, but Qin Xi couldn't bear it. He was her brother who always thought of her and missed her, the best brother to her.

"Who's elders are so mean, they even have to talk about a child with a few chopsticks and dishes, and what education are they talking about? People who say these things don't take a piss to see what kind of guy they are."

Qin Xi's words stunned everyone present. Who would have thought that Qin Xi, who was a dull gourd in the past and couldn't fart with eight sticks, would have such sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

Liu Qin was the first to react. She slapped the table, pointed at Qin Xi angrily and said, "Third son, come here and apologize to your aunt. How can you say that about her! She is an elder."

Qin Xi is not used to her, this Auntie Lao Shizi has a lot of things when she comes here, at the beginning she said that the tea she poured was not good, it was bitter and astringent, and told her mother not to buy this kind of stuff for cheap, and then she said something about my girl Never eat this or that, it's not good for your health, don't give it to her, it's contemptuous!

Even though she said so, the gesture of her stuffing peanuts and melon seeds into her pockets was too skillful, with two pockets full of things, her mouth was still burying the things she stuffed into her pockets.

Who does she think she is!Is the boss her second child?
Come here to show off your prestige?

This is not about visiting relatives, but about making enemies, that is to say, Liu Qin is very patient with her. If it were Qin Xi, he would have thrown people and things out of the house long ago, what the hell!

"Yes, Mom, you know I'm talking about her!"

"I'm telling the truth, what is there to apologize for?"

Looking at Qin Xi's sincere eyes, Liu Qin became hoarse. Her sister-in-law is like this, snobbish, and people who are not as good as her family are watching from the crack of the door.

But what should she say?Since she was not married, this person has been such a virtuous person. It has been more than 20 years, can it still make sense?

If her bad habits could be changed, she would have done so long ago. Now she is in her 40s, and half of her body is almost buried in the ground. There is still a fart to change!
Liu Qin stopped talking, Yu Li stood up directly, slapped the table and cursed: "Is this how you talk to elders? Are you still educated? Liu Qin, you should take good care of this girl, she is so talkative." Yes, even I will bow down."

"Sure enough, those who haven't gone to school are different. They don't even know the most basic manners. They dare to talk back to their elders. I don't know who they learned from."

"Ah bah, it's none of your business whether I study or not. Why, you, a well-bred aunt, want to help my niece pay the tuition?" Qin Xi stretched out his hand, pretending to be waiting to receive the money.

"You have a good idea, it's none of my business whether you study or not, why come to me for money!" Yu Li was so angry at this shameless cheek, she was ashamed to ask her for money, what a stinker Shameless.

"Hey, you're swearing. It's not good to teach children badly. After all, you are a well-educated elder!"

"The two children in your arms are all watching! Be careful that they will follow your example and become uneducated in the end."

Qin Xi used the method of yin and yang to make Yu Li very angry.

"Liu Qin, don't care about your daughter, have you been dissatisfied with me for a long time, so you deliberately let her bully me?"

Injustice, too much injustice, Liu Qin can't argue now, feeling that she is not a human being inside and out, and all the efforts of so many years have been fed to the dogs.

But what else can she do, her old mother is still watching!
"Qin Xi, get out, why are you talking to your aunt!"

Seeing that Liu Qin patted the table again, with a serious expression on her face, as if she wanted to do it immediately and slap Qin Xi a few times, Yu Li thought she had Qin Xi in her hands, and a smug and proud smile appeared on her face, she knew that Well, this sister-in-law doesn't dare to offend her, so she still has to pamper her.

If Liu Qin knew that Yu Li misunderstood her humiliation as a way of flattering her, she would probably vomit blood out of anger.

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry, Qin Xi is still a child, you will scare her if you are so fierce." Jiang Yu stood up and advised.

These are all people with daughters, and she can't see this if they compare their hearts to each other.

Besides, this aunt of the Liu family is not a good thing at first glance. If she wants to say that Qin Xi is good, she should treat this kind of woman, otherwise, her tail will not be up to the sky, thinking that everyone is Her mother, everyone has to let her go.

"She is very courageous and has big ideas. I can't scare her!"

"Forget it, it's just a trivial matter. It's just a bickering. The matter is over and it's over. Why bring up these unpleasant things."

"Come on, eat, eat! Such a good meal, I will still be greedy if you don't want to! Eat quickly! I'm hungry." Jiang Yu worked hard to smooth things over.

Yu Li looked down and saw that the two brothers of the Qin family were working hard!The old lady Liu Qin was the same, like a starved ghost reincarnated, she quickly picked up the plate of fried meat and poured all the meat into her bowl.

Seeing this, Yu Li became a little anxious. She hasn't eaten much yet!If this quarrel continues, she will have to eat less meat!
"Hmph, my lord doesn't care about villains, Liu Qin! Teach your daughter how to behave. Our family is not a family with no rules. People like this are not qualified to enter my house."

She meant that Liu Qin was not allowed to take Qin Xi back to Liu's house. She didn't want to see her in Liu's house because this little girl didn't show her face today.

(End of this chapter)

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