Chapter 49 Relatives
"Yes, yes, I will not take her back."

The way Liu Qin nodded and bowed to the so-called eldest aunt, except for the Liu family, no one else would hurt their eyes.

After Jiang Yu finished his meal and walked out of Qin's house with the boys and children, he began to chatter with Qin Shu.

"What do you think about this sister-in-law? Why is she nodding and bowing to the Liu family? I don't look good when I see my mother-in-law and elder brother."

Qin Shu waved his hands and walked crookedly: "How can it be, don't you think her Liu family is the best in the world!"

"Isn't the sister-in-law of the Liu family a good thing, isn't Liu Qin still holding her stinky feet!"

"My brother and my mother can't hold her, so why don't we let her stay at home!"

"Tsk, if there is such a woman, some will suffer!"

Fortunately, he used to be envious of his elder brother, holding an iron rice bowl in the city, but now he is not so envious. If nothing else, the old lady at home is enough for him. A powerful daughter-in-law, although he is in the country, but the daughter-in-law is capable and loves him, and the children are filial, isn't this better than him?
As soon as the Qin family left, the Liu family also showed signs of wanting to leave. Liu Qin hurried back to the house to pack things for them, which was to return the gift.

Liu's family brought ten eggs, half a catty of dried fish, and Liu Qin planned to return the eggs. Her sister-in-law's family had many children, and there were two young ones, so the eggs couldn't be broken.

In addition, she planned to share half of the local products brought by Qin Shu and his wife, such as dried mushrooms, dried persimmons and chestnuts, for them to take away.

Li Chunhua walked in, and when she saw that Liu Qin had moved something brought by her second son and daughter-in-law, she immediately became furious.

"Are you stupid! The Liu family just took ten broken eggs and a small bag of worthless dried fish. Those things can't even be worth what they ate at noon today. You give them back so many things, you are confused Yet?"

Although her mother-in-law Li Chunhua said these words in a very low voice, Liu Qin was still very nervous, for fear that people outside would hear her and alienate her.

"Mom, keep your voice down." Liu Qin said cautiously with her index finger between her lips.

"Don't worry about it, they are willing to come because they have a heart, and this little thing is nothing to them."

Li Chunhua was going to be so pissed off by this silly woman: "Whatever comes is a heartfelt wish. Brother Dashan and the others have come and brought you so many local specialties. You can order broken peanuts and send them away. Then the Liu family will take such a few." Things come, you actually want to give them back so many things, it's all in the armpit."

"Since these things are nothing to them, there is no need to give them back. Our family has many children and is poor. Isn't it good for our children to eat these things?"

"Mom, can you leave this alone, can it be the same?"

That's right, she is partial, so what does Qin Shan's younger brother have to do with her!A stranger who can't meet twice a year, how can she have her natal relatives!
"What's the difference?" Li Chunhua asked resolutely.

If Liu Qin didn't say one, two, three, four today, she wouldn't be able to take away what her son brought her.

"That's my natal family. Without my dad's help, would Qin Shan's job be settled? Based on this alone, no matter how many things are given, it should be done."

Hearing this, Mimi walked to the door of the room. On the surface, she was looking at the clock hanging on the wall, but in fact she was eavesdropping. Yu Li nodded in satisfaction. Yes, I know that towards my natal family, indeed, if it weren't for their family's help, the Qin family would still be growing sweet potatoes in the field now!How can there be such a good time.

Liu Qin's second sister-in-law, Chen Lin, looked at Yu Li's insignificant appearance, and turned her head away. She hurt her eyes. She is from grandma's generation. Can you be a little more formal and set a good example for your children and grandchildren?

As for Liu's mother, she just pretended she didn't see her, and she just concentrated on hugging her great-grandson in her arms. Delay her longevity.

"At the beginning, my family bought the job with hundreds of dollars, and it was a temporary worker. Later, it was thanks to my Dashan's hard work that I was able to become a full-time worker. According to you, my Dashan's success depends entirely on your mother's family!"

Looking at Liu Qin's natural appearance, Li Chunhua knew that she couldn't make sense with this silly daughter-in-law. She obviously got it by her own struggle, and she was brainwashed by someone to give it to her Liu family.

"Forget it, you can take whatever you like, but you are not allowed to touch Qin Shu's things, they are used by him to honor my old lady."

The daughter-in-law here is unclear, and the son is unreliable, so she still has to rely on herself. Li Chunhua has long since stopped expecting them to provide for her in the old age. According to Liu Qin's tossing method, when the children grow up and marry a few boys, he The two of them have a lot of appointments, how can they take care of her old woman.

If you want to live a decent life in old age, you must hold on to what you can grasp. At that time, it is better to ask for others than yourself.

As soon as Li Chunhua opened the door with a big bag of things, she saw Yu Li standing not far away and eavesdropping on the corner of the wall.

When the people left, Yu Li pushed open the door of Liu Qin's room and walked in without any scruples.

Hearing the movement, Liu Qin turned her head to see that it was Yu Li, who raised her heart after letting go.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, but I just saw your mother-in-law go out with a big bag of things, so I want to remind you so that you won't be kept in the dark." When Yu Li said these words, her expression was very perfunctory.

She didn't even have to look at Liu Qin, her eyes were staring at the layout of the room, Liu Qin was annoyed, what did this person mean, he ran into her room without asking, and, What are her thief eyes staring at?

"Oh, I see! It's nothing, let's go out! Mom, she's still waiting outside!" Liu Qin picked up the net bag at her feet, took Yu Li's hand, and walked out.

Yu Li's sizing gesture gave her a feeling that her privacy had been violated. All in all, it was very uncomfortable, and she wished she could just throw him out.

"Okay, okay, I'll go by myself, don't pull me, the door of your house is so small, how can the two of you get along!" Yu Li broke away from Liu Qin's hand and went out by herself.

She said that the second sister-in-law was stingy, so she went into her room to have a look, and she was pushed out directly, and she was fine!It doesn't work even if you look at it!

Liu Qin didn't have any good things left in her hands, and in the end she only returned ten eggs to Liu's mother. Just because of this, Yu Li murmured as soon as she walked out of Qin's house, saying that she was stingy and stingy, and her voice was very loud. , I don't give any face.

(End of this chapter)

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