Chapter 50 On the bus
On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the whole family is going back to their hometown, which is Qingou Village. This time, there are quite a few of them, and the nine people are walking on the road.

They had to go to the station to buy tickets first. The 09:30 bus, the family arrived at the station before nine o'clock. After buying tickets from the conductor, they went up and sat down.

It wasn't too early for them to come, there were also those who were waiting here earlier, the seats in the car were already full, and there were not many seats left.

Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, and everyone is leaving relatives, even if they are from the city, but everyone has a hometown, and there will always be a few relatives in the countryside, so the car is really crowded.

Liu Qin, Qin Shan, and Li Chunhua each took a small one, and asked the children to sit on their laps, exactly three places.

Qin Xi and the others are not good at arguing with adults, so the three walked to the front silently. Behind the driver's seat was a large iron box about [-] to [-] centimeters long and [-] centimeters wide. The three of them all sat on the iron box. , next to each other, covering the iron box.

Although it was cold under the buttocks, it would be nice to have a seat, no one would dislike it, and sat firmly in this humble seat.

Liu Qin took out the wallet, counted the remaining money in it, and lamented that the money was not spent.

She pays for the fare, one person is five cents for a ticket, nine people are forty-five cents, and this is only the fare for the trip, plus the return trip, it is ninety cents, which is really expensive. More than her daily salary.

"Keep your wallet away, there are many people in this car, it's not safe."

Li Chunhua meant to remind her kindly, but in Liu Qin's ears, it was her mother-in-law who was pointing at her, deliberately against her, no matter what she did, she had to say a few words about her, otherwise she would feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, I get it."

Li Chunhua saw her casually put the wallet in the outer pocket, and felt even more worried: "Why don't you change seats with Dashan! Sit in the middle seat, it will be safe."

"This car is not very safe. I was stolen once before. Since then, I dare not leave my money outside."

Each pair of her trousers has a pocket sewn with needles and threads, and she can really feel at ease by putting money in the trouser pocket and keeping it close to her body.

"No." Liu Qin replied stiffly.

At this time, what she thought in her heart was that this man is really annoying.

"Let's change it! It's not safe outside."

Seeing that Li Chunhua was still relentlessly persuading her, Liu Qin felt her temples not far from the end of her eyes twitch.

"I've already said that I won't change it. Do you understand people's words? If you don't change it, don't change it. Leave me alone."

Li Chunhua, who was startled, was stunned by Liu Qin's yelling, but when she realized it, her head was about to explode. She was kindly reminding her that she had no other meaning. What does Liu Qin mean by this? ?
But this is a public place, if you quarrel with her on the bus, what should you do if someone you know sees it, then Taohua Town and Qingou Village will definitely be full of rumors, so I can only bear with it.

Sitting between the two women, Qin Shan felt heavy pressure. If he had a choice, he would sit with the boss and the others, as long as he was not allowed to settle the case for the two women.

"Wife, why don't you leave your wallet with me first, and I'll give it to you when you get off the bus." Qin Shan approached Liu Qin, and cautiously made a suggestion.

"No, no, no, I said no, did you mother and son hear what I said clearly?"

"If you keep talking too much, I won't go to Qingou Village, you mother and son can go on your own!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Qin closed her eyes, crossed her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes and fell asleep, and she put on a look of refusing to communicate.

Because of Li Chunhua and Qin Shan's words, her rebellious heart came out. The pocket closer to the inner side was obviously safer, but she didn't move the wallet in the outer pocket of her clothes, so she left the wallet there, and the words had already been spoken. Well, if I change the pocket for my wallet now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face.

On the other side, Qin Jiang was sitting in the car with an excited face, and his hands kept moving, either touching the car window or the iron box sitting under his buttocks, his hands were not too cold.

"Sister, this car is really big. It drives very fast. It whizzes and passes by in no time."

"I remember that if you walk home, you have to go from morning to afternoon, but if you take a car, you will arrive in two hours, which is fast."

If you walk, you can take shortcuts in some places, but it will take nearly ten hours to walk from the county town to Qingou Village. If you rest on the road and delay for a while, it will be even slower.

"Well, it's very fast by car." Qin Xi looked at the window next to him and replied.

There were too many people in the car, and the smell was very mixed. She was thinking about whether to open the window to get rid of the smell. She didn't like the smell in this bus at all.

"When you go back to the village, I'll take you to catch fish. There are rabbits on the mountain, but unfortunately they run too fast and can't catch up at all. They don't like to go out in winter. It's really hard to meet them."

It's a pity that there is no heavy snow this year, otherwise he could take his sister to have a snowball fight.

"Yeah, let's go together when the time comes." Qin Xi finally decided to open a small opening for the window, just the window next to her, and open a small opening for them to blow on themselves.

At that time, if someone feels cold and asks her to close the window, she will close the window.

"Remember to call me when the time comes, it's too boring to stay at home." Qin He spoke at this time.

Because of his cold and quiet personality, he didn't have much interaction with the villagers, let alone a good companion.

While waiting for the car to start, several waves of people came up one after another. The originally empty aisle was suddenly crowded with standing people. In order to stand more comfortably, some people began to push. They wanted to To look at the position to stand there, it is best to lean on the back and hold something to stabilize the body.

When the time came to 09:30, more than 40 passengers had already been stuffed into this very old-looking bus.

In the last few minutes before the departure, an old lady in her 60s with a grandson stared at the seat in front of Liu Qin, who was seated by a young girl in her teens. The young man had a thin skin and said no. Sure to get a spot.

It's a pity that the father next to him is not easy to fool. The kindness of a good person who gives up his seat can't impress him at all.

Just kidding, this is a two-hour drive. If I really gave up my seat because of a momentary soft-heartedness, then I will suffer in the next two hours.

If you really don't want to stand, you can come here earlier and wait!
Not to mention, although the old woman had a lot of wrinkles on her face, she could tell from the black hair on her head how healthy she was. Maybe, his daughter was not as strong as that old woman!
(End of this chapter)

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