Chapter 51 The Bus

As soon as the car started to drive, Qin Xi's heart suddenly lifted, shaking every three seconds, tilting every five seconds, and twisting every two minutes on average. The road conditions at this time were worrying!
This is the case for everyone who has a place to sit, let alone those who are standing. She can only hold on to the things in her hands desperately to prevent herself from being thrown out of her original position.

It was okay when driving in the county town, the road was flat, and the bus drove fairly smoothly, but once out of the county town and on the muddy road in the fields, the bus was bouncing, jumping and twisting, swaying from side to side, and the people in the bus It's about to shake it apart.

Half an hour later, someone in the rear compartment couldn't bear it, and vomited it out. The pungent and smoky smell permeated the compartment, especially the people around, who smelled this smell, and it was a nausea.

Liu Qin was one of the most affected people, because that person vomited right next to her, and some food residue splashed on her trousers and shoes, which made her disgusted for a while, but she looked at the other person's thick body , Didn't dare to say anything ugly.

The driver was concentrating on driving at the front and didn't have time to talk to the people behind. Besides, he wasn't the one cleaning the compartment, so just spit it out!
With the first person who vomited, the second one came soon. It was Li Chunhua. No matter how many times she had ridden in this car, she was still not used to it. If you ask her, this iron car is not as comfortable as an ox cart. Woolen cloth!
How nice it is to ride an ox cart!The scenery is beautiful and it is close to the ground. If something goes wrong, jumping off the car is no big deal. It gives people a sense of security. More importantly, the air is fresh and natural, without the pungent smell.

It's a pity that she is not staying in the country now, and there is no place to ride the ox cart in the village.

Because she was sitting right next to the window, she wouldn't vomit in the car, how bad it would be!
She opened the window of the car, put Qin Qing down, turned her body sideways, poked half of her head out, and thought about something that would make her feel sick. After a while, there was a movement. The things I ate this morning were tons and tons Tons of spat out.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qin wanted to vomit even more, so she could only tighten Qin Shan's hand, complaining to her about Li Chunhua, trying to divert her attention.

"I said that I shouldn't eat too much in the morning, or I would feel uncomfortable in the car, but she wouldn't listen. It happens every time. It's not us who are sitting next to her who suffer."

If there were other seats available, she would definitely not choose to sit with her mother-in-law Li Chunhua. Just hearing her retch, she felt goosebumps all over her body and felt uncomfortable.

"Forget it, mom, she's old and has a bad stomach, so she can't stand the taste, it's inevitable." Qin Shan grabbed his wife's cold hand and comforted him.

It's not that he hasn't persuaded him, but the old man is stubborn, saying that if he doesn't eat enough and is hungry, even if he wants to vomit, there must be something in his stomach to vomit, so that he won't vomit acid water all the time.

When Li Chunhua got better, Qin Qing sat back on her lap. The gap between the seats on the bus was not too big, and those with a slightly stronger body would feel that their legs were not easy to place, and their knees were against the front seat. Up, very uncomfortable.

When Qin Qing was standing, he felt this way. With his hands on the seat, it was just two words, uncomfortable.

Li Chunhua, who just vomited, felt uncomfortable at first. Qin Qing, a 12-year-old boy, sat on her lap. After a while, her legs and feet felt numb and uncomfortable.

"Qingqing, don't sit on my lap, it's numb, just stand up!"

Qin Qing reluctantly stood up from Li Chunhua's lap. At this time, the tire on the left side of the car drove into a mud pit seven or eight centimeters deep, and the body of the bus suddenly tipped over. Heck, his whole face hit the dusty window, and his knees also knelt towards the floor, but was stopped by Li Chunhua's legs.

"Qingqing, how are you? Are you okay?" Li Chunhua couldn't take care of herself, so naturally she didn't hold her back just now.

"Wow..." Qin Qing felt that his nose was hurting, his head was hurting, and everything was hurting.

"It's so noisy, don't howl for me here."

Liu Qin's cold reprimand successfully silenced her voice, and Li Chunhua also heaved a sigh of relief. The power of the magic sound piercing the ear is too great, she is too old to stand it!

"Woooo." After being yelled at, Qin Qing didn't dare to cry loudly, only dared to sob softly.

With her mother's temperament, if she is really disobedient and continues to howl to annoy her, maybe in the next second, a slap will come over.

"Qingqing, don't cry, when we get to Peach Blossom Town, grandma will buy you the red string you want most."

Hearing this, Qin Qing stopped crying immediately, and looked at her milk with hazy eyes: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

She has been begging for her milk for several days, but she just refused to buy it for her, and now she finally let go. At this moment, the joy in her heart is greater than the sadness.

Originally, she still had the New Year's money that she received during the Chinese New Year, but last night, her mother snatched up all the money and collected it all. She regretted it!

Knowing that she would be violently confiscated, she and the twins went to the supply and marketing agency to spend the lucky money red envelopes she received on the first day of the new year. At least she could buy a few candies. Now the candies are gone, and the money is gone.

"I won't lie to you, I will never lie to you. When I get off the car, my grandma will take you to buy it." Li Chunhua replied with a distressed face. What she loves most is money, and what she is reluctant to give up is also money.

The supply and marketing cooperative in the city costs five cents for a red hair rope, and I don’t know that the supply and marketing society in the town will not sell it cheaper, but when I think of other things in the supply and marketing cooperative, the price is the same as that in the city, and I immediately It dispelled this unrealistic idea.

If Qin Qing hadn't kowtowed her head, and this matter had something to do with her directly or indirectly, she wouldn't be willing to spend the money. Hair ropes are things that can't be eaten or worn, as long as you have them, why buy so much!Not real at all.

Liu Qin looked at the scene of Zu Ci and Sun Xiao next to him, sneered, and patted the ass of the sixth Qin Hai sitting on his lap with the hand hidden in the dark, and when he looked over, gave him a slap Wink.

The tacit understanding cultivated since he was a child made Qin Hai quickly understand the meaning of his mother. In addition, he was more or less jealous of his grandma's eccentricity.

"Grandma, I want to eat candy and play firecrackers, you buy it for me."

Hearing this, Qin Hu, who was a clever ghost, and the fifth brother who was behind the brother, also said, "Grandma, I want it too."

When Li Chunhua heard this, her first reaction was to be unhappy: "Buy, buy, buy, what a fart, I don't have money!"

"Grandma, you are biased. You only buy it for Qin Qing, not for us."

"Yes, eccentric."

Li Chunhua didn't like them: "I'm partial, what's wrong? Isn't Liu Qin partial to you too?"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and meditated, refusing to communicate with them.

Her money is all penny by penny, she has worked so hard to save it, how could she be willing to spend it for them.

(End of this chapter)

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