Chapter 503 Choice
Lu Jing threw Chen Zhi away, half ran, half walked, and left quickly. She didn't want to show her vulnerability in front of these irrelevant people, nor did she want to hysterically scold Chen Zhi like a crazy woman, because of these None of it makes sense.

A man who has changed his heart is like smelly and spoiled braised pork. It makes people feel unappetizing when they see it, and they can no longer arouse any appetite.

When Qin Xi saw Lu Jing leaving, she naturally followed him closely.

When Mother Chen saw that Lu Jing had left like this, she was not hysterical or crazy to try to keep her son, but she felt uncomfortable in her heart.

She originally thought that her son was a sweetheart, and Lu Jing must love her son to death and couldn't live without him. But now she saw that this was purely her imagination.

She liked it when Lu Jing and Chen Zhi came to her home as guests. After all, the girl was a university teacher. In her eyes, this job was extremely respectable. At that time, this person was her ideal daughter-in-law.

However, her eldest daughter came to the house immediately and told her that this woman named Lu Jing and her eldest granddaughter's man, her grandson-in-law Xiao Hua, had been involved for some unknown reason, and Lu Jing was still facing that man. The stalker named Xiao Hua loves him to death.

This incident quickly spread to the ears of the Chen family. In their opinion, this Lu Jing was not clean. Even if her body was clean, her heart was not clean either.

Later, the day after Lu Jing left, her eldest daughter brought her sister-in-law home again, who wanted to introduce her to Chen Zhi, because they had known about Lu Jing's "scandalous things" before, and everyone supported this matter.

In the eyes of the Chen family, Chen Zhi is the kind of good man who is worthy of anyone and should not be worthy of such a flawed woman. This is wronging him.

It is because of his pickiness that Chen Zhi is still a bachelor in his late twenties, but in the eyes of the Chen family, he is a golden bachelor, the kind that countless young girls want to marry him.

Over the years, Chen Zhi has had two or three girlfriends, but they all broke up due to various reasons.

Even though he doesn't understand clearly, he is still extremely picky about the other party, and they clearly play double standards.

"Xiao Zhi, what should we do now?" Mother Chen looked at Lu Jing's leaving figure and asked.

She was still very reluctant to let go of Lu Jing. Of course, it was not that she was reluctant to let go of that person, but that she was reluctant to let go of her own aura and the help her family could give Chen Zhi in his work.

There is a university teacher as my daughter-in-law. She looks very rich when she walks out, and she has such a straight waist that she looks straight.

"I don't know, let her go!" Chen Zhi took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and said with a cold expression.

But his trembling hands and the cigarette he failed to light once or twice revealed his true inner thoughts.

The two separated with a very tacit understanding, without saying goodbye or breaking up. Lu Jing never went to her brother's work again. Maybe they met by chance while walking on the road, but they both chose to ignore it silently and left. After a moment, he subconsciously looked back at the other person's back.

Some people, once missed, are gone forever. After Lu Jing was depressed for a while, she returned to her previous state. The word "Chen Zhi" also became her forbidden zone. She didn't say, don't ask, or didn't think about it. When it was over, she let him go. But she couldn't hold it against herself.

She doesn't need to explain, let alone forgive the other person. When Chen Zhi decided to betray her, the ending of the two people was destined to reunite. That was a novel or a fairy tale, not reality.

In the end, Chen Zhi didn't get together with that girl, and he hung out for two more years. Finally, he couldn't stand the fucking pressure, so he found a young blind date, got married, married a wife and had children, repeating the same process as his two brothers. life, this is also a portrayal of most people's lives at this time.

Lu Jing was also urged to get married by her parents because of her age, but her attitude was much more determined. She would not give in and get married for the sake of getting married. That was not getting married, but going to jail. She would create a cage for herself and imprison herself for the rest of her life. , some people can never come out in their lifetime.

She didn't want to live such a life and chose to resist. At the beginning, her parents, brothers, relatives and friends naturally began to pursue her in all directions. After being forced behind, she didn't even dare to go back home, and she didn't even celebrate the New Year. She was unwilling to go back to reunite with her relatives. Every time she faced brainwashing persuasion from her relatives, she felt exhausted and tired.

But fortunately, when she was thirty years old, she met someone who was very compatible with her physically and mentally, and it only took half a year from falling in love to getting married.

I wasn't willing before, not because I didn't want to, but because the right person didn't appear.

Compared with her, Qin Xi was completely out of touch. After all, Lu Jing was willing to get married and was willing to take practical actions for it, while Qin Xi had no idea of ​​getting married at all.

Not only her, Qin Jiang is also like this. I don’t know why. He is obviously not a bad person, not ugly, has a good job, and is a nice person, but he just doesn’t have any compatibility with the opposite sex. Anyway, Qin Xi has never seen him with him. The girl came closer.

Qin Xi asked this question out of curiosity, but was dismissed casually in the end. Besides, the lice on his head were still showing off! How dare she stand on the commanding heights and point fingers at others.

Tang Ying was Qin Xi's good friend. Seeing Qin Jiang and Qin Xi's depraved appearance, she really felt that it was not possible. She had tried to persuade him countless times and almost dried up her words, but it was of no use at all.

When the country developed a little better, the two of them went too far. During the holidays, they traveled all over the country, extremely cool.

Tang Ying thinks this is not okay! If neither of them gets married, what will they do when they get old?
She and He Yuan had already given birth to three children, two daughters and one son. They originally wanted to have another child, trying to get enough of them, but the country suddenly issued a policy to implement family planning. She must have a child. She is a public official, and He Yuan is also a public official. Naturally, it is impossible for her to be stubborn with the people above her.

If they don't have a son, they might try their best to continue the family line and do some sneaky things in the countryside. But they already have a son and a daughter, so there is really no need to take risks, so they got sterilized during the physical examination at the work unit. Of course , Tang Ying was the one who performed the ligation.

Obviously she and He Yuan had the same starting point, but in recent years, most of her energy has been focused on her family, and her career development is naturally not as good as that of He Yuan.

Ten years later, He Yuan took the position of office director and was very successful in his career, but she became a marginalized person sitting on the bench in the unit.

If she could do it over again, I wonder if she would regret her original choice.

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