Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 504 Final Chapter

Chapter 504 Final Chapter
Qin Xi and Qin Jiang never got married or had children in their lives. When they were young, they traveled around. When they were almost forty, they quit their jobs and started a business.

At this time, real estate had just begun to take off, the stock market was promising, and industrial factories would not suffer losses. At this time, the demand of the Chinese people was far greater than the supply. In this golden 1990s, the business of the two was booming. ,impressive.

At the beginning, the two of them toiled in the stock market and earned some money, so they went directly to open coastal cities to set up factories. Starting from the simplest clothing industry, in just a few years, they expanded several times and became one of the best in the area. clothing processing enterprises.

Later, the two of them did not stick to the same industry and separated. They founded companies respectively, one for dry food and the other for real estate development. Because there were no messy relationships and family entanglements, the two of them succeeded in their careers.

When I was young, I ate everything I wanted to eat and went to play everything I wanted to do. Now that I have really started my career, one is called a desperate person, one is called a desperate sanniang in the industry, and the other is called a desperate sanniang. The desperate Saburos are ruthless people who regard the company as their home.

There were no encumbrances around them, and the quality of their products was guaranteed. They soon became the benchmark in the industry. They also cooperated with the government and their social status improved rapidly.

Of course, this is related to the fact that the brother and sister often donate money and materials to the orphanage in their own name. No matter where there is a disaster in the country, the two people's donations are never absent, and the amount is huge. This alone is enough for them. National favorability.

Not to mention, their factory has housed countless veterans, and there is even a factory that specifically recruits disabled people, giving them a job to support themselves, which is well-known in the industry.

The two of them are not short of money and have a clear conscience, which has become their code of conduct.

Both brothers and sisters have become a wealthy generation, and they naturally invest generously in their hometown. They first built roads and then set up factories. This made the two brothers and sisters famous in the local area. They are said to have a thumbs up when they are mentioned. Because they provide many jobs for the local area.

After Qinhu Qinhai graduated from technical secondary school, he was originally assigned to an employer and married a wife. Later, he saw that Qinjiang and Qinxi's business was booming, and the treatment at their employer was incomparable, so he immediately changed jobs.

Relatives who were slightly named in the family were all asked to find their brothers, especially relatives in their hometown.

At this time, it is really difficult for relatives in the countryside to make some money. The fields really can’t produce anything. Even because Qingou Village is located in a remote location and has poor soil, many people don’t even have enough food and clothing at home. Disaster.

To them, being able to work in a factory and get a salary is like reaching the sky in one step.

Qin Jiang and Qin Xi didn't have any objections to this. It didn't matter who they recruited. Although they were relatives, there was no preferential treatment in terms of treatment. They were all treated equally, let alone using this to bully others.

If you really do this, you will just pack up and leave, there is no personal relationship to talk about.

The workers in Qinxi Factory are treated very well. If people's hearts are not enough, she will not be merciful. This is her principle of doing things.

Qin Hu and Qin Hai had worked under Qin Xi for less than two years when they were fired for abusing their status and accepting bribes.

For this reason, even if Liu Qin was seriously ill, she would curse the two brothers Qin Jiang and Qin Xi before she died. She has been going crazy for a long time. Everyone knows that the future of her children is a big boss outside. Even if their county leaders meet, they will greet each other with smiles and courtesy, but her life is not much different from before. The difference is that the retirement life of a rich lady has nothing to do with her.

The seemingly appreciative and mocking gazes of the people around her almost drove her crazy, as if everyone was laughing at her for her ignorance.

What was originally a common partiality as a mother has become a sin she is burdened with that cannot be washed away because of Qin Jiang and Qin Xi's excellence. She has long been fed up with this kind of life.

Although Qin Jiang and Qin Xi had plenty of pension money for her, although she lived a leisure life that other old ladies could only dream of once she retired, and although she did not suffer from any serious illness, Liu Qin still died in depression at the age of sixty-four. .

As for Qinshan, he suffered a lot when he was young. When he got older, ailments came to his doorstep. His life in his later years was not very comfortable. He had to go to the hospital several times a year, and sometimes stayed for more than ten days at a time. There are taboos, you can’t eat this or eat that, and living is not as enjoyable as others imagine.

Of course, he lived to be sixty-nine, and his children had originally agreed to give him a big party when he turned seventy. Who knew that there were still two months left before his seventieth birthday, and the old man didn't survive it. Just left.

When Qin Qing was young, she ran out to see the world, but she didn't want to come back later. Unfortunately, she couldn't keep the money. Every time she got her salary, she spent it soon. When she got older, the man following her ran away. After she was fired because she was in a trance and made mistakes at work, she returned to the small county town she had tried so hard to escape from.

Both sons were unwilling to recognize her, but later they learned that Qin Qing's family had two wealthy siblings, so they were willing to walk around with her during the holidays.

In comparison, the lives of Qin He and Liu Mei are much more comfortable and comfortable. They have gone through a lot, and now they both have jobs and can provide a good living environment for their two children through their own efforts. , already very satisfied.

It's not that they are greedy for Qinjiang and Qinxi's vast wealth, but the lessons they learned when they were young tell them not to play any evil tricks with these two people. If they are given, they will take it, and if they don't give it, they won't force it, because their safety Instead, they got a windfall.

When Qin Jiang and Qin Xi got older, the property in their hands attracted the covetousness of their brothers and nephews, especially Qin Hu and Qin Hai. The two brothers almost threw the abacus beads off Qin Jiang and Qin Xi's face. The result, of course, was no result.

The two of them had no intention of giving the things to a certain junior who was well behaved and valued by them, so they donated them. Although many people whispered behind their backs, calling them fools, only they knew whether they were fools or not. .

Especially Qin Xi, she has traveled through time, so she has some faith in the merits of cause and effect. Life has been rushed for decades. To be honest, she really has not lived enough. Everyone hopes that they will have a next life.

Sometimes she also wonders, if she had done more good deeds while she was still alive, would the start of her next life be better?

Thinking of what he had learned since retiring to prepare for his next life, Qin Xi closed his eyes peacefully before he died.

Although I know the ending is a bit sloppy, I really tried my best and I can’t continue writing, so let’s leave it at that!
I would like to say sorry to the readers who have always encouraged me, and at the same time, I would like to thank you for your companionship and support along the way. Sometimes, your simple comment is the motivation for the author to persevere. Thank you.

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