Chapter 60 Silly Woman

"Mom, stop being funny here, didn't you just lose a few dollars? As for?"

Liu Qin also restrained her smile, she had given her enough steps, I hope the old woman can't see the situation clearly, otherwise she will get angry.

"Didn't you just lose a few dollars?" Li Chunhua said at the top of his voice.

"Listen to what you said, is this human language?"

For the sake of money, she also fought hard, and racked her brains to come up with such provocative words that sounded like a cultural person.

"A few dollars, do you know that our family has to paste tens of thousands of firewood boxes in exchange for this few dollars?"

"How much do you earn a month?"

She just can't understand Liu Qin's haughty look, as if she is so rich, as if she doesn't care about these few dollars, her behavior seems to be that she is alone , I love to pick things up.

The family is so poor that they can't get rid of the pot, so she is still arrogant. Can arrogance be eaten?

She felt that Liu Qin didn't manage the family well. The couple's salary added up to more than 40 yuan, but they lived like this. Just barely alive.

If it were her, the situation would definitely be different. After all, she was the woman who brought up two children alone. Although the youngest second child was 12 years old when she was a man, she also worked very hard to raise the two children. I have grown up!

She also married each of them a daughter-in-law, and gave birth to several children. Her children and grandchildren are full of children and grandchildren. Her mission has been completed. Even if she goes there in the future, it can be regarded as an explanation to the ancestors of the old Qin family.

The affairs of the grandchildren are the responsibility of the son and daughter-in-law.

"Does it matter to you how much I can earn? I earn the money, and I can do whatever I like. Do you control me?"

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are too familiar, and Liu Qin knows how to speak and pokes her mother-in-law's lungs best.

"You can spend the money you earn as you want. I have no problem with that, but you can waste the hard-earned money my son earns to subsidize your natal family. That's not okay."

Mrs. Ma in the village, her son works at the post office in the town, delivering letters to people, and she holds the monthly salary of 18 yuan. She is so majestic!She said nothing at home, unlike her, she was tightly controlled by her daughter-in-law, and she would feel ashamed if she said it out.

"Qin Shan is my husband. As a wife, it's only natural for me to take his salary, and I can't fault it."

"Also, I didn't subsidize my mother's family. The things I took in the past are all filial piety that should be given to a man and a child."

"You always tell outsiders and the children at home that I subsidize your natal family. What have I subsidized?" Liu Qin said emotionally.

"There are nine people in our family, and only Qin Shan and I's salary is enough. We don't even have 50 yuan a month. Every month, we need to spend at least half of our salary for food and drink. Sometimes it's not enough. You have to buy high-priced food from others, because you don’t have an urban hukou, so you don’t have food supplied.”

"The firewood, rice, oil and salt at home, what you wear on your body, what you step on, which one is not bought by me?"

"There is also the school expenses of Qin Qing and the fifth and sixth child. The three of them have to spend at least 40 yuan a year. Isn't this all money?"

Listing these items, Liu Qin really doesn't have much disposable money left. She was able to save more than 200 yuan because she was picky on herself and was reluctant to spend money on herself.

More than ten years ago, the clothes bought when she got married were worn for ten years, new for three years, old for three years, and mended for three years. She hasn't bought new clothes in eight or nine years. Which clothes in her closet, Which pair of pants has not been patched.

When she was at work, she would eat at the canteen of the textile factory at noon every day. Every time she ordered dishes such as corn bread with potatoes or Chinese cabbage, they were very cheap, and she could eat six or seven cents for three cents.

In the textile factory, who doesn't know that her family is in trouble!
Besides, she felt that there was nothing wrong with being filial to her mother. Her natal family contributed to Qin Shan's work, and her natal family also took care of her work. She was poor and poor when she married Qin Shan, and now the house the family lives in is still hers. I borrowed 200 yuan from my natal family to pay for it, otherwise the whole family would not even have a nest.

It took the couple nearly eight years to pay back the 200 yuan, and her natal family did not ask her for even a penny of interest.

Just looking at these, I know that the relatives of the natal family are much better than those of the in-laws. At least when she is in trouble, the natal family can help her. Those people in the in-laws, what can they do?What will you do!

Although her mother-in-law Li Chunhua also took out 200 yuan, she felt that she didn't owe her anything anymore, because she had raised her for more than ten years. She knew exactly what her mother-in-law did at home these years, but she was too lazy to argue with her. I also hope that she can accept it as soon as she sees it, and don't challenge her bottom line.

"Yes, the family has a lot of expenses, but more than 40 yuan a month, 500 yuan a year, where did you spend it?" Li Chunhua asked rhetorically.

"Since you can't save money, you can try it with me. It's okay!"

Before Liu Qin could refuse this time, Qin Shan refused his wife first: "Mom, stop making trouble, Liu Qin has always managed the family's money well, why are you interfering!"

"I'll help her!" Li Chunhua replied as it should. Thick skin is actually a talent.

"Now your daughter-in-law can't save any money, and when your sons are going to marry their daughters-in-law in the future, what do you use to marry them?"

"As a parent, you have to leave something for your children. When they first get married, help them!"

Qin Shan couldn't understand that at the beginning, he and Liu Qin didn't have anything, bought a job, and emptied his mother's life savings, not to mention, his wife even took out the private money saved after work to build a house and borrow money. Don't you have a good life now?

He believes that as long as the young couple work together, they will always have a good life.

Now that the family has a house and the foreign debts have been paid off, the daughter-in-law also said that the family has more than 200 yuan in savings, and everything is slowly getting better under the leadership of her daughter-in-law!Why does his wife have to change!

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, isn't this what you often say, Mom?" Liu Qin used the original words that Li Chunhua often said to her.

"That's different, you don't even look at it, how many sons are there in your family, just this house, one son for one house, is it enough?"

"I don't even have a nest to lay eggs, who would be so stupid to take a fancy to our baby!"

Hearing this, Liu Qin didn't rush to refute, but thought of herself, who she was 18 years ago, isn't she that stupid woman?

(End of this chapter)

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