Chapter 61

This quarrel did not come to a conclusion in the end, Liu Qin didn't know what to think of, and left without saying a word.

No matter how angry Li Chunhua felt in her heart, she couldn't send it out alone. All the money in the family was in Liu Qin's hands. Qin Shan's salary was paid by Liu Qin from the day he went to work. Let go, no matter how loud her abacus is, it is useless.

The Lunar New Year's Day is over, and the New Year is almost over, and Qin Shan and Liu Qin are going back to work in the factory.

The rest of the family are not idle, there are tens of thousands of firewood boxes waiting for them to burn!

Even Li Chunhua couldn't be free. She was assigned all the work of cooking and the like at home. Who made her hands shake when she stuffed a firewood box before!Now she doesn't need to do this, just let her guarantee the logistics.

The children in the family are staying at home, and the winter vacation is not over yet!Liu Qin had already figured this out. At the beginning of this month, she increased the amount a lot.

When Qin Qing and the twins go to school, there are still about seven or eight thousand firewood boxes left at home. With this number, the Qin family is not nervous at all. Qin Xi and Qin Jiang make some paste every day, and when they come back from work in the afternoon, after eating , the whole family sat together, with the light of the fire in the room dimming, and the task was quickly completed.

At the beginning of February, when Liu Qin went to the factory to collect the money, her eyes were shining. Not to mention all the money stolen from the car before, there was still a little leftover, which made her feel good. The sky, which had been cloudy and rainy for many days, finally ushered in a sunny day.

In February, those who work at home go to work, and those who go to school go to school, leaving only three people at home, so Liu Qin only received a share of 50. She is very happy that their family can complete these. Income, the monthly income of the family exceeded [-] yuan every minute, which made her feel more hopeful in life.

By this time, the weather outside was much better and not so cold. When the weather was good, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang would also go out for a stroll.

Shallots in the field, as long as they are seen by two people, they must not be let go. This is a good thing. Wash the shallots and put salt in the jar. It can be pickled into small sauerkraut, and it will be fine for a long time. , the leaves can be fried and eaten, especially fried with eggs or meat, it is old and fragrant.

As far as she knows, the purchase station in the county also accepts this, but the price is not high, three cents a catty, if there are enough shallots to dig, it should be able to dig up a dollar a day, but the reality is that this thing is very expensive. Popular, if you can dig five or six catties a day, it is considered a good harvest.

Qin Xi can dig up two or three catties at most and stop. With these things, it is enough for business. The rest of the time, they will go for a walk in the woods. As the weather warms up and the temperature rises, the mushrooms and fungus are gradually Their figures are revealed, and they are still few now, only growing sporadically, and after a while, there will be more.

After another half a month, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were completely busy. When they were at home, they were busy sticking firewood boxes, and they spent a few hours in the noon and afternoon to pick mushrooms. After a day, they were exhausted like dogs. Seeing the small money in hand, it feels worth it again.

Winter mushrooms cost five cents a catty, but in March, the swan mushrooms grow up, so they are worth a lot!Not to mention eight cents per catty, as long as you find the right place, you can pick them up in pieces!That pick up is several catties, especially in the grass, once found, it will be a big pile.

In the first few days, there were not many people in the forest. The daily income of Qin Xi and Qin Jiang was not lower than that of Qin Shan at work. If there were more people picking up behind them, the income would decrease, but on average, they could still earn [-] cents a day. money.

Coupled with Qin Xi's usual income from writing, after two months, the two saved 32 yuan and [-] cents, which was a lot of money.

As usual, Qin Xi saved 20 yuan of it in their secret base, and they cleaned up the stone cave where the leeks were planted.

At the end of November last year, the leek roots they buried in it had only now grown to a length of eight or nine centimeters. They were sparse, so what was the use of them?

The inside was also cleaned up by them. In the future, it will be specially used for stacking things. It is difficult to grow something. There is no light and no rain for natural irrigation. With just the two of them who live in the county, they want to grow in this rock. It was wishful thinking to grow something out of the hole, they just recognized the reality now.

In mid-April, the mushrooms and swan mushrooms are not growing very much. Walking in the woods for three or four hours, I am exhausted and half dead, and the harvest is only about a catty. The two of them don’t like to go to the woods anymore and rest at home. Not much better than this.

Li Chunhua knew about the brothers and sisters picking up mushrooms and selling them for money, because someone saw and told her about it, but seeing the fifty cents in hand, and because they didn't delay the family's work, she just turned a blind eye. One eye, as if you didn't see it.

In the past few days, Li Chunhua saw that the brother and sister who had been going out almost every day had been staying at home, and she finally couldn't help asking: "Qin Xi, haven't you two been picking mushrooms lately?"

When she first knew what the two of them were doing, she also thought about picking them up by herself. After all, mushrooms can be sold for money, and picking mushrooms is equivalent to picking up money. How could she not be tempted.

But it only took her half a day to dispel this idea through physical practice and self-comfort.

Her old arms and legs are no match for young people. It takes four, five, ten minutes to walk three or four miles to the woods, and she is exhausted. Besides, she is old and can't see clearly. Gritting his teeth for two hours, there were only six mushrooms in the basket.

On the way back, her back was sore and her legs hurt, but she suffered a lot. She walked and rested all the way, and when she got home, half of her life was dead, and she lay down at home for two days before recovering.

Just that one time, she knew that the job of picking mushrooms was not something she, an old man with old arms and legs, could do. No matter how tempted she was, if the hardware couldn't keep up, it would be useless.

As for threatening Qin Xi to hand over the money, she had also thought about it, but thinking about the hard and soft copper pea at home, she finally gave up this idea.

"No, there are no mushrooms left in the woods, but in half a month, in May, there will be mung beans, chicken fir, milk mushrooms and other miscellaneous fungi. During this time, my brother and I will rest at home. " Qin Xi looked down at the book in his hand and said without raising his head.

The book in her hand is a novel, written by a literary master in this time and space 50 years ago. She bought it from a scrap station. It is very cheap, and it costs five cents a book, which is enough for her to keep it fresh for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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