Chapter 64

"Remember to come back early in the future." After Liu Qin said this, she went back to the house and continued to paste firewood boxes.

If Li Chunhua hadn't been angry with her outside, she wouldn't have wasted so much time outside.

When Qin Xi and Qin Jiang took the mushrooms to the river to clean them, Li Chunhua quietly followed.

When she got to the place, Qin Xi and the others had already washed a small part.

"Xiaoxi! Are you tired from squatting? Grandma will help you wash together." Li Chunhua walked over very naturally, squeezed Qin Jiang out, and kept moving towards Qin Xi.

Where they are squatting now, there is water on one side and land on the other, so the place to stand is limited. After all, there is a wooden basin between the two of them, which contains cleaned mushrooms.

After squeezing Qin Jiang away, Li Chunhua pretended to pick up a small mung bean fungus and washed it.

"Xiaoxi! Do you remember what you told me last time?"

"What's the matter?" Qin Xi looked at Li Chunhua in confusion.

She really didn't think about it, now her mind is full of picking mushrooms to make money to buy nutritious things to eat and grow taller, who knows what she is talking about!

"How can you forget this!" Li Chunhua couldn't control her voice, and attracted the attention of people not far away. Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she quickly realized that the voice behind her It's much smaller.

"Last time you said that as long as I don't tell Liu Qin that you guys are picking mushrooms, you will give me fifty cents!"

Axiu, who was three meters away from the grandparents and grandson, only vaguely heard five words, and did not tell Liu Qin that they had any ulterior secrets that they wanted to keep from Liu Qin.

She and Liu Qin work in the same textile factory, and they have always had a good relationship. They went in and out together. It's okay if she doesn't know about it. Now that she knows, she must mention it to Liu Qin, so that she can guard against her mother-in-law , the same daughter-in-law, and a difficult mother-in-law at home, she is the person who can best understand Liu Qin's situation.

If she didn't tell Liu Qin, she was afraid that something would happen to Liu Qin, and Liu Qin would suffer a lot.

"Oh, now that you said that, I remembered, but I have no money now, you know that my brother and I are eating eggs every day!"

"Basically, we exchanged the money for picking mushrooms for food, otherwise my head wouldn't be so fast!"

Just kidding, but every month, when the mushroom growing season is over, she will not pay the hush money.

"The good thing you said, don't forget it!"

After thinking about it, Li Chunhua was still a little worried about being tricked: "Why don't you give me a specific time! Otherwise, I feel uneasy."

"Grandma, you are my own grandma. If I lie to anyone, I won't lie to you. As long as my mother doesn't know about it, the money will definitely go to you."

Of course, there was one thing she didn't say, that is, as long as Liu Qin knew about this, the agreement between them would be automatically void.

"Okay, then I'll wait." Li Chunhua went back happily without thinking too much.

As for washing mushrooms, is that what an old man like her should do?
She only squatted for less than 2 minutes, and she felt that her eyes were a little dazzled, and her eyes were foggy, and everything seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, she was old!The body is failing.

After Li Chunhua left, Qin Shan returned to the position where he was squatting just now.

"Sister, are you eating this mushroom tonight? I don't think this is very tasty, it's slippery, I don't like it."

"It's cooked directly with water, of course it's not delicious! It's not fried. When I become the master in the future, I will definitely fry a plate of mushrooms with lard for you. I'm sure your tongue will be fragrant."

"Can the tongue smell off?"

"Haha, no, this is just a metaphor."

The next day, when Liu Qin learned from her friend Axiu that her mother-in-law Li Chunhua and the third son Qin Xi were hiding something from her, she was thinking about it all day, and she didn't even have the energy to work. She used to have a bad appetite. She has lost her appetite, but she has no appetite today. Of course, it's not a waste, it's shameful.

As soon as the bell for getting off work rang, Liu Qin couldn't wait to rush out.

As soon as she got home and saw Qin Xi, she asked directly: "Third son, do you and your grandma have something to hide from me?"

Qin Xi was stunned for a moment, and then thought about what Li Chunhua chased yesterday. Her voice was quite loud, so it could be that someone overheard her, so she told Liu Qin about it!

"Who told you that?"

"It's not important, you just need to tell me what you did without telling me." Liu Qin's tone was still as strong as ever.

She doesn't like others to ask her questions, but she likes to ask others questions, and the double standard is vividly displayed in her.

Qin Xi doesn't like Liu Qin as a mother. In her body, she can't find even a little bit of Liu Qin's concern for Qin Xi. It's all about using her indifference. She just treats the original owner as an old scalper and made her work hard when she was young. Work hard, when the original owner is old, what is waiting for her must be to kill cattle and eat meat, but there is an accident in the middle, the original owner died young, and it is impossible to say which ending is better, because both are very miserable.

"My brother and I picked up some mushrooms in the forest, sold them to the buying station, and made some money."

"That's all?" Liu Qin didn't believe it: "Then what's going on with your grandma?"

"Someone saw me and my brother selling mushrooms and told my grandma, and she threatened me with this, asking me to pay her." Qin Xi told the whole thing in concise words.

Of course, what should be omitted should still be omitted, in case Liu Qin also overlooked it!
But her idea was doomed to fail, because Liu Qin immediately asked: "How much did you sell for?"

"I don't know very well, because there is no accounting. It depends on luck. If you pick up a lot, you can earn two cents a day. If you are unlucky, it's only six or seven cents."

"These days, the mushrooms I eat at home are all specially selected by me. They are tender and delicious."

You can't hide it, and you still need merit. If Liu Qin's conscience finds out, he thinks he shouldn't care about these trivial things!
Liu Qin roughly calculated in her heart that Qin Xi and the others earned a full month's work, which was about three or four yuan, only half of the firewood box.

But this is also money, money that can come for nothing, no matter how small the mosquito's legs are, she will not let it go.

"What about the money?"

Hearing her tone of voice, Qin Xi's heart skipped a beat, come on, now, another wolf is eyeing the fruit of their brother and sister's labor. It was an old wolf before, but now it's a ferocious she-wolf, but she also It's not a soft bun that can be kneaded by others. The two of them thought of asking her to hand over the money obediently.

At this time, she had to be thankful for her previous foresight, money and other things, she really couldn't keep them at home, it was not safe.

(End of this chapter)

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