Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 65 Double Standard

Chapter 65 Double Standard

Qin Xi's brief two people almost didn't spit out Liu Qin's blood, but spent it.

"Where did you spend all this money?"

"It's none of your business. My brother and I earned it so hard. We didn't delay the work at home. Why, do you still want to confiscate it?"

Since she was so rude, of course Qin Xi would not be polite to her.

She now has forty-six cents in her pocket, and her brother has eight dollars hidden in the cracks of the bricks under the bed. This is the result of the hard work of her and her brother during this period of time. Hand it over obediently, there is no way.

"Isn't that what it should be?"

"My mother provides you with food and clothes, and now you spend what you spend on it. I didn't spend money to buy it for you. Doesn't it cost money?"

"How can you be so selfish, kid!" Liu Qin pointed at Qin Xi, both in and out of words were suppressing.

In her opinion, as long as there is no separation, the money earned by the rest of the family should be handed over to her, especially the money of the children, it is only natural to give it to the mother. The children in the family are still young, so they don't know how to spend money at all. , it is easy to be deceived.

Of course, this is only limited to herself, as Li Chunhua mentioned before, if she wants to manage Qin Shan's money, it is a dream, don't even think about it, it is really an old double-standard dog.

"Since I was able to work when I was three years old, I haven't had a casual meal at home."

"Besides, I'm only 13 years old now. You provide me with food and clothing. This is your duty as a parent after you gave birth to me. When you are old, I will adopt my parents. This is also my duty. This is all Correspondingly, it’s not that you can use the matter of raising me to morally kidnap me now, and let me let you do as you please, and be your marionette.”

"I am a complete and healthy person first, and then your daughter. I hope you can distinguish this clearly."

As soon as Qin Xi said this, Liu Qin was confused at first, then confused, and then angry, and her mood changed very quickly.

Qin Qing really has a rebellious body, and she can say such outrageous remarks, what responsibility, what obligation, what puppet, she only knows that this person was born and raised by her, so she should listen to her, even if it is a puppet. She was killed, that's right.

"You..." Liu Qin was a little short of words, she didn't know how to refute these remarks, she didn't even read the book, she even felt that she couldn't even understand it.

Well, thinking about it this way, she became even more angry, because Qin Xi was deliberately against her, and she must have said these words deliberately to satirize her.

"You did it on purpose to make me angry, didn't you?"

"Today, I have to beat you up to improve your memory."

After finishing speaking, she first wandered around in the yard like a headless chicken, but she didn't see even a suitable tool: "Where is my stick?"

"Who took my stick?"

"I gave birth to you and raised you, and in the end I got a sentence of what I deserved. I knew you were such a thing. When you were born, you should have been thrown into the urine bucket and drowned. Don't get mad at me now."

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi, who felt uncomfortable, hurried to a place ten meters away from Liu Qin: "Calm down, violence is not the solution to the problem."

"But I want to use violence against you right now. I'm your mother. Do I need a reason to beat you?" Liu Qin chased Qin Xi with the firewood stick in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Qin Xi's body subconsciously helped her make a choice, 'The wind is pulling hard'.

Liu Qin, who had just returned from get off work in the factory, and Qin Xi, who had just returned from the woods, were evenly matched.

"Stop it, you little brat."

"If you don't chase me, I won't run away."

"Don't think about it, today I have to teach you how to be a man."

"Then I will never stop."


The two chased the other one by one. Liu Qin chased for three streets but failed to catch up. When she reached the Ximen Bridge Market, she couldn't breathe, so she stopped and leaned against the wall to breathe heavily.

The adults who saw this scene on the road all showed sympathetic expressions, after all, their little brat can run like this.

"Come here for me, I promise I won't hit you again."

"I don't believe you, look at it. Look at your own expression now, and you can see how much you want to crush me to death."

On Qin Xi, Liu Qin felt the helplessness he felt when facing Qin He. Every time he picked up the stick, he ran faster than a monkey, unable to catch up, not at all.

"Forget it, I don't care about you anymore. If you have the ability, you just stay outside and never come back." Liu Qin quit, and she really couldn't catch up.

She didn't believe that Qin Xi could stay out all the time, not coming back to eat or sleep.

Qin He was able to resist back then because he had a few good friends who had places to eat and live. When he came back the next night, her anger had almost subsided.

Qin Xi!She has no friends at all, and nowhere to go.

Boys and girls are different. Boys casually go to a friend’s house to stay overnight. At most, it’s nothing to worry about. This society is not so tolerant to girls. As long as you don’t come back all night, you can say anything the next day. , Rumors and rumors are flying all over the sky, which can make people spit blood out of anger.

When Liu Qin gave up, turned around and walked back slowly, Qin Xi also followed her back, but the distance between the two parties was more than ten meters from the beginning to the end, Qin Xi saved a hand, after all, she didn't eat The plan of fried meat with bamboo shoots.

Ever since she was a child, her grandparents had never touched her a single finger. Now that she was here, why should she be kicked out by this irrelevant woman? She couldn't accept it.

A good guy doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Besides, she doesn't know how to fight, especially with older women. She can't imagine herself entangled with Liu Qin. Uh... It's too scary, and it's best never to.

Before she could go back, Qin Jiang had already found her: "Are you all right?"

"Don't worry, you don't know me yet, Liu Qin wants to hit me, wait for the next life!" In front of Qin Jiang, Qin Xi didn't even want to pretend, and she always called Liu Qin and Qin Shan by their first names. of.

Although Li Chunhua is not very good at being a human being, she is separated by a generation. Liu Qin and Qin Shan are the biological parents. There is no need for Li Chunhua, but they are not good as husband and wife. Obviously, in her heart, both of them are It's very unqualified, otherwise it wouldn't be the attitude towards these two people.

"Where are we going now?" He had already made plans to go to the sleeping cave with his sister.

After all, Qin He would hide at a friend's house for one night every time he provoked Liu Qin, and would not come back until the next night, so that nothing would happen.

"Well, I'm hungry, let's go shopping on the street first."

The street she mentioned refers to a street in the black market, where Qin He took them. Among other things, the meat buns there are excellent, and the Yangchun noodles are also good, but they are too expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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