Chapter 67

On the night of May, even though they stayed inside the county seat, they could still hear the sound of frogs outside, because according to the location of the Qin family's house, it should be in the suburbs of Yongxin County. to the farmland.

The annoying mosquitoes kept buzzing around them and wanted to suck their blood, which annoyed the two of them. Qin Xi took Qin Jiang directly to the place where there was wormwood, reached out to pick off the leaves of wormwood, rubbed them, Wipe it on the exposed parts of the body and clothes, and the effect is not bad. When I left, I even grabbed a few wormwood and took it away.

In fact, as soon as summer came, Qin Xi made an insect repellant, which not only can prevent mosquitoes, but also has an effect on snakes, insects, rats and ants. bring out.

To be honest, until now, Qin Xi still feels a little confused, she must have been wronged too much today!Obviously didn't do anything, first she was chased by Liu Qin for three streets, almost lost her soul, then she was cheated by her, her clothes were torn, and now she is living on the street, hey, she wants to give it to herself , a capitalized miserable.

The two brothers and sisters slept on the big stone pier under the banyan tree, back to back, and made do for the whole night.

The next day, at dawn, Qin Xi was woken up by an old lady sweeping the street.

"Kid. Kid Wake Up"

Yu Qingqiu looked at the child who was back to back with his elder brother, leaning to one side, about to fall, and wished to wake them up with good intentions, so as not to fall later.

"Hmm." Qin Xi turned sideways subconsciously, her body lost weight in an instant, and she was about to fall off the stone pier. Yu Qingqiu had already prepared for it, and hurriedly helped her, so she avoided this early in the morning. The human tragedy of being in close contact with the bluestone floor.

Qin Jiang, who was back to back with her, also woke up after Qin Xi moved his body away, but he didn't have the habit of turning his body when he woke up in the morning, so he quickly adapted to the current posture. After a while, he slowly tried to stand up .

To be honest, after sleeping like this for one night, there was nothing wrong with me except my back and legs were a little numb.

"Thank you." Qin Xi, who could hardly keep her eyes open, cleaned up the secretions from the corners of her eyes, saw clearly the person who was supporting her, and thanked him. fell to the ground.

"It's okay." Yu Qingqiu waved his hand, a little at a loss for her thanks.

Over the years, she has always faced humiliation, abuse, criticism and arrogance. It has been a long time since she saw this kind of eyes looking at her without colored glasses.

She is like a mouse in this small county. Wherever she goes, everyone shouts and beats her. She often faces contempt and snort.

Originally, she didn't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, she herself is now a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and she can't protect herself, but the two of them are about the same age as her grandchildren, especially the girl, who is about two or three times the size of her granddaughter. They are very similar, she hasn't seen them for several years, and she doesn't know if she will have the chance to meet again in this life, so, seeing this girl, she really can't help it.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you go home and sleep! It's dangerous outside, if you just have a conflict with your family, you should go back early! Your parents must be worried." Yu Qingqiu kindly reminded.

It's not so easy to be outside, the two brothers and sisters don't seem to be very old, if they are coaxed by someone with a heart, they will really commit crimes.

Over the years, I have seen a lot and experienced a lot. I shouldn't have cared about it at first, but looking at the almond eyes of the girl doll that are very similar to the granddaughter, I still couldn't hold back, and babbled a few more words, of course , this is also because I know that this girl is not a bad temper.

"We don't have a home anymore, we've been kicked out."

"Ma'am, do you know anyone who has a house for rent? I have money and can pay to rent a house."

At this time, housing in the city is generally tight, and it is not easy to find a suitable one.

But Qin Xi knew that the street sweeper at this time might not have a simple identity in the past. The kind-hearted grandma in front of her didn't look like a bad person. She was older and experienced, so she must be more familiar with Yongxin County than her. It's better to ask her than she is wandering around like a headless chicken!
"Ah, what the hell is going on?"

So, Qin Xi briefly told the old man about her family's affairs, and no accident, she was persuaded.

"Hey, girl, there is nothing wrong with being unfairly resisted, but your ability is limited now, and you are still a teenager! If you leave your family, what will you and your brother do for a living?"

"Grandma is a person from the past, if you can bear it now, you can bear it. When you have a skill and can earn money to support yourself, it will not be too late to leave the original family." Yu Qingqiu persuaded.

This problem is not very serious, as long as the little girl goes back and confesses her mistakes to her parents, there is a high probability that she will be fooled about this matter.

She came from the era of war. Although the current society is much more stable, some darkness still exists. Where there is light, there is darkness. The two are interdependent. It is safest for the two children to stay at home obediently.

If Qin Xi didn't trust this old woman named Yu Qingqiu very much before, now she does trust her. This person should not be a bad person, and he doesn't have any bad intentions towards their siblings. If she has any bad intentions towards them, she will never It would be the reaction of persuading her to go home.

"Grandma Yu, my family's situation is very complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a while. In short, you believe that we two brothers and sisters have the ability to support ourselves. Do you know where there is a house for rent?"

"It doesn't need to be very big, as long as it can shelter from the wind and rain." Qin Xi's purpose is to rent a house, so first find a place to stay.

When Liu Qin and the others went to work, she would take her brother home to carry the luggage. She really thought it was rare for her to stay at home!From time to time, she would see the stinky faces of Liu Qin or Li Chunhua. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law often fight with yin and yang. Living in such an environment, she felt that she was about to be influenced by them and changed to their appearance. Thinking about it makes me feel horrified, I have become the most annoying shadow.

"This..." Yu Qingqiu was a little hesitant. The small earthen house she lives in now has two rooms, and it is completely possible for the two brothers and sisters to borrow, but the two met by chance, she
"Grandma, please have pity on us! As long as there is a shelter from the wind and rain, we will be satisfied."

Looking at the old lady's expression, one could tell that the playful Qin Xi blinked her round almond eyes, successfully softening the old man's heart.

Forget it, she is now a poor and white, lonely old woman, what else is worth calculating!
Besides, she likes this girl very much. Who made her have a pair of almond eyes, which are somewhat similar to her granddaughter!
(End of this chapter)

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