Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 68 A New Landing

With the help of Qin Xi and Qin Jiang, Yu Qingqiu's work was quickly completed. What used to take her more than two hours to complete, was completed in half an hour with the help of the brothers and sisters.

When they returned, Qin Xi was carrying a broom, and Qin Jiang was carrying a basket, which contained the cleaned up garbage, most of which were leaves, and some feces, both humans and animals.

After dumping the cleaned up garbage at the designated place, Yu Qingqiu took the siblings to her house. She walked very slowly, but her body was straight and her walking posture was beautiful, which gave people a very comfortable feeling. a feeling of.

She was also very stubborn, Qin Xi wanted to help her go, but she directly refused.

Everything that is happening now is like a dream to her. She doesn't know when God will take it all away. If she needs someone to help her to walk, she will still be able to live alone in the future. survive?

In her whole life, she has never been unwilling. She just wants to see her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren who have gone to the farm again. If it wasn't for this to support her, she would have gone there long ago.

Walking slowly all the way, it took more than 20 minutes for the three of them to reach their destination.

If the Qin family's house is in the suburbs of Yongxin County, then Grandma Yu's house is on the edge of the county, and the farmland is 20 meters away from this small earthen house. This small house is directly in the It was built in the pine forest, and within a radius of 200 meters, there were no people at all.

There are only three small earthen houses, one is used by the old lady as a kitchen firewood room, one is used as a utility room by her, and the other is her bedroom. She plans to clean up the utility room and give it to the siblings. Two people live.

"My conditions are a bit crude. If you regret it, you can go back and confess your mistake to your family now."

"Old lady, my identity is not very glorious. I used to teach, but now I sweep the streets."

Ugly words still have to be said first, if they regret it, go back!
It's really not a good place for her.

Qin Xi took Qin Jiang to look at the surrounding environment. To be honest, he was quite satisfied. This place was quite convenient for them, and it was closer to the abandoned quarry than Qin's house. It took more than 20 minutes to walk. In minutes, you will arrive at the place, and it will be convenient to go to the quarry in the future.

As for why she didn't live in the cave, it was of course because the cave was not a serious house, and it was very dark inside. Anyway, she was not used to living in it, so that place could be used for storing things.

"We have nothing to dissatisfy, as long as we have a place to stay."

"Grandma Yu, how much is our monthly rent?"

When Yu Qingqiu heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "You guys can live here if you like! Don't talk about whether the rent is not rented. My old lady feels ashamed when she hears this. If you feel sorry, see me working. Just give me a hand!"

"This is the utility room. It can be used by you. There is also a bed in it. If it's inconvenient, Xiaoxi! You can come and sleep with me."

Qin Xi refused without even thinking about it. She thought she would not be able to sleep at night with strange people in a strange place.

Besides, she is a yellow-haired girl who has no breasts, no buttocks, and has not yet started to develop. She is afraid of sleeping with her brother. Another day, they will go to the village to find a carpenter and make a simple bamboo bed, so they can sleep in separate beds.

"Okay, you can decide for yourself, I'll make breakfast, you guys go clean up the utility room!" Yu Qingqiu didn't say much.

Since the two children can escape from the house, it means that they have big ideas. There is no need for her to be their master and impose her own ideas on them.

She deliberately made more breakfast, and after enthusiastically drinking a bowl of porridge with the brothers and sisters, she went out with a basket on her back.

Her monthly salary is 12 yuan, which is enough for her to live alone, but she has to save some money until the end of the year to buy some things and send some money to her son’s family who work on the farm. We haven't seen each other for years, but the correspondence has not stopped.

She always felt that her son's family was working hard there, and her grandchildren would definitely have a hard time living on that difficult farm, so she could help a little.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang also went to Qin's house, their things must be taken away!Especially Qin Xi, her clothes were torn, if she didn't go home to get her clothes, what would she wear.

Although Yu Qingqiu didn't like the cuts in Qin Xi's clothes, she was really bad at needlework. Now that she was old and her eyes were dim, she couldn't even hold a needle steadily, let alone help Qin Xi mend clothes.

For the first time today, Li Chunhua didn't go out to chat with someone, but sat on the threshold of her house, waiting for the Qin Xi brothers and sisters to come back.

She knew that even if the two of them didn't plan to come back, the things they left at home would always be brought back. Last year, they just took away their clothes secretly while there was no one at home.

When Qin Xi and Qin Jiang saw the motionless old lady sitting in front of their house, they knew that this wave could not be avoided.

"Come here!" Seeing the two of them, Li Chunhua took the initiative to say hello and beckoned them to come over.

She had a rare sympathy for the two of them. Besides, it was her daughter-in-law who opposed them, not her. In her opinion, the relationship between the three of them was still the same as before.

"Where have you been?"

"Hey, your mother fell down yesterday, broke her knee, and scratched her hand. She was so mad. If I hadn't stopped you, she would have thrown away your things yesterday." Although her statement There is such a slight exaggeration, but the content is true!

"These days, you should go out to avoid it! After all, you know your mother's temper. When she beats someone, she doesn't attack lightly or severely."

Qin Xi looked at the amiable Li Chunhua in front of him, who seemed to be still worried about them, and felt that the scene in front of him was fake and unreal.

"Well, we know, come back now to get a change of clothes."

Others, it's really hard to disclose, like finding a place to live, and who lives there, there is really no need to disclose, so as not to cause trouble to Grandma Yu.

Li Chunhua didn't stop them, but as soon as Qin Xi stepped into the gate of the Qin family, she followed behind. One was to see how much money she had saved, and the other was to prevent her from taking things she shouldn't have. If you don't stare at it, when Qin Qing comes back and finds that he is missing something, he will have trouble with her.

Qin Xi only took away her clothes, shoes and small wooden box, she didn't move anything else.

Clothes and shoes are packed in a small wooden box, and there is a small brass lock on the outside. Qin Xi walked in and went out with her box in her arms. The action was very fast. The whole process took no more than 1 minute. What kind of Li Chunhua was disappointed.

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