As soon as the two came to Shangyun Village, they were a little shocked. The neatly arranged red brick and tile houses, even the streets were covered with broken bricks, and the road surface was knocked very smooth. It looked much more beautiful than Yongxin County. , this house is newly built at first glance, and it must not have been more than five years old.

I passed by five houses in a row, all of which were closed, and no one was at home. Until the sixth house, the gate of the yard was finally opened. Looking in from the outside of the yard, you can see the pipa tree in the yard. , an old man is weaving a bamboo basket with bamboo strips.

"Master." The two of them didn't go in rashly, only an old man was at home, and they went in directly. In Qin Xi's view, it was a bit of an invasion of other people's privacy.

"Hey, who are you?" The old man put down the things in his hands, picked up the crutches that were set aside, and walked over tremblingly.

These two people are strangers, since they have come to Shangyun Village and his house, it is fate, maybe they are passers-by, come to beg for a drink!This kind of thing is really too common.

"Master, last time I came here with my grandma, you bought some bamboo furniture and bowls, and you agreed to use them. A few years have passed, and everything in the house has been worn out. No, my grandma asked me to come again. Buy some here."

Qin Xi didn't play around with the old man, she was afraid that the old man wouldn't understand.

"Oh, I have it at home, why don't you come in and have a look." Knowing that the two of them were here for shopping, the old man's eyes lit up and he was very enthusiastic.

He is getting old, and he seldom goes to the Bamboo Art Workshop. After all, he needs to go through the entire Shangyun Village. This distance is not a big deal for young people, but for him, a 75-year-old man, It's far away.

Having been busy all his life, he couldn't take it easy, so he asked his family to prepare bamboo strips for him, and in his spare time, he slowly weaved at home alone.

There are many children in the family, and the grandson has already married a wife and gave birth to a baby. He doesn't want to eat at home and increase their burden. As long as the things made at home are qualified, they can be sent to the bamboo art workshop. You can earn a few dollars a month.

For people who come to buy things like this, the price can be a bit more expensive, and they can get cash, so the villagers are quite happy to sell them.

Every month, they come to their door. After all, their Shangyun Village is quite famous in Yongxin County, and it is no worse than Yunzhuang. Anyone who wants to save money will come to him. It's all right, after all, it's not a family doing this, and no one bothered to report it.

"Then I will trouble you." Qin Xi did not refuse.

The old man looked to be in his 70s, leaning on a cane, looking trembling, but walking fast.

"Master, how old are you this year?"


"Longevity! Seeing that your body is still in good shape, there is no problem at all if you live to be eighty."

"Haha, old and old"

The chat between the old and the young was quite pleasant, until the old man took them to the utility room at home.

There are so many things inside!The quantity is also mixed, such as bamboo baskets, which are the most basic styles, bamboo baskets, bamboo boxes, bamboo stools, and polished bamboo tubes with smooth skin and no thorns. Qin Xi is so excited to see it!I want to feel that everything is good and useful.

"How is it? Is my stuff okay?" The old man pointed at the work he made this month, with a proud expression on his face.

This is the craft he relies on for a living. He has been doing it all his life. Can he not be proud?
"That's right, it's thin, dense and strong, all of which are good things." Qin Xi gave a thumbs up very face-saving.

"That is, when we started the bamboo art workshop in Shangyun Village, I was the backbone of it and brought a lot of apprentices out. That is to say, now that I am old and my legs and feet are not convenient, my family is worried that I will go out. Otherwise, I will definitely I'm still working at the Bamboo Art Workshop! It's a lively place." Speaking of the years of struggle, the old man's eyes lit up.

Seeing the life of the villagers getting better and better, he was really happy from the bottom of his heart.

Qin Xi bought two baskets and a bamboo box, and the old man saw her hit it off, so he gave her some bamboo tubes, which can be used as bamboo cups and bowls.

With the bamboo tube, I didn't buy the pottery bowl, but the uncle had a surplus casserole at home, so they asked for one.

All these things add up to only two yuan, which in Qin Xi's opinion is worth it.

Saying goodbye to the old man, the brother and sister rushed back with their things. The sun was scorching, but the two of them were smiling very happily, and they carried their own belongings on their backs. Their future life will definitely be better and better.

Back in the small earthen house, Grandma Yu had already woken up. The old man couldn't stay idle and was pulling weeds!
This earthen house was built in a pine forest, with the house as the center, and there were no tall pine trees within five meters, which caused the weeds to grow so densely beside the house that she had to clean it every ten days and a half months, otherwise, The grass grows taller and denser, and those snakes, insects, rats and ants will all burrow into the house.

"You guys are back, go back and drink some water, it's hard for you to run outside in this hot weather."

"The steamed stuffed buns that you put on the table before should be eaten. The weather is hot, and these things can't be kept."

Yu Qingqiu knew that they bought the steamed stuffed bun for her specially, but she didn't want it, since both of them are children, they haven't grown up yet!How could she bear to eat their food!
"Grandma Yu, I bought it specially for you. We won't move it. You should eat it soon! It would be a pity if it breaks." After speaking, Qin Xi took Qin Jiang back to the house to drink water.

People of the older generation are nice, but they have a habit of pushing and pushing something when they get something. You come and go, pushing and pushing for a dozen rounds before you can determine the final ownership of the thing. She can't do it This is better to avoid.

Seeing Qin Xi's avoidance, Yu Qingqiu felt a little dumbfounded, but since they didn't want it, she had no choice but to accept this kindness.

Having suffered from hunger, she naturally understands the preciousness of food, and in her case, any waste is not allowed.

After drinking the water, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang didn't rest anymore, but took their new tools, set off, and went straight into the forest to pick mushrooms.

When Yu Qingqiu saw them going out, he asked a question. Knowing that they were going out to pick up mushrooms, he didn't think much about it. He just thought they were going to pick up mushrooms and eat them as vegetables.

Now is a good time to pick mushrooms, but she seldom picks them up, because she doesn't like the taste of mushrooms, and basically doesn't eat mushrooms.

She knew that mushrooms could be sent to the buying station to sell for money, but with her old arms and legs, it was better not to think about it, otherwise her body might collapse if she fell down casually.

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