In the first few days, both Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were not used to it, but humans are very adaptable animals, so they gradually got used to it.

The newly formed family has no fights and no yin and yang. Everyone is working hard for life. Even though they are sweating profusely every day, their hearts are still sweet.

The shared life between Yu Qingqiu and the brothers and sisters is quite pleasant. When they are not busy, they will sit on the threshold, chat, listen to her tell the past, and sometimes ask her to tell stories, Both of them listened with gusto. It felt like she had returned to the podium and was giving lectures to the students.

Sometimes, when she is interested, she will also dig out her precious books that are not good enough, and teach them word by word, starting from the most basic word recognition, and then reading comprehension, interspersed with the author's situation. The era background and living environment are very interesting, whether it is Qin Xi or Qin Jiang, everyone can listen to it.

In the morning, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang would help her when they were not busy. Her dinner was basically contracted by the two brothers and sisters. How should I put it, it felt like finding a new family.

In August, Qin Xi went to the black market more diligently, and it was almost autumn, and she and her brother's quilt problem hadn't been resolved yet!
Yongxin County does not grow cotton. All the cotton is shipped from other places, and the price has always been high. She has no tickets and can only buy high-priced cotton on the black market. The bed is a big quilt weighing eight catties.

In addition, they also stockpiled 150 catties of grain in the cave, that is, [-] catties of corn, [-] catties of soybeans and [-] catties of peanuts.

This year is a bumper harvest year, and the price of grain is lower than in previous years. Qin Xi saw that the price was cheap, so he stored some in the cave, which is durable. Every two months, when the weather is very good, at noon, he takes it out After drying, it is no problem to store these grains in the cave for two years, and they cannot be wasted.

Besides, these grains can't be kept for that long. The three of them consume three to four catties of grain every day, replenishing as they consume. Basically, there is about 150 catties of grain in the cave.

Because there was food in the cave, the two of them were more cautious in camouflaging the entrance of the cave with vines, and when they looked closer, they couldn't see anything. With this, the two of them felt more at ease.

It is now August, the harvest season. This does not only refer to the harvest of crops. The wild fruits and fungus mushrooms in the forest have ushered in a bumper harvest. The brothers and sisters are so busy that they are happy. They get up and start at dawn every day. Into the mountains.

Yu Qingqiu couldn't help much, so he could only get up early, cook a few sweet potatoes for the siblings, let them eat while walking on the road, and fill their stomachs.

Now the meals of the three of them are basically mixed together. Qin Xi felt that it would be too troublesome to cook separately, so he simply stayed together, and didn't ask the old lady to pay any food, since she and the old lady couldn't eat much.

At the beginning, Grandma Yu took them in without paying any rent. She would help clean up the things brought back by the brothers and sisters, look after the things they dried at home, and take them back when it rained. She has already helped them a lot Now, Qin Xi could only repay this kind old lady by eating together, because she gave something directly, and the old lady didn't want it at all, she was very stubborn.

When the two of them arrived in the woods, it was like bandits crossing the border. If they saw anything useful, they would not let it go.

Now Qin Xi is starting to dry herbal medicine again, which is an income anyway. On average, he can earn two yuan a month. The most important thing is not to delay things. After all, this thing is when they pick mushrooms, fruits and fungus. Look I brought it back with ease.

Of course, this kind of medicinal herb that can be seen everywhere is definitely not very valuable. If you want to find valuable ginseng in this kind of forest, it is a daydream.Ganoderma lucidum is possible.

However, Qin Xi has been here for more than a year, and has never even seen the shadow of this thing, nor heard of anyone picking it up, so she expressed doubts about whether this piece of Ganoderma lucidum will grow or not.

When I went, my hands were empty, and when I returned, I returned with a full load, not even empty hands, holding branches on both sides.

As long as their hands are empty when they return, they have to pick up any dead branches they encounter on the road, and take them back to light the fire.

As for the firewood at home, the brothers and sisters have packed it, so of course it has to be done. You can’t use it for a day. If the firewood at home is not piled up high, the old man will not be at ease. She has no sense of security and will always Feeling that there will be no firewood for the next meal, I can't help but want to collect firewood.

So when the two of them were idle before, they deliberately took five days to pile up the firewood shed at home. Looking at the neat pile of firewood makes people feel full of security, and they are no longer afraid of the winter wind and snow.

Up to now, some firewood has been piled under the eaves, the height of half a person. When the weather is good, the firewood is taken from outside, and the firewood at home can be hoarded and burned slowly.

"Slow down. Slow down." Yu Qingqiu looked at the small person with a basket full of things on her back, and was so worried that she hurried up to help her unload the heavy burden on her shoulders.

"Why do you say you are working so hard? Now is the time to grow your body. If you carry too much or heavy things, it will affect your height. Why don't you listen!"

"I think it's okay, this weight, to me, it's a lot of water!" While speaking, Qin Xi walked over and helped Qin Jiang, who was squatting, unload his back basket.

She doesn't care about this. In the past few months, she has eaten enough and slept well. She has nothing to worry about, and she hasn't seen many annoying people. Now she has grown to her brother's chin, and she is 1.5 meters tall. This height, in the south, is not bad, she is very satisfied.

Besides, her brother carried more and heavier things than she did. If she didn't share some of it, wouldn't it all be on her brother's shoulders, and he would feel tired too.

"Forget it, I can't say no to you, as long as you know it yourself."

"Wash your hands quickly and come in for dinner. Today I cooked mung bean porridge to cool off the heat. I also steamed your favorite potatoes."

Now her life is much easier. Except for the task of sweeping the streets three times a day, she can just cook at home for the rest of the time. They are not picky eaters and they are easy to raise.

The water in the water tank at home and the firewood in the kitchen were all solved with the help of the brothers and sisters of the Qin family, which saved her a lot of trouble. How can she move the water with her old bones!In the past, they used to take a small bucket and carry it back again and again. Now that they have them, the brother and sister each carry a load, and they directly fill the water tank.

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