"Try it quickly. It took me an hour to cook this mung bean porridge, but it took a little firewood."

"It's fine as long as it's delicious, what's the matter? Grandma, do you still feel sorry for the firewood?"

"What our family lacks most now is firewood. My brother and I often dig in the woods, and every time we bring some back, it's enough for our family to burn for a day."

After getting along for a long time, the two of them talked a lot more casually than before.

"Yes, yes, I don't feel bad anymore."

"Come on, Xiao Jiang, eat quickly and taste how it tastes." Yu Qingqiu took a potato to Qin Jiang who was looking at Qin Xi with a silly smile.

Every time she sees Qin Jiang, she always has a feeling of pity in her heart, such a good young man, how could he become like this!

"Xiaoxi! Since your brother burned out his brain, did your parents take him to the hospital to see a doctor?"

Now Chinese medicine is the mainstream, and there are very few doctors of Western medicine, especially in a small county like theirs. The common people have been practicing Chinese medicine for a lifetime, and they are not so quick to accept Western medicine.

"No, when he had a fever, he only took two packs. The antipyretics he got from the barefoot doctor before didn't work, and the fever was severe."

"Finally survived from the dead and stopped burning, but he forgot a lot of things in his mind. After a while, his family found that he couldn't remember things in his head and his comprehension skills were poor. The school teacher also came to visit and said They took my brother to the hospital to have a look at this matter, but when they came back, they only said that his head was burnt, and there was no cure."

"Later, I never saw my brother taking medicine or my parents taking him to see a doctor."

Qin Xi extracted the memories in her mind, and gave a general account of what happened at that time.

She thinks that her brother is not the kind of person with a broken head. Although he has a poor memory and poor learning ability, he can speak normally now and communicate with others. There is no problem. He has lived in this small earthen house for more than two months. I don't stutter anymore, my hands and feet are nimble, and my body is healthy.

For more than a year, the two were basically inseparable. Qin Xi had never seen him get sick, and she herself would sometimes have a runny nose or sneeze, but he never did.

"His fever should have affected his head, but the symptoms were very mild. At the beginning, I didn't see anything wrong with him."

"And, I can feel that he is slowly recovering now."

"My husband and my son are both doctors. I still know a few doctors in Yongxin County. They have real skills. If you believe me, I will write their addresses to you. If you find someone, you Report my name directly and ask them to show your brother a good look."

"I haven't seen each other for many years, and I don't know if they have moved. I will write you two more addresses. You can always find one if you search from top to bottom. Remember, Doctor Zhao Zhong at the top, The medical skills are the best, and the relationship with my husband is also the best."

As for her, it's better not to cause trouble to others, after all, her current status is not very honorable, if she goes, someone will gossip.

Besides, she doesn't want to have anything to do with the people or things in the past anymore. I hope that everyone will forget about their family. Now the days have finally become calmer. Any turmoil is something their small family can't bear. It was an accident, an unexpected surprise, brothers and sisters of the Qin family.

"Okay." Anyway, it won't be worse, so let's try it.

The current Chinese medicine is still very reliable. Besides, she believes that Grandma Yu will not harm them. After getting along with each other for several months, she can still tell whether they are sincere or not.

Now that she decided to see a doctor, Qin Xi didn't intend to procrastinate, so she took her brother and the address given by Grandma Yu to find the doctor the next day.

Although Yu Qingqiu was worried, she couldn't do anything else except worry.

All she knew were those people who had a good relationship with her husband when her husband was there. They are all old Chinese doctors, and they don’t sit in clinics anymore, let alone go to work in state-run hospitals like county hospitals. Now they are all at home. To play with grandchildren and enjoy the rest of their lives, what she gave to the siblings were the home addresses of these people.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were the first to go to Dr. Zhao Zhong. This was recommended by Grandma Yu. Fortunately, he still lives there. I heard that it was introduced by Yu Qingqiu. First, I asked the old man The wife's recent situation, soon, began to feel Qin Jiang's pulse.

Ever since the two of them went out, Yu Qingqiu's heart had been on the rise, she was going up and down, but it couldn't be realized, she was worried, and in this worry, there was also some hope mixed in.

What a great young man Qin Jiang is!He is only seventeen this year, still very young, his future has infinite possibilities, curing him is not only Qin Xi's bullying hope, but also her wish.

The two of them went there for several hours. She made lunch and reheated it over and over again, but they still didn't come back.

Seeing that the projection of the log standing in front of the door is getting shorter and shorter, she can only eat it by herself first. Theirs is still left in the pot. She is going to sweep the street, morning, noon and evening, rain or shine, She can't lose this job.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang came back after one o'clock. The old doctor gave Qin Jiang acupuncture. It took a bit long, once a week, one piece at a time, and it took a month to see the effect.

Coming out of Zhao's house, Qin Xi felt that the burden on her shoulders was heavier. Fortunately, they still had some savings, and they had spent a lot this month. Now they only have a little over two yuan. 90 yuan, don't worry too much for now.

In the afternoon, the two of them stopped working in the woods. They took a fishing cage and went to the nearby stream. At the narrow mouth, they fixed the fishing cage. Both sides of the fish cage were blocked by stones. She and Qin The two of Jiang went upstream and stepped on the water barefoot. Where there were many aquatic plants, they used bamboo poles to stir them desperately, trying to drive out all the small fish and shrimp hidden in the aquatic plants.

After working for more than an hour, they harvested less than half a catty of colorful fish. There were so many varieties that they couldn't even recognize them all.

Pork in the black market is too expensive, and they can't afford it at all. After all, if they buy a catty of pork, their food will be gone for three or four days. I don’t know how to buy them. I usually buy some pork liver powder sausages and cook soup when I come back. This is good for the eyes.

Usually the meat they eat most is fish. Some time ago, the two went to the fields with flashlights to catch a lot of frogs and eels at night. Now that the autumn harvest is over, most of the farmlands don’t even have water. They started from the nearby creeks. Sometimes, when they were really free, the two of them would go fishing in the reservoir.

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