Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 73 Zhao Zhong Doctor Zhao

Chapter 73 Zhao Zhong Doctor Zhao

"Thank you for your hard work today! Doctor Zhao gave you so many needles, so I will cook fish soup for you tonight."

Qin Xi felt that Qin Jiang was working very hard today, so he wanted to make up for it. These little fish would be boiled to drink at night, and Dr. Zhao who gave him acupuncture also said that he needed to eat more nutritious food in order to recover. Well, recovery is fast.

"No, it's not hard, it doesn't hurt." Qin Shan scratched the hair on the back of his head foolishly and said with a smile.

"Does it really hurt?"

"The needle that Dr. Zhao took out was so long that most of it went in. I shivered when I saw it. If I had to watch the needle go into my body, I would definitely tremble and tremble all the time. Yes." Qin Xi stretched out her hand to compare the length of the silver needle, and trembled all over, she had already imagined that scene.

"A little bit, but seeing you there, I don't feel any pain."

Qin Jiang himself didn't think there was anything wrong with these words. He was telling the truth, but he was a little embarrassed by Qin Xi's rectification. Does she still have this effect?Her brother thinks she is too useful!
As soon as Yu Qingqiu finished cleaning the street, she waited at home. She knew that the two of them had returned, because the food she had left for them was gone in the stove, but she just didn't see them.

This kind of waiting is really uncomfortable. If she knows where the two have gone, she will definitely go to find them, but the point is, she doesn't know where the two have gone!Ever since they left the house in the morning, the two sides have never met face to face.

Seeing the two brothers and sisters intact and happily appearing in front of her with a fishing cage, Yu Qingqiu was agitated. When he stood up, he wobbled and almost fell, but he managed to hold the door frame next to him in time.

Her movement made the two people on the opposite side very nervous, and they hurried over to see how she was doing.

"Okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

It may be the reason why I went to see a doctor today. Qin Xi's first reaction was whether the old lady was sick. After all, she is not young, she is over 60.

At this age, in later generations, she can run and jump, and she is a lively little old lady, but in this era, she is already in her twilight years, with half a foot in the coffin. After all, the average life expectancy of people at this time is also Just over 60 years old.

As long as people in the city are 40 years old, they will try their best to prepare a coffin for themselves, especially when they are sick, buying a coffin and keeping it at home is a sign of happiness. Of course, more The most important thing is to be on guard, the world is impermanent, and no one knows how long they can live.

If you are more particular, you will also invite a special coffin painter to paint and paint the coffin. You are always particular. Of course, in terms of money, it will also cost a lot. After the whole process is completed, the salary for a few months will be gone, that is for sure. .

People at this time are more particular about this, as long as there are conditions, they must try their best to deal with it. After all, it is related to their affairs, which is the most important event.

For example, Qin Xi's grandma, Li Chunhua, has always wanted to buy such a coffin for herself, but Liu Qin just disagreed, so she could only save money desperately.

Now she has almost saved money, but she feels that she has always been in good health. Coupled with Liu Qin's strong opposition, this matter has been delayed. Besides, she is going back to Qingou Village, and she will be buried in Qin's house when she dies. In her ancestral grave, she had to communicate well with Qin Shu, Jiang Yu and his wife in her hometown, so that this matter could be done, otherwise her coffin would be finished and there would be no place to put it.

"I'm fine, don't worry! It's just sitting on this threshold for too long and getting up too hard, which makes you feel dizzy."

"After all, I'm getting old, this is all normal." Yu Qingqiu refused the support of the two brothers and sisters, and stood upright by himself.

"Have you found a doctor? Which one? Did you give Xiao Jiang Zhi?"

She had a lot of questions, but Qin Xi didn't find it annoying, it was all because of the old man's concern for her brother.

"I found it. It's Dr. Zhao Zhong. He even asked me to say hello to you!"

"He took my brother's pulse, asked a lot of trivial questions, and then gave him acupuncture. Although I didn't understand it, I knew it was very powerful. This time I should find the right one."

Although she studied Chinese medicine in college, she only learned a general idea. Of course, she knows the basic herbs. After all, she is still picking them, but other things, after more than a year of hard work, have long been thrown to Java Island by her. I have gone, and the current situation is probably a matter of asking three questions.

It is very difficult to learn something, but if you want to give up something, you can do it in ten and a half months, not to mention that after more than a year, she has no books, no mobile phone and computer, and she wants to review what she has learned before. Knowledge is harder than climbing to the sky, not to mention, she has not even solved the problem of food and clothing.

In the past, every time I ate, I would pick out the fat, and I would pay attention to cooking, not to put too much oil, and I would worry about my weight from time to time.

Now, when she saw that big fat on the chopping board selling pork, her first reaction was how much lard could be made out of it!Lard residue, that is a delicacy that cannot be obtained in dreams.

Moreover, the pigs at this time are all grown up eating grass, and the meat is really delicious!Fresh pork is used to cook the soup, and the meat tastes fresh and sweet, which is many times stronger than the pork she ate in later generations.

"That's good. What he is best at is acupuncture and massage. If he can't do anything, then other doctors in Yongxin County will be useless."

"Is he alright? Considering his age, he is already in his seventies this year. Is he still in good health?"

At the beginning, Zhao Zhong and her husband had a good relationship like brothers, they often got together and exchanged ideas, but she and Zhao Zhong's wife were on good terms, they hugged a baby and chatted for a long time.

It's a pity that sister-in-law Zhao fell ill in [-], and two years later, her father also left, and the relationship between their family and the Zhao family gradually faded.

The two sides only had less contacts, but the relationship has been very good, until she was sent to the grassroots to sweep the streets, and her son's family was sent to work on the farm.

She can understand the alienation of Zhao's family. After all, everyone has a family. If something goes wrong, it will hinder the eyes of the people above, and the family members will be implicated. After all, the children and grandchildren must be considered.

Thinking about it differently, if her family was reversed from Zhao's, then her choice would not be any different from Zhao's.

"Okay, Mr. Zhao is very healthy. When we went there, Mr. Zhao was still boxing and exercising in the yard!"

"People who study Chinese medicine are different. They are all in their 70s, but they look like people in their 50s. The old man's hair is not all gray yet! With his body, he can live another ten years." , I don't think there is any problem at all." What Qin Xi said was true, and there was nothing false about it, and the old man looked really energetic.

At that time, when she saw Mr. Zhao, her first thought was that she had met an expert. After all, the old man gave her a sense of immortality, especially temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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