Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 76 Birthday Invitation

Chapter 76 Birthday Invitation

Qin Jiang was the first person to find out that his grandma was coming. Without saying a word, he ran into the house and called his sister. He knew that he was not smart enough to handle his grandma.

For his grandma's arrival, he was mostly apprehensive, for fear that the peaceful life at this time would be broken by her arrival.

He doesn't like that family, and the people in that family don't like him either. Apart from his sister, he doesn't like those around him who often tease and make fun of him. It's very good here, with his sister and the kind and kind grandma Yu.

"Sister, grandma is here."

Qin Xi didn't realize it at first, isn't Grandma Yu just sitting in this room?
After being stunned for a few seconds, she finally realized that the grandma her brother mentioned should be referring to her own grandma Li Chunhua, not Grandma Yu sitting in the room.

At this time, Li Chunhua also walked to the door of the small earthen house.

"Qin Xi, Qin Jiang, are you here?" Li Chunhua didn't dare to go in rashly. What if she found the wrong place?
How embarrassing it would be if you suddenly walked into a stranger's house!

Hearing this, Qin Xi knew that there was no way to hide, and people were coming to the door, so he must have found out clearly.

Escaping won't solve any problems, besides, she still doesn't know why the old lady is here!
After all, the two sides haven't seen each other for several months, and they haven't contacted each other. If they came to the door suddenly today, there must be something wrong.

"Here, what do you want us to do?" Qin Xi's expression was very cold, and his tone of voice was also very cold, and he didn't see the eagerness of his grandma at all.

When Li Chunhua saw this scene, her expression froze for a moment. This was exactly the same as the scene she imagined of reuniting after a long absence, embracing and crying, and someone crying and begging her to take her home. Related!

Moreover, Qin Xi didn't even say a word to grandma, what does that mean?
I don't want any face or affection. Is this to completely draw a line with their family?
"Qin Xi, I'm your grandma! What's the matter? Are you dumb? Can't even bark when we meet?"

"You used to be nice, sensible and well-behaved, but ever since you met someone who was uneasy and kind, you have become rebellious."

"She just wanted to find someone to take care of her old age, how could she be sincere to you?" Li Chunhua looked at Yu Qingqiu who was standing by the door and said pointedly.

She was so blatantly sowing discord, plus pointing fingers and scolding Huai, because she felt that she had discovered the culprit who provoked Qin Xi to rebel.

It must be instigated by this stinky street sweeper, otherwise, how could Qin Xi, who has always been well-behaved and sensible, become the sharp-tongued and barbaric girl she is now.

The brother and sister should have lived here for a week when they were kicked out last year. Both of them were bewitched by the old woman.

"If you have something to talk about, don't talk about it. If you don't talk about it, I'll go back. I'm very busy, so I don't have time to chat with you here." Qin Xi directly recruited her to get out of the way, pretending to leave.

But how could Li Chunhua let her go like this, she worked so hard to find this place, not to say a few irrelevant gossips with Qin Xi.

"No, I have something to tell you." Li Chunhua stretched out his hand directly, and grabbed Qin Xi.

"Tomorrow is my birthday, and I have only one wish. Let's be together as a family and have a reunion meal. After all, I am over 60, and how many years I can live is unknown."

"A week ago, I went back to Qingou Village to call your second uncle. Today, I searched for a long time before I found this place. I hope that both of you brothers and sisters can come back and have dinner with me."

When saying these words, Li Chunhua's expression was very sincere, just like an old lady who longed for family affection and a harmonious reunion of the family.

Neither Qin Xi nor Qin Jiang was fooled by her trick, but Yu Qingqiu was moved. She was of a similar age and had the same experience, and she felt that she could empathize with her thoughts.

But she is worse than the old lady in front of her. Her children and grandchildren are all in a very distant province farm, and it is more difficult to come back.

This old lady is luckier than her. Her desire for a family reunion is relatively easy to satisfy. After all, the whole family is in Yongxin County. Even if one son is in the countryside and the other is in the county, reunion is very simple. It can be done in a car for a few hours.

After Li Chunhua left, seeing Qin Xi who was still hesitating, Yu Qingqiu persuaded: "Your grandma is getting old, every day is a day, not to mention tomorrow is her birthday, if I were her, I would definitely hope that my children and grandchildren will be happy." Go back and see her."

"These days, you have been writing in the room all the time, you must be a little annoying! Go back and see them, just take a breather and relax."

Qin Xi knew that Grandma Yu had good intentions, but she didn't understand the complicated family situation of their family at all. At most, she could half listen to and half believe what Li Chunhua said. If she really believed her words, follow her way of thinking. I don't know if she sold it.

But she didn't know how to explain it to Grandma Yu. After all, when the two of them were chatting before, Qin Xi also told her about her own situation, but the old lady was very open-minded, and always focused on persuading her, letting her see Take it easy, after all, they are relatives, and blood ties cannot be parted.

Therefore, she knows that it is useless to explain this to the elderly, the older generation has its own persistence.

From Yu Qingqiu's point of view, Li Chunhua who came here today has a kind attitude, but Qin Xi's expression is cold and a little impolite. If someone who doesn't know her temperament may misunderstand her.

Yu Qingqiu didn't know what happened to Qin Xi and Qin Jiang and his family, but it was true that she wanted Qin Xi and Qin Jiang to reconcile with the Qin family. After all, they were a family, and there was no deep hatred. Be more open-minded, and there is nothing difficult to overcome.

Although the two brothers and sisters can support themselves with their skills, they are still young and lack experience. If they have a good relationship with their family members and have advice from their elders, they will avoid many detours.

"Okay, I'll go back with my brother tomorrow." Qin Xi made this decision helplessly.

Among them is the reason of Grandma Yu's persuasion, but more importantly, her grandma has come to "invite" them in person. If they don't return, the old lady will go out and chatter casually, and gossip will fly all over the sky again.

It's okay to go back and have a look, there's nothing to lose anyway, if Liu Qin still has that bad face at that time, just leave, don't watch her face while eating.

"That's right, a family doesn't talk about two families, and the blood relationship is inseparable. Don't wait until later to regret it. Grandma hopes you can cherish it." Yu Qingqiu said very happily.

That's what she really thinks, if Qin Xi wasn't a junior whom she particularly loved and valued, she wouldn't have taught her so sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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