Chapter 77
The next day, just after breakfast, Yu Qingqiu began to urge the two of them to pack up and go home quickly to see if there was anything they could do to help.

Qin Xi didn't want to go back so early, she reckoned, it was only around eight o'clock now, why did she go back so early, did she look at Liu Qin's eyes?

"Okay, when you go back, you make your own decision, I won't interfere with you." Yu Qingqiu felt that she was a little anxious, it didn't seem like something she could do.

She valued blood relationship, that's why she urged the siblings to go back and have a look, but she forgot that their thoughts might be different from hers.

Since the two children were able to escape by themselves, it meant that something must have happened at home. They must have had conflicts with their elders. If there was a conflict, she'd better stop urging them, so as not to embarrass Qin Xi and the others.

Qin Xi nodded happily and breathed a sigh of relief, she finally stopped urging her.

Time flew by, and two hours passed quickly. Qin Xi looked at Grandma Yu's anxious expression, and said to Qin Jiang, "Brother, let's go!"

"Oh." Qin Jiang didn't ask why, but stood up naturally and followed Qin Xi out.

"Grandma, let's go." Qin Xi waved towards Grandma Yu.

"Be careful on the road, and have a smooth journey." Yu Qingqiu followed behind the two of them.

Obviously they were simply going back to Qin's house for a meal, but she forced it into the feeling that the siblings were going on a long trip.

"Understood, you go back!"

"We'll be back after we've finished eating." Seeing Grandma Yu who was delivered out, Qin Xi waved her to stop following her.

Hearing this, Yu Qingqiu really stopped the tears that were about to overflow his eyes, and waved happily in the direction where the brothers and sisters left.

She is also a human being, and her heart is fleshy, so she will naturally be worried, worried that Qin Xi and the others will never return together, she is reluctant, after having their company, and losing their company, she feels that the days that follow will be bleak .

Otherwise, people are contradictory!Obviously she wanted both brothers and sisters to stay with her and not go back to the Qin family, but she thought that going back to the Qin family and her relatives was the best choice, so she chose to persuade the brothers and sisters to go back.

On the way home, no matter whether it was Qin Xi or Qin Jiang, both of them felt uneasy in their hearts. They didn't know what was waiting for them at Qin's house.

Walking on the familiar street, Qin Xi was deeply moved: "Brother, if their attitude is wrong later, let's just slip away. I don't care about their meal."

"Well, if it's not right, let's run away." Upon hearing this, Qin Jiang's eyes lit up.

He is now hoping that his family's attitude towards his brother and sister will be very bad, so that he and his sister can leave in a fair manner without having to eat with them.

Eating with someone he doesn't like, even if the food is meat, he will not be happy, but eating with someone he likes, even if he can only eat sweet potatoes and wild vegetables, he will be happy.

Li Chunhua stood at the door, walking back and forth, looking around. Liu Qin's eyes hurt when she looked at her like this: "Mom, can you sit peacefully? It's not like Qin Xi and the others don't have long legs. If they want to come, they will come naturally." Come on, even if you go out to see it thousands of times, those who don’t want to come and those who shouldn’t come will not come.”

Jiang Yu looked at the gesture of her sister-in-law preaching casually to her mother-in-law, and she was envious. At most, she just ignored the old godly woman, and she didn't know if she could be like Liu Qin, wantonly pressing the old woman and preaching for a while. pause.

Li Chunhua didn't know that her other daughter-in-law was thinking about how to suppress her. Now she looked at Liu Qin who was talking to her arrogantly, which made her heart tired.

Ever since the tigress got scars on her hands and feet, her temper became more and more serious, and she was unscrupulous in what she said and did. When something went wrong, she would roar like a crazy woman.

During this period of time, she has suffered a lot, and the rest of the family are having a hard time, but they can't beat her!
Her mouth is not as sharp as hers, Qin Shan is a coward, and he dare not move a finger of Liu Qin, needless to say, she is old and weak, how could she beat Liu Qin, there is no way but to endure it .

Just when she was embarrassed, two people, Qin Jiang and Qin Xi, appeared in her field of vision, and Li Chunhua showed excitement: "Here, it means that both of them are the ones who should come, but there are people who shouldn't." People here are here to stand in the way."

She is very cautious. She still remembers how Liu Qin perfunctory her on her birthday last year. This year, she doesn't mind Liu Qin staying here. Doesn't she think her mother's family is good?Why don't you go back to your mother's house and stay there!
Liu Qin always complains openly and secretly, telling people everywhere that her mother-in-law treats her badly, but why doesn't she think about the shitty things she did!
It was she who treated them differently first. The mother-in-law and the old lady are in her heart. They are different from each other, and they compare their hearts to each other. With her behavior like that, how could she be pleasing to Liu Qin's eyes!

Just compare her old mother's birthday with her birthday last year!Her own mother, the red envelope eggs and pastry brown sugar, are not left behind. As a mother-in-law, she has never heard a good word that she does not need money. She eats two eggs, and she is said to be a waste. ah!

"Mom, you don't think I'm the one who shouldn't be here, do you?" Liu Qin pointed at herself, looked at Li Chunhua with a smile and asked.

Looking at Liu Qin who played cards completely out of common sense, Li Chunhua scolded her countless times in her heart, but she smiled awkwardly on her face and did not answer what she said.

This can be regarded as the default, but it doesn't have to tear the face openly, it is a relatively compromised way of handling it.

"Come here quickly! We're all here, you two are the only ones missing." Li Chunhu warmly greeted Qin Xi and Qin Jiang, and as expected, she saw Liu Qin's stiff face.

Knowing that Liu Qin was unhappy, Li Chunhua's face was filled with smiles, not to mention how happy she was. This time, she had achieved her goal of calling Qin Jiang and Qin Xi back.

That's right, under Liu Qin's long-term suppression, Li Chunhua also developed a rebellious mentality, and the two officially met. As long as Liu Qin is unhappy, then she will be happy.

"You two still have the nerve to come back, why? It's not a good day outside, do you want to come back and ask for something to eat?" Liu Qin walked across from the siblings, crossed her arms, and said in a cold tone.

She didn't expect that these two people would really dare to come back. They were really brave enough to hurt her so badly, but they could still stand in front of her calmly, without any expression of guilt or guilt.

That's right, her subconscious mind has completely completed the matter of throwing the pot away, and in her heart, she really believes that it was Qin Xi who caused her harm.

(End of this chapter)

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