Chapter 95

By the time the three of them returned to the educated youth spot, the news that they wanted to build a house had already spread.

Among other things, the educated youths are very curious. After all, this is their own house. The locals allow foreigners to build houses here. Why does this sound so unreliable!

All of this can only be explained clearly by the person involved.

There were seven people in the educated youth spot before, but one of them was a man and a woman, one went back through family relations, and the other married the youngest son of the village party secretary's family, so when Qin Xi and the others came to this place, the educated youth spot would only There are five people left.

Among them, the female educated youth married to the secretary of the village party committee was named Zeng Rou.

Because of being an educated youth, Zeng Rou felt that she was out of tune with other people in Chen Hui Village, so when she was free, she still liked to go to the educated youth spot to chat with her former acquaintances. She felt that she had a common language with them and could Let's talk together.

They can complain about who's patriarchal, who's wicked mother-in-law, who's poor girl, and they don't know that they have become the most hated talking point when they first came to the village.

"Qin Xi, how did you convince the people in the village to grant you land to build a house? Could it be that you are related to the captain?" Chen Yue gently grabbed Qin Xi who was about to go in, and pulled him to the three girls. The educated youth sat on the big rock where they used to gather and talk, and asked.

"Don't be in a hurry to go back and pack your things. Anyway, there aren't many things. I'll finish it in a while. If it's late, we'll help you at worst."

Yun Qing nodded at the side: "Yes! Don't worry, let's talk about the house you are going to build first. After the house is built, are you going to move out?"

"Where should I choose? Is it close to our educated youth spot?"

She felt that she had 1 questions to ask. Why did they come later? They just went out to talk to the captain. When they came back, they heard that they were going to build their own house in Chenhui Village.

You know, when she and Fangzheng first came here, they were excluded by many people in the village. Overtly and secretly, many people pointed at the two of them, especially when the two of them walked hand in hand. I could hear some octogenarians talking about indiscretion next to me.

The two of them have a good relationship, and they don't get in the way of anything. They really meddle in their own business.

They call it free love, those old stubborn know what a fart!They will chew their tongues all day long, and sooner or later, they will wring their tongues out.

Sitting next to the two of them, the frail, fair-skinned woman was Zeng Rou, an educated youth sent to the countryside. Her family was very poor, so she was left behind, and basically ignored her, but when it was time to distribute food, So I sent her Xuexin crying and complained that there was no rice for cooking at home.

She didn't make it through a year, so she married Chen Liangyu, the youngest son of the village party secretary, because she sent [-] catties of food back to her family after the autumn harvest in the village. , she almost ran out of food.

During that time, it happened that Chen Liangyu, the youngest son of the village party secretary, was pursuing her vigorously, so she bowed down for five buckets of rice.

Although she felt aggrieved in her heart, but fortunately, her husband Chen Liangyu was good to her. When she had conflicts with her sister-in-law, he could stand firmly behind her and protect her. Otherwise, she would have been bullied to death by those two sister-in-laws Yeah, the kind that has no place to stand at home.

Qin Xi was dizzy from these questions, so she chose to start from the beginning.

At the same time, Tang Ying, who has always been aloof, also quietly moved over. It only took a day for her to figure out the other two roommates in the educated youth spot, that is, the two old educated youths.

To be honest, it's not easy to deal with, and it's very difficult. If the two of them join forces to deal with her, she really isn't necessarily an opponent.

Although she despises those two people in every way, she is in peace now, if those two people become barbaric, they don't speak any reason, and they directly attack, she may suffer a disadvantage.

Therefore, the way Qin Xi and the others move out is very good. She wants to hear it. If it is feasible, then she will also build a house for herself. Among other things, at least she doesn't have to continue living with those two people. Together, you don't have to listen to those yin and yang words.

If it was said that at the beginning, the others were still listening to her quietly with great interest, but afterward, they interrupted frequently.

"Qin Xi, do you have too much money and no place to spend it, bite your hand!"

"If you really have a lot, you can find me! I promise to spend it for you." Yun Qing propped her hands on the cold stone platform behind, shaking her feet leisurely, and said with a smile.

"How can such a stupid person build a house and only have the right to use it. This land is not yours. The materials for building the house have to be bought with money. When you can return to the city, this house will be unconditionally taken back by the village. go."

"Isn't it just that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, and nothing was caught?"

"Then why do you spend so much money to build a house! If you have too much money and don't bite your hands, it really doesn't work. We can help you spend it."

Chen Yue had a gentle smile on her face, but the words that came out of her mouth were like venom from a poisonous snake: "Yes! You still need to think about spending money, don't be like your big brother"

Before she finished speaking, she covered her mouth pretending to be surprised again, with an expression that I didn't mean to, that was an affectation and disgusting.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose. I just found that your elder brother stumbled a bit and his brain didn't seem to be very bright. I'm not saying that your elder brother is a fool. Don't get me wrong!"

Yun Qing cooperated with her very familiarly: "Isn't that just a little fool with no brains?"

"Why, are we still wrong?"

"But now it seems that you are not very smart. I heard that this is hereditary."

"Two idiots." After speaking, Qin Xi turned around and left.

She accepted the malice of the two people, and after this encounter, she realized how bad the two people's tempers were.

At this moment, she is very grateful for her decision. It is better for these two eighth wives to stay away, otherwise they will never have a peaceful life.

She remembered these two people. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It's not too late to argue with them. It doesn't hurt or itch. Let's see later!She was staring at them!
"Cut, what does she mean by that? Is she being cowardly?" Yun Qing moved closer to Chen Yue and said with a smile.

This kind of pleasure of running people, to be honest, is really cool, she finally understands why those eight wives in the village like to point and point at them so much when they first came, this kind of talk The feeling is really cool, especially the kind that makes the person speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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