Chapter 96

"Sure! There are two of us, she is only one person, men are not allowed to meddle in matters between women, isn't she afraid!"

"Besides, we didn't lie. Her elder brother doesn't seem to be very smart. There must be something wrong." Chen Yue said happily.

At this time, I suddenly really want to crack melon seeds. If I have a handful of melon seeds in my hand at this time, and talk about this matter while eating melon seeds, it must be very interesting.

"I think so too. Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel that the three of them are not normal."

"Xiaorou, when you go back, you have to talk to your family and remind them that it's okay if the three brothers and sisters don't go crazy. If so, you can make preparations in advance if you know their situation."

Yun Qing smiled lightly at Chen Yue, without saying anything.

Zeng Rou also understood that Yun Qing wanted to use her mouth to spread rumors about the three brothers and sisters in the village, and isolate them first, so that the villagers who heard these words would alienate them, and even look at them with colored eyes. They can always bring them some discomfort.

And things like rumors must become more and more evil as they spread. She also read Qin Jiang, but she was not that smart. , is directly a fool, and it can be seen that the horror of rumors spread.

The younger brother and sister of the person named Qin Jiang turned out to be a little abnormal after going out of their mouths. In this way, they would be hindered in dealing with the villagers.

Rumors are like this. After being passed on from person to person, the one that comes out in the end is completely unrecognizable.

Although she understood this, she did not intend to stop it, but was happy to contribute to it. This is the bad root of human nature. They often like to seek satisfaction in other people's misfortune.

Zeng Rou feels that she is living an uncomfortable life now, and she is happy to make others feel uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I see, I will mention it to my family and let them pay attention." Zeng Rou pretended not to understand, and replied softly.

Among other things, her pure and innocent little white flower character must stand firmly, and she must not overturn.

After all, it was because of this characteristic that she got along like a fish in water in Chenhui Village. Those young guys really only eat this way. Some people rush to help with work, and when they are not working, people come with eggs from time to time. The educated youth looked at her.

Suddenly, a sneer broke the atmosphere of sisterly affection between them, and the three of them turned their heads to look at Tang Ying.

"what do you mean?"

Tang Ying pretended to be puzzled and said, "What do you mean? I don't mean anything?"

Seeing her familiar attitude, the three sisters looked at each other, and finally looked at Tang Ying together.

"What did you mean by that laugh just now?" Yun Qing, the most impatient of the three, was the first to attack.

"I don't mean anything!"

"Did I just laugh?"

"Why don't you teach me how I laughed just now, so that I can recall memories."

Her demeanor, coupled with that yin and yang voice, directly filled the taunt value, and of course, the hatred value was also full.

"Your surname is Tang, don't be too arrogant, really treat this place as your own home, little one."

Chen Yue held Yun Qing back and interrupted her next words.

"Don't be as knowledgeable as her, let's go, she is jealous of us!" Chen Yue whispered in Yun Qing's ear.

She didn't want to offend Tang Ying severely when she didn't find out Tang Ying's identity.

She wanted to calm things down, but she started to talk, and planned to use all her firepower. Tang Ying, who was mocking these little green teas, didn't plan to stop talking.

"Look at you shrews, if you don't live in the educated youth spot, and at the same time you have the cheek to call yourself an educated youth who went to the countryside, I would have thought this was a village woman!"

"The mouth is broken, the heart is dark, and you are pretending and hypocritical. A woman like you can still find a partner. I don't know if they are blind or you are too good at pretending."

"If I were a man, even if I was a bachelor all my life, I wouldn't think much of you."

Regarding the lethality of the last sentence to the brain of love, just look at Yun Qing and Chen Yue who directly broke the defense.

"When you talk about us, don't you take a piss to see that you are a bear. You are tall and strong. You are a man. What kind of man is so blind that he can fall in love with you!"

Chen Yuefun's words followed closely behind: "That's right, you're just envious and jealous of us, you really think you're a piece of garlic, and you're here to make a fool of yourself."

"The human Qin Xi is gone, it's too late to flatter me now, it's useless to show off in front of us."

Tang Ying raised her head, raised her chin slightly, looked at the two of them arrogantly and said, "It's just you two, I'm still envious, with triangular eyes and bulbous nose, and a toad mouth underneath, you can scare children to tears when you go out during the day , and don’t look at what kind of virtue you are, I don’t need to be envious, you should take a pee and take a look at your ugly face first!”

She has 100% confidence in her appearance. In short, she is very beautiful. Opposite her are two toads screaming, and it's over.

Zeng Rou, who had always shown herself as a little white flower, couldn't even put her mouth in the middle of the scolding battle between the three of them.

Tang Ying was one-on-two, and she didn't lose the slightest bit. If it wasn't too late, if she didn't cook, she would have to cook in the dark at night, and the three of them wouldn't stop.

Of course, judging from their way of getting along this afternoon, the three of them couldn't eat into the same pot.

Although Tang Ying still had pastries brought from home, she should eat less of this kind of food, not to mention that she prefers to eat warm ones in cold weather, so she went directly to Qin Xi and the others.

"Qin Xi, when you cook, can you cook more? I'm alone and I don't want to cook, so I'll trouble you to cook my portion too. Of course, I'll give you money, and food stamps are fine too." .”

Qin Xi focused on her tender hands, and knew that this person might be a pampered little girl at home. Although she couldn't help much, it's okay to help cook a meal tonight.

Besides, Tang Ying's outspoken words just now can be said to be speaking for them, that's all for this, she invited this dinner today.

"No need, let me treat you to eat! It's not easy to start a fire if you're alone, so let's eat something by the way!"

Both of them are young people, and the way of pushing and pushing is not applicable to them.

Tang Ying didn't refuse any more, but she didn't take advantage either. When Qin Xi finished making the corn and sweet potato porridge, she took out the pickles her mother had prepared for her. There were diced meat and dried mushrooms in it, and the oil was even more delicious. No less, it is perfect for porridge.

(End of this chapter)

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