Love complex as a demon, ask that I am doing part-time job

Chapter 457 Extra: The Ghost King’s Bride

Chapter 457 Extra: The Ghost King’s Bride (4)

When Qin Qing opened her eyes from the coma, there was an IV hanging on the back of her hand. There was a strange man nodding his head sleepily on the seat in the distance. At the end of the bed sat Fu Nan, who was meditating cross-legged.

This picture is somewhat strange. Not to mention why there are things in the underground palace, Fu Nan is wearing ancient clothes, and there is a man in sportswear. Qin Qing's brain is a little confused, and the illusion of not being able to tell time sweeps through his body.

She tried hard to make a sound, but Qin Qing's throat was extremely dry and hoarse.

"Water... water..."

The sound, weaker than a mosquito or fly, did not alarm the two of them. Qin Qing gritted her teeth in anger and used her last ounce of strength to kick Fu Nan.

Fu Nan, who seemed to feel his clothes moving, slowly opened his eyes and saw Qin Qing making gestures to indicate that she wanted to drink water.

Fu Nan jumped up excitedly and shouted: "You finally woke up. I've been staying with you in the side hall for several days. This place is really small. I'm not used to living there. My whole body aches and feels uncomfortable."

Qin Qing, who was full of questions, looked at Fu Nan with a constipated expression.

But I was complaining madly in my heart: Are you being wronged by letting you stay in the side hall? What does it mean to feel sore all over? Do you still want me to give you a massage when you are sick?

Fu Nan watched Qin Qing's expression keep changing, finally shut her mouth and woke up the attending physician.

"Zhuang Lu, get up and take a look at the situation!"

When the sleepy Zhuang Lu saw Qin Qing waking up, he stood up energetically and rushed to his side.

"Well, the fever is gone. If you replenish your body, you should be fine."

Qin Qing was completely speechless this time and continued to make gestures, hinting to the two people in front of him to give him a glass of water.

Zhuang Lu was still very perceptive. When he saw Qin Qing's rising movements, he took out a bottle of mineral water from his pocket as if by magic and said, "You will definitely be thirsty after burning for so long. I'll help you get up and drink some water." Moisturize your throat.”

Before Zhuang Lu could meet Qin Qing, he was stopped by Fu Nan with an unhappy expression on his face.

"How can you help her if a man and a woman don't have sex? I'll do it."

As a prince, Fu Nan didn't know how to serve others. With simple and rough movements, he pulled Qin Qing's arm up and leaned her against the cold rock wall.

Qin Qing's inner complaints have begun to be garbled, but she can't make a sound now, so she can only drink mineral water in her hands.

After finally easing her water shortage, Qin Qing coughed a few times as a sound check.

After making sure she could make a sound, she slowly raised her melon-shaped face, which was even thinner and pale due to illness, but strong flames burst out from her eyes.

"Fu Nan, I'm already sick. Can a few more words of concern cost you your life? What nonsense are you talking about? This side hall is so spacious. What's bothering you? If you don't want to stay here, let those men take care of me. That’s fine, just forget about talking nonsense, you won’t have a nice word, right?”

Qin Qing got angry. Usually, all kinds of dog-legged people also have tempers.

"Also, I just wanted to drink water, why are you complaining all the time! Let someone help me, and if you don't want to, you just throw me against the wall?"

She was already feeling uncomfortable around her, but now leaning against the cold rock wall, Qin Qing's anger could no longer be suppressed.

"you you you you……"

As he spoke, Qin Qing fainted again due to lack of physical strength.

This time, Fu Nan was completely frightened. He quickly hugged her into his arms and watched her tremble all over. After thinking about the ghostly aura lingering in his body, he could only carefully support her and place her on the jade bed.

"Zhuang Lu, Zhuang Lu, she just woke up, why did she faint again?"

Zhuang Lu rolled his eyes crazily behind Funan. Who could face a guy like this who can't spit out ivory from his mouth without being stunned?

"She just woke up. She can't have too many emotional ups and downs. She fell asleep again due to lack of energy. It's okay. She can just eat something when she wakes up later."

Really tired of Fu Nan chattering here, Zhuang Lu pushed him out on the pretext of recovering from illness.

In the end, Fu Nan, who was wandering around outside, had nothing to do, so he went down the mountain and prepared a set of bedding and pillows for Qin Qing, and brought back two bowls of porridge and side dishes.

When Qin Qing opened her eyes again, she happened to see Fu Nan walking into the side hall wrapped in small bundles. Her expression softened a lot this time.

"You have a conscience, huh!"

With a bit of arrogance in her voice, Fu Nan avoided looking at him. If it weren't for the fact that he had been cold for a long time, his ears would be bleeding now. "I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have fooled you into saying you were dead. It's not good for you to stay in the underground palace all the time. Just go down the mountain after you recover. If you don't have money, just pick some of my funeral objects and take them away. You'll always be alive. There will be hope.”

With a pillow under Qin Qing, it was really cute to see her bulging cheeks while holding the porridge in her arms.

"Those things of yours are all antiques. Don't sell them if you take them out. You could easily be caught."

Now that the country's laws are sound, it is very risky to buy and sell antiques at will.

Seeing Qin Qing's serious look and wanting to hide in the underground palace without leaving, Fu Nan began to feel conflicted.

Although he liked Qin Qing by his side very much, life and death were already decided, so why would he keep her in a dark place like the underground palace for the rest of her life.

"No, if those antiques can't be sold, I still have a lot of gold bricks. I'll dig up a few for you and I'll help you burn them into gold water."

Seeing the two of them going back and forth to the limit, Zhuang Lu couldn't hold it any longer.

"Your matters will wait for now. Miss Qin still needs to recuperate for a while before she can leave, but I still have to go to work. Can you send me home first..."

o (╥﹏╥) o
Zhuang Lu is the most pitiful one. He will be fired if he misses work. He is just a hard-working worker and there is no need to stay here as a light bulb!

"Ahem!" The embarrassed Fu Nan could only hide the joy in his heart and continued: "Jinshui, do you want it?"

Looking at the shiny gold bricks under his feet, Zhuang Lu had actually been moved before.

But just after Qin Qing reminded him, he realized that it was difficult to explain the sudden appearance of these properties. Zhuang Lu didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"No need, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. As a doctor, that's what you should do."

Seeing the silly Zhuang Lu, Qin Qing, who was still drinking porridge, stopped.

"No need for the gold water. I'll give you some specialties later. You can take it back as a souvenir."

When Qin Qing finally had enough energy to walk on the ground after eating and drinking, she took out a handful of copper coins from the corner of the side hall.

"These copper coins were the most common style at that time. They are extremely rare and will not be targeted. You can keep them as souvenirs. If you encounter any difficulties, you can sell them. Good people should be rewarded."

It was just Funan's funerary objects. Qin Qing filled a bag without politeness and gave it to Zhuang Lu.

Before leaving, Qin Qing also whispered: "Don't reveal your wealth. Treat what happened in the underground palace as a dream. Wake up when you wake up. Don't tell anyone in advance. If you need it, just take a copper coin."

After Zhuang Lu left, he never mentioned these things again and kept secret until he continued to get promoted, got married and had children, and reached the age of chief doctor.

When he was about to forget those stories, his grandson fell ill.

Facing expensive targeted drugs, the whole family fell into misery. At this time, Zhuang Lu woke up from his dream. He suddenly remembered that past event and Qin Qing's last reminder.

If necessary, just a copper coin...

This sentence kept echoing in Zhuang Lu's mind. He climbed out of bed tremblingly. His wife was also woken up and put on her glasses to look at her husband's strange behavior.

He rushed to the study and took the key to open the cabinet under the desk.

There is a small box inside. When you open it, you can still see a golden color even if the light is not turned on.

The coins collided and made a crisp sound.

Zhuang Lu suddenly burst into tears, tremblingly took out a copper coin, turned to his wife and said: "Xiaobao is saved, we are saved, no matter how expensive the targeted drug is, we can afford it!"

The wife originally thought that her husband was mentally disturbed by recent events, but she didn't expect that Zhuang Lu would go out just after dawn.

Soon after, a series of transfers were received on the bank card.

How could the most favored prince of the Renzhao Dynasty be buried with copper coins circulating in the market?

Those golden copper coins were all specially cast, specially made for Funan, and each one was priceless.

Good people will eventually be rewarded. Zhuang Lu would burn paper for Funan every year and place a bouquet of white flowers on a distant hilltop.

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