Love complex as a demon, ask that I am doing part-time job

Chapter 458 Extra: The Ghost King’s Bride

Chapter 458 Extra: The Ghost King’s Bride (5)

No matter how Fu Nan tried to persuade her, Qin Qing refused to leave. Instead, she made up her mind to stay in the underground palace forever.

In order to make her stay more comfortable in the underground palace and prevent her from getting sick again, Fu Nan had no choice but to buy her various things. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the darker his face became. Qin Qing didn't care at all, and just said it in a few words. Can coax people well.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to be angry about. I won't cook dark food for you today. It must be delicious and delicious, okay?"

Although most ghosts don't need to eat, Fu Nan is so greedy that he can't help but drool when he thinks of those delicacies during his lifetime.

I don't know what means Qin Qing used, but Fu Nan could taste all kinds of flavors, so he could only give in quietly.

Seeing that the Ghost King was summoned and summoned by Qin Qing, the attitude of the remaining ones towards Qin Qing became even more flattering.

Qin Qing, whose life in the underground palace had been greatly improved, lay happily on the soft mattress and couldn't help but sigh comfortably.

If it weren't for completing the mission, it would be nice to stay here forever.

Qin Qing grew up in a family that favored boys over girls. Even though she was well-behaved and sensible, she started working from the time she opened her eyes, tried her best to do her best, and tried to please her parents in every way, but she still didn't receive any kind treatment and was scolded and beaten from time to time.

But after she had Yin and Yang eyes, she met countless people who were kind to her.

Oh, no, it was countless ghosts who were nice to her.

Because the life in the underground palace was too comfortable, Qin Qing was a little reluctant to take action. Fu Nan was a very simple person. Although he was rude, he didn't have any bad intentions. He just lived according to his preferences.

Qin Qing hesitated because she had very little life left and there were messages on her phone constantly urging her to complete the task.

She has already spent a lot of time in the underground palace, and she needs to go back to school early to study and earn credits.

At this time, Fu Nan, who was sitting in the main hall, slapped the table unwillingly. The more he took care of Qin Qing, the more she tried to push her further, which made him very distressed.

The subordinates who were following him looked at the distressed expression of the Ghost King and said knowingly: "Sir, since Sister Qing doesn't want to leave, why not let her become the Ghost King's bride. By signing a contract with you, you can not only enjoy her merits, but also Qing. My sister can live here forever after her death. If she doesn’t agree, she will naturally leave.”

Hearing this bad idea, Fu Nan raised his eyebrows slightly.

In fact, Fu Nan didn't care about signing the contract, and he didn't believe that a girl with such a rough fate would have any merit.

However, Fu Nan was still very confident that he could ensure that she would be pampered and pampered after her death.

"There's a reward!"

Fu Nan waved his hand, and he got a lot of good things, and left happily.

This time Fu Nan started to ask the lonely ghosts around him to prepare for the wedding. When Qin Qing found out, she saw red silk happy words plastered all over the underground palace.

Qin Qing felt bad after learning that Fu Nan was going to marry her.

The first thought that came to her mind was to run away, but seeing Yangshou at her fingertips, Qin Qing gritted her teeth and stayed.

"Just marry me, as long as Fu Nan is willing, I also want to try what it's like to be a princess, hum!"

The two of them hid their scheming and began to compete in various ways until the day of the wedding, when Qin Qing wore wedding clothes and signed a contract with Funan.

However, Qin Qing spiked everyone's drinks with sweat medicine, preparing to stun everyone and then directly let the army of ghosts kill all the stubborn households who refused to reincarnate.

But unexpectedly, when Qin Qing was squatting in the so-called wedding room and was about to contact the main troops, she saw Fu Nan kicking in the door with an angry look on his face.

"Qin Qing, who are you?"

How could those so-called Mongolian sweat medicines be useful for lonely ghosts, but she also mixed a lot of ghost-controlling drugs into them.

Now, except for Fu Nan, everyone was weak and fell to the ground, wailing for help.

Looking at the angry Fu Nan, the timid Qin Qing shrank her shoulders and explained in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I really have no choice. I have to live. Only by completing the task will I be rewarded with longevity. I don't want to die yet..." Qin Qing, who was just starting out, didn't have much ability, so she could only use such despicable methods to get close to Funan.

The angry Fu Nan had just pinched Qin Qing's wrist when he heard a thunderous explosion, the underground palace shook, and gravel fell.

The beautiful moonlight poured down, and someone stood with a sword and slowly walked into the underground palace.

Seeing the red eyes, he shouted angrily: "Qin Qing, come out!"

Qin Qing, who originally only wanted to bring in reinforcements, did not expect to attract this person. She shrank her shoulders in fear, feeling that she was in trouble.

Mo Yan looked at Qin Qing, who was wearing a wedding dress, with red eyes, staring at Fu Nan fiercely.

"I'm going to give you three points of honor so that you can resolve your obsession and reincarnate as soon as possible. I just don't want to wear away the power of blessing in you. You just don't repent. Do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

The battle that night was earth-shattering. Even though Fu Nan was escorted into the eighteenth level of hell, he was still unconvinced.

Of course, this kind of dissatisfaction was fatal to Mo Yan.

Even today, because of the contract, Fu Nan can still enjoy the blessing of Qin Qing's moral golden light.

He didn't want to be reincarnated, so he stayed on the 18th floor every day and refused to leave.

From time to time I would meet Mo Yan and exchange a few words.

"Don't go to the 18th floor, you're a guy who likes to pretend to be young but miserable."

Mo Yan ignored him and Fu Nan continued. Anyway, he had a way to kill him with one sentence.

"Envy, jealousy, hate, anyway, it was me who Qin Qing wore wedding clothes for the first time and got married to her!"

The angry Mo Yan once again raised his sword and fought with Fu Nan on the eighteenth floor. Qin Qing, who was still reading in the Fengdu Hall, heard the news and came over helplessly.


Qin Qing kicked everyone, and after kicking them all away, she covered the spear directly from the shadow.

"You two are tens of thousands of years old together, but you still want to fight. Isn't it childish?"

Seeing Qin Qing angry and Mo Yan aggrieved and silent, Fu Nan followed suit and squatted in the corner sulking.

Looking at the two of them, Qin Qing sighed helplessly!

"What's the reason for the quarrel again this time? Fu Nan, if you don't want to be reincarnated, just use your part-time token to do something good. Are you going to waste all your skills here?"

He turned around and glared at Mo Yan again, and continued to persuade: "Have you finished your official duties? Have you drank all the soup and medicine I prepared for you? Have you made any progress recently in the exercises I asked you to practice every day?"

Mo Yan felt even more uncomfortable, and the ends of his eyes were red. Fu Nan got angry when he saw the green tea look on his face.

"What are you pretending to be! Where did the energy to strike me with the sword go? You are a shameless wife-keeper, and you continue to scream? Tui!"

Mo Yan, who was told to be strict with his wife, walked towards Qin Qing obediently, took her hand and shook it.

"Sister, he is always angry with me, saying that he married you..."

Qin Qing rolled her eyes. She didn't care about the dark history between her and Funan.

"What happened to my marriage to the bridegroom? Why didn't you show it off when I was having a wedding with you?"

How could you tell Fu Nan about this kind of thing!
Watching the two of them spreading dog food, Fu Nan was babbling beside him, bad luck, bad luck...

He finally understood that when a wise man falls in love, these people who stay in love are all mentally retarded!
I'm so annoyed. I hate watching other people fall in love. What's the use of love? It's better to be free and happy~

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