Hearing Zhou Junhao tell all the secrets that Tong Yu had hidden, she became even angrier, and stared at the two of them viciously.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I was the one who caught the rape in bed, and it was Peng Ruxin who shamelessly seduced my boyfriend!"

Maybe Tong Yu's memory has been completely altered by these blows, she only remembers what she thinks is right.

The ex-boyfriend hooked up with Peng Ruxin on the set when she was in a foreign relationship. When she found out that something was wrong, she deserved it, only to find that the two had already rolled together. They kept crying in front of the media, and the image of the perfect victim was successfully established.

Subconsciously, she denied what she had done. Obviously, her ex-boyfriend first found out that she was pregnant with the benefactor's child and broke up.

But at the end of the relationship, he still agreed to Tong Yu not to make it public first, she went abroad to avoid the paparazzi, and the two officially announced their breakup after giving birth to a child.

As for Zhou Junhao, he didn't save Tong Yu's face at all, and sneered, "What a coincidence, I happened to know your ex-boyfriend. The business has improved a bit these years, and I still contact me occasionally, I know all about your crap!"

At that time, Zhou Junhao had just debuted and had just made money, so he could empathize and sympathize with the other party.

At least in his eyes, this ex is affectionate and righteous, and even if he quit the circle in the end, he didn't disclose Tong Yu's black information. After all, he was someone he loved once. The girl I loved deeply.

Because he knew that his character was good, Zhou Junhao lent him money to start a business without hesitation, and the two are still in touch to this day.

Seeing Zhou Junhao's disdainful eyes, those deeply hidden by Tong Yu, and the dirtiest thoughts being exposed, she kept shaking her head in denial, "Nonsense, nonsense, you are just jealous of me and want to take all these things away from me, baby , baby, come and help mommy."

The little baby floated serenely in mid-air, curled up, as if returning to its mother's arms, with eyes closed tightly, and a faint smile on the corner of its mouth.

It seems to be dreaming. In that dream, it was born smoothly, with loving parents and a complete family.

"You are its mother, why are you so cruel, tiger poison doesn't even eat its babies..."

She didn't directly destroy the child without making a move, but Qin Qing couldn't bear it!

She is a child whose parents dislike her, but at least she has grown up. This little guy didn't even have a chance to see the world and has been living in a dark place in a jar, drinking his mother's blood and growing up.

Qin Qing couldn't believe that kind of loneliness and despair!

Tong Yu, who was already exhausted, slumped on the ground, looking at her baby with blurred eyes.

"What do you know? Hehe, I originally wanted to give birth to this child, otherwise I would have given up the opportunity to study abroad. Unfortunately, I was discovered. Because of the loss of this child, I have obtained so many resources, and I am today. It's my baby, and I can't bear it to leave my side."

Perhaps Tong Yu kept this child at first because he was reluctant, just couldn't bear it, and it was just out of love as a mother.

But she went astray in the end, she wanted more fame, more money, she enjoyed flowers and applause, she couldn't accept being forgotten by fans, she needed these things, this child could help her, slowly she mentality changed.

"Your love is too twisted. Fortunately, it still has a chance."

Qin Qing made another tactic with her left hand, and with the sword finger of her right hand, she condensed a little bit of golden light on the center of Tong Yu's eyebrows, and recited the mantra of clearing her heart, and the remnants of desire were stripped from her heart.

Everyone has desires. In order to get more fame and fortune, some people can stick to the bottom line, while others can't stand the temptation.

No one is qualified to judge anyone, and no one can stand on the commanding heights of morality to accuse anyone, but the crimes you commit will eventually be written in the book of life and death, each of which corresponds to a different punishment, and you will eventually face the judgment of the underworld .

With the power of the Purifying Mantra, Tong Yu gradually calmed down. She began to reflect on her past mistakes, began to be condemned by her conscience, and finally looked at the dirty and blood-stained face of the baby floating in mid-air with tears of remorse .

"Mom, is it really wrong?"

Zhou Junhao stood behind Qin Qing without saying a word. What he experienced tonight was beyond his understanding.

He doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, and is sometimes despicable, but he still maintains the minimum bottom line.

But now seeing Qin Qing's appearance, he also began to reflect, what kind of punishment would he face if he went to the underworld?
Qin Qing waved her hand, and the little baby opened its eyes and smiled. It didn't understand anything, but it loved its mother, and it didn't even know what hatred was.

Human emotions are too complicated, it just wants to live hard and see the world with its own eyes, but this world is not as beautiful as it imagined, it is endless darkness, it hides in a small jar, and there is only stinky blood every day.

But this world turned out to be more than that, it saw a lot in dreams...

"Mom, I love you, but I want to leave, I want to live once, really live once."

It longs for this world, it wants to feel the temperature of this world, it wants to step on the grass, it wants to smell the flowers, it wants to really grow up, know all the secrets of this world, it doesn't want to go back to the darkness.

Tong Yu stretched out his hand and hooked it, a cold, pale, bloody child.

"Mom sent you away. If you want, I still want to be your mother. This time I will definitely not let anyone hinder you from coming to this world. You will have a happy family. With father and mother, you will be Everyone's baby."

Amidst Tong Yu's cries, Qin Qing opened the gate of hell, and the ice crystals adhered to the furniture. Zhou Junhao hid in the corner in shock and did not dare to make a sound.

"This is my blessing to you. I hope you can finish the Huangquan Road. Don't be afraid. Go forward. With my mark, other ghosts will not dare to touch you. Go forward and keep walking. When you see the bridge, drink it obediently." Tang, see you in the next life."

Qin Qing tapped lightly on its shoulder, leaving a brand, like a petal, shining with gentle luster.

As long as she smells like her, at least the road to Huangquan is safe.

The little baby disappeared, and Tong Yu was still sitting slumped on the place, weeping silently, and began to vomit blood profusely, which frightened Zhou Junhao.

"What are you doing yelling, you will be backlashed if you raise a kid, so I warn you guys to keep your mind on it, and nothing good will happen."

Qin Qing injected a force of thought into Tong Yu's body to protect her heart and stopped vomiting blood, but threw herself on the ground with great remorse and continued to cry bitterly, as if she wanted to cry out all her unwillingness.

She once loved this child too...

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