Seeing Tong Yu's miserable appearance, Zhou Junhao didn't know what to say, he just poked Qin Qing secretly.

"What should I do now? With her like this, can she continue to shoot tomorrow?"

Qin Qing was also a little bit embarrassed, and finally gritted her teeth and decided to contact the director, and let him solve the troubles by himself.

"Call Da Lizi to come over and let him figure out a way. Anyway, we didn't invite the guests, and we didn't sign the contract with us."

With an attitude of nothing to do with himself, Zhou Junhao called Li Tao, and the other party was silent for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and saying that he would come and have a look.

Li Tao even greeted several guests with a smile after arriving at the villa, saying that he wanted to see how Zhou Junhao was recovering.

When he opened the door, he was completely shocked. Qin Qing was sitting on a chair playing with her mobile phone, Zhou Junhao was standing for punishment, and Tong Yu was covered in blood, lying on the ground crying bitterly.

Before the start, Qin Qing set up a restriction, so that the voice here would not be heard by the outside, otherwise it would have been discovered long ago.

"What the hell happened here?" The trembling Dalizi lost a few more strands of her fragile hair, and her more luminous head looked more like a marinated egg.

Zhou Junhao looked back at Qin Qing, saw her nodding to say that he could talk, then carefully approached the director and explained everything. He was injured by the kid raised by Tong Yu, and Tong Yu was raising the kid, although nothing serious bad thing, but was sent away after being discovered by Qin Qing.

He even reminded Li Tao, don't provoke Qin Qing, she seems to be a mage, she is very powerful, she knows magic spells, the kind that shines golden light.

Shocked, he looked at Tong Yu and then at Qin Qing, his three views were completely destroyed!
He has been in the industry for many years, and he has indeed heard about raising little ghosts. Most of the time, he would just scoff at it. If a star can become popular by crooked means, it will be brilliant in an instant, and it will soon fall. You only need luck, but more strength!
"Tong Yu's health is fine, the kid was sent away, and he suffered backlash. He definitely needs to recuperate for a while, but how to arrange tomorrow's filming has to be decided by the director. You can figure it out yourself?"

Qin Qing crossed her legs and stared at Li Tao with a smile on her face. The director felt so stressed that he wanted to cry again.

What kind of vision does he have, so ruthless, every guest is full of five poisons!

Facing Tong Yu who had a mental breakdown, the director didn't dare to be aggressive any more, so he could only squat down and comfort him in a low voice: "Tong Yu, you, would you like to leave the program group for a while and rest for a while, I will help you find other excuses , there is just one more female guest, and there is someone to make up for it, so it won't delay tomorrow's filming, if you need it, I can invite you to participate in another show in the future."

Tong Yu barely supported his body, but ignored Li Tao, and looked at Qin Qing instead.

"Can you please pray for my baby? I hope it can be happy in the next life, as long as it is happy, I am enough..."

Tong Yu, who has lost his soul, his greatest wish now is that the child can obtain happiness, nothing else!

"With the blessings I give it, it will be smooth and healthy in the next life. You don't need to worry anymore. It's better to take care of yourself. You are the one it worries about the most."

Hearing Qin Qing's words, Tong Yu burst into tears again, and finally wiped off with strength, and sat up straight.

"I will leave this show, maybe go abroad to relax. Over the years, I have been too concerned about fame and fortune, and I have long forgotten my original intention. I only want to get a lot but I am unwilling to put in any time and effort. It is I who have gone astray and harmed that child."

In fact, she has a relationship with the benefactor, otherwise she would not have been willing to go abroad for further studies and have children when she was just famous.

It's just that the huge wealth and more benefits made her look down on her feelings, and even her ex-boyfriend was an excellent person. Even if he was forced to quit the circle, he never said any dirty things about her. In the end, he was infamous and gray Leaving in a hurry.

"Then do more good deeds, keep the bottom line in your heart, and start your life again. As long as you are willing, it is never too late."

Qin Qing didn't add insult to injury, she is not that kind of person!
Tong Yu is certainly wrong, but the person who led her to go astray is even more hateful...

"Who taught you to raise little ghosts?" This question is what Qin Qing wants to know the most. Only by finding out the source and eradicating it can more people be saved!

Tong Yu's eyes finally became turbulent, and in the end he didn't hide any more, and said frankly: "She claims to be a master, who can help women become beautiful and strong, and she can gain power as long as she pays for a baby. I happened to lose a child at the time, so I followed her Teach the way to raise children in the altar."

Zhou Junhao found a pen and paper and handed it to Tong Yu. She wrote down the address, phone number, and the names of several female stars she often contacted, and handed it to Qin Qing.

Looking at the address, Qin Qing stood up with a sigh, and tapped on Tong Yu's eyebrows again, and she fell to the ground leisurely, falling into a coma.

"I hope you can think about it as soon as possible, and don't be coerced by any desires..." After speaking, Qin Qing sat next to Tong Yu, drew the magic circle again, and began to chant the mantra, which was to help her get rid of the negative influence of raising a kid.

At this time, Zhou Junhao and Li Tao stood obediently in the corner, continued to stand for punishment, held their breath, and dared not speak.

The widened eyes showed that the two of them were very shocked. The spell, the spell, was amazing, the kind that would emit golden light.

When Qin Qing finished, she got up again and looked at the two standing obediently, and said, "You guys settle the rest, I'll go back and rest first."

After working for such a long time, Qin Qing is also a bit struggling. In fact, she doesn't need to help Tong Yu, she deserves it, but before the child left, she still begged her not to hurt her mother, she couldn't bear it!
Back in the room, Qin Qing checked the spells and restrictions again before falling asleep peacefully.

When the night was at its thickest, a slender figure appeared beside Qin Qing's bed, brushing her hair gently, and pointing her forehead with pale fingers.

The golden light kept pouring into Qin Qing's body, nourishing her soul, helping her recover her strength, and making her stronger.

Yan Mo didn't say anything, it was enough for him to stand firmly behind Qin Qing, his presence could deter many things, make them dare not approach Qin Qing, and protect her better.

As Qin Qing said, there is someone behind her, who dares to provoke her!
"Silly girl, I still can't let go of the task even though it's not your task, but it's fine..."

These are the golden lights of morality that belong to Qin Qing, and continuous blessings will also increase her luck, and it will completely change after she regains her destiny.

Thinking of fate, Yan Mo's eyes turned cold, he would never let go of any of those people!
That night, Qin Qing slept very well, feeling full of strength, bathed in the sun and opened her eyes, when she opened the door, she heard exclamations from downstairs.

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praise me~

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