Li Tao put on a suit again and paired it with beach shorts, which was a bit nondescript, but he wore sunglasses, showing a deliberate appearance of being handsome.

Qin Qing looked at the mischievous Da Lizi, holding back her laughter, not knowing what excuse he was looking for to arrange for Tong Yu to leave.

"Congratulations to all the guests, and congratulations to the audience who have been waiting for a long time in the live broadcast room, we will open a new map, so that everyone can enjoy the romantic journey..."

With a swish, Li Tao lifted the covered background board, and it turned out to be various charming scenery on the island.

[Oh, is the program group willing to spend money?Did you start a new map? 】

[Wow, the island, swimsuit, full of long legs, and abdominal muscles, hey, I'm a dirt dog, I love to watch...]

[The island is nice, if you want to be more romantic, maybe you can have some interesting CP among the new guests. 】

【Strange, why didn't you see Tong Yu? 】

[Don't talk about Tong Yu, Zhou Junhao's make-up looks like a dummy today...]

Sitting in the back row, Zhou Junhao pinched the hem of his clothes nervously. The swelling on his face had subsided, but there were still some traces of bruises. The makeup artist specially put on thicker concealer on him, making him look very unnatural.

Of course, the reason why he pretended more was that Qin Qing was sitting behind him, and she booed and applauded from time to time, as if she didn't care about the ghost hunting last night.

"There are rooms of different grades on the island. What kind of treatment you want to enjoy depends entirely on your efforts!"


It's all the director's thousand-layer road!

"By the way, Tong Yu is temporarily absent from the island tour because of a fever. Fans, don't be nervous. She is currently being treated in the hospital, and various small videos will be dropped from time to time at the official fair."

A brief summary, Qin Qing did not speak, but continued to listen to the rules arranged by the director.

"On the way to the island, the program team arranged various tests, sorted according to your points, and gave priority to choosing the best suite."

Li Tao was excited and patted the background board. It was a small single-family villa on the sea, enjoying the island style.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, pack your bags and get ready to go!"

Everyone got up and went back to the room. Qin Qing originally had few things, but carefully took off the talisman and took it away.

【Did Tong Yu have a conflict with Zhou Junhao? 】

[I see that the official blog has been updated, and Tong Yu is still on an IV in the hospital, his face is pale, as if he is really sick. 】

[Since Tong Yu left the show, is Tong Yan Wuji's CP completely BE? 】

[Thank you, I hope Tong Yan Wuji's CP will be locked forever, but I won't knock it! 】

Li Tao from downstairs let out a breath slowly, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took off his sunglasses, and found that he had huge dark circles under his eyes. Unexpectedly, it was Qin Qing!
A highly educated, good-looking beauty is actually a mage who can catch ghosts...

In fact, Li Tao doesn't want to increase the budget, but when he thinks that this villa is haunted, he feels uncomfortable all over. He always feels that something is blowing cold wind on his neck. Get up for a meeting.

Decided to open a new map, say goodbye to this haunted villa, at least let him sleep peacefully.

As for what Li Tao didn't know, it was a little water ghost who liked to follow him very much, pulled his hair from time to time, and blew cold wind on his neck, but they were all pranks, there was no evil intentions, and Qin Qing didn't care.

Soon, after everyone packed their luggage, they took the bus arranged by the program group and set off for the airport.

Qin Qing sat in the back row, still surrounded by Yan Mo, Zhou Junhao didn't dare to get too close to Qin Qing, and sat in the front row alone, alone.

Li Minglin stubbornly chose to sit in front of Qin Qing, seeing Yan Mo all the time, absolutely not letting him take advantage of it.

Shao Ting and Meng Xingzhou sat behind Qin Qing, glaring at Yan Mo from time to time, why must he cling to her baby Qingqing, it's so annoying!
Peng Ruxin and Gao Yu sat together, Ye Chengyun, Wei Yaozu, and Feng Rushuang all sat alone, and Huo Xi and Qian Huan, who got into the car last, had a hard time choosing.

【Qian Huan came late again, and the seat beside Qin Qing was taken. 】

[The best choice at this time is the position next to Li Minglin, but that one seems to be Huo Xi's CP. 】

After hesitating again and again, Qian Huan sat directly next to Zhou Junhao, startled him, and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying.

Huo Xi looked at Qian Huan gratefully, and quietly walked to Li Minglin and sat down.

The bus was driving smoothly, Li Minglin took the initiative to look at Qin Qing behind him, and asked in a low voice, "Did you take the salted duck I gave you?"

Qin Qing, who was in a daze, opened her eyes, looked at Li Minglin's black face, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

[Salted duck, salted duck, you are just this salted duck, Li Minglin, you are hopeless! 】

【Now we are going to start a beautiful island trip, who wants to bring salted duck together...】

If it was someone else, maybe they wouldn't think of those two salted ducks at all, but Qin Qing's brain circuit is different.

She mysteriously took out a steaming lunch box from her backpack. The moment she opened it, the fragrance was so strong that everyone turned to look at Qin Qing.

"Before I left, I processed it on the microwave. I don't know what kind of tricks Dalizi has. Let's eat first..."

Looking at Qin Qing's shining eyes, Li Minglin stretched out his thumb: "You are still smart! Sure enough, you are still a solid duck. Compared with some people who only talk about it, it is really a better gift from me."

【Yo, brother, what a tea flavor! 】

[Yo, brother, you're so yin-yang! 】

【Yo, brother, I finally have a heart! 】

[Yo, is someone going to be angry?Someone always wants to rob him of his wife...]

Huo Xi, who was sitting next to Li Minglin, looked at his flaunting little expression, and laughed along with a puff.

There was no way, even if Li Minglin had [-] hearts, he was sincere, and Yan Mo helped Qin Qing carry the lunch box, and she took out all kinds of convenient chopsticks and distributed them to the people in the front and back rows.

Yan Mo is not only good at talking, but also pays attention to Qin Qing all the time, doing many things silently, only a straight man like Li Minglin doesn't understand anything.

"I also brought bread, you can eat some by the way, I don't know what traps are waiting for us at the airport."

There are not many places where tests can be arranged along the way, and the airport must be the first hurdle.

In the quiet carriage, there were various chewing sounds and scents overflowing, Feng Rushuang glanced dissatisfiedly, still wearing sunglasses indifferently, pretending to be resting.

Qian Huan, who was sulking, didn't go, but Zhou Junhao thoughtfully took out soda crackers from his backpack and stuffed them for her.

"You can eat something first, and you can get a few more bottles of mineral water later before getting out of the car."

This is Zhou Junhao's last reminder. After finishing all this, he will lean on the window to catch up on sleep. He dare not sleep in the haunted room at all, so he just needs to rest more now.

Hey, update!
Hey, updated!

Hey, where's the recommendation ticket?

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