Love complex as a demon, ask that I am doing part-time job

Chapter 84 The most beautiful shrew in the village

Chapter 84 The most beautiful shrew in the village
The three boys were sitting outside the swimming pool, watching the three girls splashing water and fighting, and helplessly spread their hands on each other,

"Let them play, I'll see if there is anything to eat in the room..."

Yan Mo is more pragmatic, he can skip meals, but Qin Qing can't be hungry, human beings need food to maintain body functions.

Soon, Yan Mo came out with a cold face. Meng Xingzhou cocked his long legs and smiled lightly, "There's nothing edible in the refrigerator, right?"


This is all deliberately arranged by the director team. If you want to eat, you can exchange points for it!

[Hahaha, Mr. Ba has already begun to understand the rules of the game. The so-called point exchange only has the right to use the sea villa for [-] hours, and does not include other content! 】

[The program group that has been digging holes all the time, how many guests have been cheated, and they still don't know how to restrain themselves, so Qin Qing will soon accept the big pears. 】

【Qin Qing can't do anything this time, right?After landing on the island, everyone is not allowed to use any money transactions, and everyone uses points to redeem. 】

Qin Qing emerged from the pool and looked at Yan Mo with a smile, her eyes were shining brightly, revealing cunning...

No matter how deep Da Lizi's routine is, she has a way to deal with it!
"Open my suitcase, there is food in it, and it should be fine to live for a few days."

When Yan Mo pulled Qin Qing's suitcase from the room and opened it, everyone wowed.

All kinds of local products, dried squid, grilled fish fillets, all in plastic packaging, as well as mineral water, instant noodles, snacks, and even two bottles of good red wine.

Shao Ting stood up from the swimming pool in surprise, put her arms around Qin Qing and asked forcefully, "Qingqing, where did you get these things?"

The sun is just right, and friends are playing with her. What could be more wonderful than this kind of life!

"Good people get rewarded..." Qin Qing, who was pretending to be mysterious, hadn't finished speaking when the loudspeaker hanging on the platform made a piercing sound, "Qin Qing, you violated the rules, all supplies can only be exchanged with points , you can’t use your face to lie to the merchants!”

This completely annoyed Qin Qing, she suddenly crawled out of the swimming pool, stood on the platform with her waist thrust forward, and cursed: "What nonsense! Am I the kind of person who swindles my face? I said it all, This is good rewards for good people. I rescued a drowning girl and a child who cried every night. Parents and friends came to thank me. What happened to me receiving some gifts? The photographers were there at the time, and you didn’t stop me !"

Qin Qing was like a machine gun, blasting endlessly, and when she took a breath, the platform was completely silent.

Li Tao, who was holding the walkie-talkie, was staring at the staff angrily at this moment, "Why don't you stop me? How many thank you gifts did she accept!"

The staff felt aggrieved and helpless, the parents came with a thank you gift, and when they were stopped, they all took out the lawyer's business card. The staff was so frightened that they quickly invited him in. How dare they stop them!
"Don't take your anger out on the staff. If you have the guts, come over and talk to me face to face. Come here, come here!"

Qin Qing jumped her feet in anxiety, and Da Lizi finally turned off the loudspeaker silently...

Forget it, forget it, Qin Qing is a magical little mage, she can't beat her, she can't beat her!

[Hahahahahaha, what the hell is good people rewarded? Others receive some gift money, and Qin Qing packed a box of souvenirs! 】

[What kind of gifts and souvenirs are needed to fill my stomach? Sister Qin is smarter. 】

【Qin Qing put her waist down, looking angry, like a village shrew who scolds the street...】

【How can you slander Sister Qin like this?Even if our sister Qin is a shrew, she is the most beautiful shrew in ten miles and eight villages! ! ! 】

Qin Qing frantically output, the director closed the microphone, Meng Xingzhou stood up obediently, took the red wine and said: "This bottle of red wine is not bad, I will open it first, sober up, and we will taste it together later."

Seeing Qin Qing still angry, Li Minglin didn't dare to wait any longer, "I'll wash some fruits for everyone, I think these things should be provided for free."

Although there is no food in the room, fresh water and fruits are still fully prepared.

Yan Mo knelt down and sorted out the things in Qin Qing's suitcase, and put them in the refrigerator for later consumption.

Seeing that everyone was so sensible, Qin Qing didn't say much, turned around after humming a few times and jumped into the swimming pool again to continue playing with the two beauties.

Bathed in the sun, overlooking the sea, and fresh fruits were delivered, the three of them were tired from playing, so they leaned on the edge to chat.

"I only have ten points. Even if I have something to eat, I can only stay for two days at most. What will I do after that?"

Shao Ting rested her head on Qin Qing's shoulder, floating on the swimming pool, showing off her enchanting figure.

"Let's stay for two days first. At worst, go back to do the task. Besides, the recording time won't be too long. It should be enough."

Qin Qing doesn't care about those things, she just wants to eat and have fun now, besides, she still needs to spend some time preparing this time, researching what they are being targeted by this time, and completing some small tasks in exchange for longevity.

[It was agreed that the limit was 24 hours, and being alone, why did it become a girlfriends vacation mode? 】

【Can you control Qin Qing? 】

【...Don't dare, dare not!Girlfriends are on vacation, so let's go on vacation. When the night is dark and the wind is high, hey, don't they go back to their rooms to sleep? 】

[Hey, upstairs, I understand you! 】

The camera team just captured the internal structure of the log cabin. Although the place is very big and spacious, there is only one big bed!
Qin Qing didn't think much about it at all, she can sleep anywhere, and besides, someone doesn't need to sleep, and she probably has to go down to give instructions on official documents after the filming is over.

As for Shao Ting, she didn't care even more. She and Meng Xingzhou grew up naked together. They ate, drank and had fun together since they were young. They often borrowed each other's house, of course in the guest room.

But the two were close when they were young and often took naps together. Now Shao Ting doesn't think much about it.

The most shy one should be Huo Xi. She promised Li Minglin to come, but she just wanted to take the opportunity to get in touch. She thought that there would be two rooms, so it wouldn't be too embarrassing at night.

Who would have thought that the program group would be more ruthless, directly arranging a double room, and let you face this kind of ambiguous problem.

"I'm hungry, let's go and see what to eat. You can't live up to the beautiful scenery and delicious food, which is the true meaning of life!"

Qin Qing has almost no friends in Yangjian. The main reason is that she dare not get along with ordinary people, for fear of affecting the other party's fortune. Now that Meng Xingzhou and Shao Ting are two guys who are braving the golden light, everyone is very safe. Qin Qing completely let go Ego, enjoy this short trip.

Although there is no exquisite meal, instant noodles with shredded squid and red wine are a bit nondescript, but everyone is very happy.

"I wish everyone's future dreams come true and everything goes well!"

Qin Qing toasted, and everyone clinked glasses together. Sitting at the dining table eating instant noodles, the aroma filled the air, and everyone was smiling.

 I also wish all the babies who like Coke, the future dreams come true, and everything goes well! (*▽*)
(End of this chapter)

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