Chapter 85 Mirror God
After eating and drinking enough, Qin Qing felt that it was too hot outside, so she decided to take a nap for a while, and then come out to play in the evening, so that everyone can continue to come to her place to get together.

There is an air conditioner in the cabin, and the cold wind blows, she falls on the bed and sleeps unscrupulously, Yan Mo can only sit on the sofa next to him and read a book, the years are quiet, and occasionally the veil flickers, Yan Mo will raise his eyes to look at the sleeping beauty , to see if she is safe.

[Aiyo, aiyo, look at Yan Mo's nervous appearance, I wish Qin Qing could rush over to be safe in a nightmare. 】

[The years are quiet and beautiful, handsome men and beautiful women, it is also seductive to look at...]

[What are a group of single dogs doing watching other people sleep? The next room is playing games, why don't you go and see? 】

Because Huo Xi had to be alone with Li Minglin, it was really embarrassing, so she could only go to Shao Ting's room to study with her a small game that has been popular on the Internet recently.

"I heard that as long as you wear a white dress, stand in front of the mirror, finish reciting the spell, and play rock-paper-scissors with yourself in the mirror, you can ask questions as long as you win, and the mirror god will answer you, and you can get answers to everything."

Shao Ting looked down at Huo Xi's phone, the short video was so mysterious, she didn't believe these things at first.

But after getting acquainted with Qin Qing, she felt that there were many things in this world beyond her cognition, and now her curiosity was aroused.

"If I ask Jingshen about the company's development direction in the next ten years, can it provide me with a complete plan?"

( ̄△ ̄;)
Huo Xi was stunned, and so were the netizens in the live broadcast room!

【Missy's focus is really different from ours...】

[The most I want to ask is Jingshen, what is the next lottery number, but he wants a development plan for the next ten years! 】

[Shao Ting, you deserve to be rich, always pay attention to the company's development, you are the best heir. 】

[Huo Xi was stunned, she is now wondering whether Jingshen will make a project...]

Meng Xingzhou, who was sitting in the distance and was looking at the project proposal in front of the computer, couldn't help but hold back his laughter, his shoulders kept shaking. He really liked Shao Ting's cute appearance.

"I don't know if Jingshen will make a project, but everyone seems to be asking who is the future husband, or when will there be a windfall, but many people say it is successful on the Internet, which seems amazing Yes, shall we try too?"

Huo Xi was originally a superstitious person. Regardless of China and the West, she had a little understanding of it, and she was very convinced!
It was still broad daylight, Shao Ting was not afraid, she was also very curious, the things presented by the mirror image should be the same, how could rock-paper-scissors win.

But Huo Xi's curious appearance made Shao Ting decide to play with her.

"I'll come first, I'll come first, you hold the phone for me, otherwise I won't be able to remember the spell."

Soon, Huo Xi changed into a long white dress, and Shao Ting also cooperated to find a white long dress with a holiday style. The two stood in front of the mirror. First, Huo Xi started to put his hands together, sincerely worshiping the mirror god.

"Mirror God, Mirror God, little girl Huo Xi, I hope to get your advice!"

Then I started chanting some mysterious spells, then carefully opened my eyes, and saw my own reflection in the mirror, and then started to play rock-paper-scissors. After trying for a long time, the outcome was still close, nothing miraculous happened.

"Did I make a mistake in any step? Why hasn't there been any change?"

Huo Xi pouted dissatisfied, and finally gave up. There was no change in the mirror, his fingers were about to cramp, and he walked away angrily.

No one noticed that there was a ripple on the edge of the mirror, distorting the things in the mirror.

[This kind of superstitious little game is a lie, and nothing miraculous happened. 】

[I was still looking forward to it. If Huo Xi succeeds, I will try it tomorrow and ask for the lottery number, hehe. 】

[Stop daydreaming, this kind of thing has no threshold at all, if anyone can succeed, how many people will win the lucky lottery. 】

Seeing Huo Xi's disappointed appearance, Shao Ting could only put her arms around her shoulders, and comforted her: "This kind of game is a game of sincerity, and success means that you have a little secret in your heart..."

Suddenly, Huo Xi blushed, even his ears were red.

"I, I don't have it! Don't, don't guess!"

Huo Xi's glowing red face was completely revealed by Shao Ting's little secret in his heart!
[Hahahaha, Huo Xi is too easy to understand, right? 】

[She just likes Li Minglin a little bit, but she doesn't know if the two are suitable, so she wants to ask the mirror god? 】

[Actually, the two of them say it's suitable or inappropriate. Li Minglin is too straight, and Huo Xi's thoughts are too tactful and delicate...]

[I feel that the two are a perfect match, one bravely hits the straight ball, and the other is aggrieved and doesn't open his mouth, they just complement each other! 】

Embarrassed, Huo Xi quickly changed the subject and pushed Shao Ting in front of the mirror, "Try it, try it, your mind is calm, maybe you will succeed!"

Huo Xi, who was hiding behind the mirror, was still blushing, so she could only cover her face with her mobile phone so that Shao Ting could see the spell.

Because Huo Xi didn't succeed just now, Shao Ting just put her hands together and casually worshiped the mirror god.

"Mirror God, Mirror God, little girl Shao Ting, I hope to get your advice!"

Looking at the things on the phone, she began to chant spells. There seemed to be only Shao Ting's reflection in the mirror, but a cold wind blew by, and she seemed to see ripples in the figure in the mirror. When Shao Ting frowned and looked carefully, It's as if nothing happened.

With her heart pounding, Shao Ting became more cautious this time and started playing rock-paper-scissors.

The first one, Shao Ting took out the scissors, and there were also scissors in the mirror.

In the second hand, Shao Ting made a stone, and the mirror was also a stone.

In the third hand, Shao Ting was supposed to release the cloth, but she deliberately did not move, and the person in the mirror slowly released a cloth.

At this time, Huo Xi was hiding behind the mirror and didn't dare to show her face at all, but Shao Ting was frightened, she took a step back, seeing her weird movements, Huo Xi poked her head out.

Shao Ting still kept her unmoved posture, in fact, what came out was a stone, but the person in the mirror opened her palm, it was cloth!

【Fuck!What the hell!What the hell! 】

[Fuck... Mirror God won? 】

[What the hell is this, my hairs are standing on end! ! !Help! ! !I am afraid! ! ! 】

When the two of them were shocked, those hands seemed to penetrate through the mirror, like piercing the surface of the water, with ripples appearing outside the mirror.

When reaching out to catch Shao Ting, a huge golden light isolated her, without touching anything, her unwilling arms stretched out to the dull Huo Xi.

The moment she grabbed her wrist, ear-piercing screams resounded throughout the wooden house. Qin Qing, who was still sleeping in the room, turned over suddenly. Come.

 Ladies, is today's update exciting?
  ( ̄_,  ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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