Chapter 16 Test
Along the way, Yu Ruan knew that Qiu Zi had been driving at high speed, but it took a long time to reach the destination, longer than yesterday when she came out of the ruins.

When getting out of the car, Yu Ruan felt a pain in her buttocks and legs, and leaned towards Qiu Zi pitifully.

"Sister Qiuzi, I can't do it anymore." Yu Ruan said weakly.

"Little idiot, why are you so good?" Qiu Zi poked Yu Ruan's forehead with her finger, she was not surprised.

When Yu Ruan calmed down, Qiu Zi took her into the community.

Qiu Zi led her to a big tree and put her hand on it.

"The authentication is successful. Welcome investigator Qiuzi home." Siri's mechanical female voice came from the tree.

A high-rise building suddenly appeared in front of Yu Ruan's eyes, and people kept coming and going, very busy.

"This is the investigation center." Qiu Zi said proudly.

"Do you have to touch this tree?" Yu Ruan thought for a while, but still asked the question in her heart.

"No, it's just that this tree is bigger." Qiu Zi answered very straightforwardly.

Yu Ruan was silent for a while, she just saw Qiu Zi heading straight for the biggest tree, and thought there was some mystery.

Qiu Zi didn't think so much, she dragged Yu Ruan to the elevator on the side of the hall.

"Go to the third floor to test your mental fluctuations to see if it is within the threshold." Qiu Zi explained while waiting for the elevator: "Then go to the fourth floor to see a lie detector."

"If you pass both, you can go to the second floor to sign up for employment." Qiu Zi pulled Yu Ruan into the elevator and pressed the button on the third floor.

"If you pass everything, you can sign in?" Yu Ruan thought it would be very difficult for the investigators here to get hired.

"Yes, there is a shortage of people." Qiu Zi rubbed Yu Ruan's hair and said with a smile.

"What about the classification?" Just as Yu Ruan finished speaking, the elevator arrived, and Qiu Zi dragged her to the bar.

"That depends on the number of dungeons you have passed, or if you are willing to tell your experience in the dungeons as much as possible, you can also add experience points." After Qiu Zi answered, she asked the staff at the bar if she could There are free machines.

"Little idiot, you're lucky, you can go in for testing." After getting a reply, Qiu Zi took Yu Ruan to a side room and signaled Yu Ruan to go in.

Yu Ruan pushed open the door and walked in.

"Welcome to detect mental fluctuations. Please lie down in the detection cabin in the center of the room." It was Siri's voice again.

Yu Ruan can't quite understand why all of them use this artificial intelligence, and it always involves so much personal privacy.

But she still obediently lay on the machine. Her education told her that it is very difficult for a person to survive alone.

When she was lying on the seat in the cabin, Siri's voice appeared again: "Please put the upper machine on your head and keep calm."

Hearing this, Yu Ruan saw the helmet-like machine full of wires on his head, and he couldn't help but feel some reluctance in his heart.

After wearing this thing, I always feel that my life is controlled by it.

Going on and on, Yu Ruan hesitated for a moment, then obediently put it on his head.

The moment she put it on, a slight current flowed through her whole body and gathered at the brain.

After 1 minute, the numb feeling in the whole brain stopped.

"The result of your test is: qualified." There was no fluctuating mechanical sound.

Yu Ruan took off the mechanism on his head and put it back in place.

During the whole process, she felt nothing but numbness from the electric shock.

When she walked out of the room, she saw Qiu Zi standing by the door smiling at her, "Congratulations on passing."

"Thank you~" Yu Ruan looked at her smile and replied with a smile.

Qiu Zi then dragged her to the fire exit on one side and went upstairs.

Yu Ruan looked back at the room just now, and always felt that this test was not so simple.

Following the same procedure, Qiu Zi pulled her to ask the staff at the bar, took her to a room, and signaled her to go in.

This time, after Yu Ruan pushed open the door, he saw a simulated robot - handsome, but the joints were all wires.

"Hi, I'm a lie detector." The robot bowed to her and said politely.

Yu Ruan is still immersed in the high degree of simulation of this robot, and only feels that the conspicuous flaws seem to be deliberately designed, in order to distinguish it from being human.

"Please sit on the chair opposite me and put on the machine beside me." The robot said softly.

Only then did Yu Ruan realize that this robot is not a mechanical sound without fluctuations, but an extremely realistic and gentle human voice.

Yu Ruan obeyed its instructions obediently, sat on a chair beside her, and put this familiar machine on her head, well, it was exactly the same as last time.

"Please answer my question: Are you doing harm to humans?"


"Do you have any thoughts of killing humans?"


"Do you long for peace?"

"Yes, I long for peace."

"The test is over, and the test result is: qualified."

Yu Ruan took off the machine on her head. She thought about these three questions, are they only restraining the investigators, or are they also restraining these artificial intelligences?
When Yu Ruan walked out of the room, it was not surprising to see Qiu Zi leaning on the side, smiling at her, and saying, "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Yu Ruan also returned a smile.

Qiu Zi rubbed her head, "Let's go, sign the deed of prostitution~"

"Purchase contract?" Yu Ruan looked at her puzzled.

"Yes, you'll know it when you see it." Qiu Zi led her down the fire escape.

"Little idiot, do you really want to come with me?" Qiu Zi asked as she went downstairs.

"Well, I don't have anywhere to go~" Yu Ruan really liked this beautiful sister.

"Okay, then you have to live with me in Area A." They went to the second floor.

Qiu Zi turned around and looked at Yu Ruan, stretched out her finger and poked her head, "A district."

Yu Ruan looked into Qiu Zi's eyes and replied seriously: "Yes! Area A!"

"Well, what a fool." Qiu Zi couldn't help smiling, and added: "I will protect the fool."

"Thank you beautiful sister~" Yu Ruan also laughed, adding a bit of real happiness.

She knew that investigators would not betray human beings, and she also knew that Qiu Zi was sincere.

(End of this chapter)

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