Chapter 17

Qiu Zi took Yu Ruan to the 2nd floor, and also asked the staff at the bar first, and then walked to the back office door to wait after getting a reply.

"Why didn't you take the test?" Yu Ruan suddenly thought that before Qiuzi said that the copy seemed to need to pass the test.

"Because I have explained and reported all the dungeons I have experienced, and the content has passed the review and comparison, so there is no need to enter the test." Qiu Zi replied.

Yu Ruan knows that a large part of the world needs investigators to investigate in order to improve the survival rate, but she still admires Qiu Zi's behavior.

Since the copy she experienced last time had been completely destroyed, and she heard Qiu Zi say it was a "spiritual copy", she didn't dare to make any elaboration and report without authorization.

"How do I report it?" Although I don't need it now, it may be useful in the future.

"After you become an investigator, you will be equipped with a watch, which can keep time and connect to a lie detector. After you pass the copy, you can report directly to him." explained.

"Is it okay to test directly on it?"

"This won't work, and we need to test the mental fluctuations."

Yu Ruan almost forgot about this, she was really suspicious of these artificial intelligences, "Got it, thank you beautiful sister~"

"I can't stand you anymore, you can just call me Azi, you idiot." Qiuzi couldn't help poking Yu Ruan again.

Yu Ruan covered her head, avoiding Qiu Zi's fingers, and in the midst of shaking, saw the door of the office in front opened.

A tall boy with tied-up hair walked out of the room, dressed in cotton-linen Chinese clothes, with his head down, unable to see his facial features, he walked past Yu Ruan's side aisle.

"This is the person I mentioned to you." Qiu Zi touched Yu Ruan with her elbow and said directly.

Before Yu Ruan could speak, she heard the boy's gentle voice from behind: "Qiu Zi! What are you talking about me again?"

"Ah, I said you are very powerful and still alive." Qiu Zi stood up and replied directly.

"Hmph, aren't you alive too?" the boy snorted coldly.

"Yu Ruan, go in and fill in your stuff. I want to fight with him downstairs." Qiu Zi rolled up her sleeves and walked towards the boy.

Yu Ruan obediently opened the door and entered the office.

There were several staff members sitting in the office, the closest one was a baby-faced girl, and asked if she was here to apply for a job?

Yu Ruan nodded, found a stool and sat down.

The girl handed her a device and asked her to record her fingerprints and pupils, and Yu Ruan followed suit one by one.

When the data was collected, the girl handed her a sheet of paper and a watch.

Let her sign her name, enter her fingerprint information on the back of the watch, and then she can go back.

Yu Ruan was surprised at the speed here, it ended so soon?

She took these two things, laying down on the table, and was about to write her signature directly on the bottom, but inadvertently glanced at some content with her corner of the eye.

There are countless regulations listed above, and the core content is to protect human beings.

And the place where she will sign is to swear that she will join the investigators and dedicate her life to the cause of guarding.

Is this what Qiuzi said about the contract of selling herself?She had to sigh, here, can this thin piece of paper prove her determination?
Yu Ruan just froze for a moment, and signed his name smoothly.

When she handed the paper back to the girl, the girl and everyone behind stood up. The girl took the note with both hands, bowed to her together with everyone, and said, "Thank you."

At this moment, Yu Ruan's heart is very complicated. She is not in her original world, but she still feels that she is willing to protect human beings.

At least I don't want to live up to this thank you.

When Yu Ruan walked out of the room in a daze, she found that Qiu Zi was standing aside waiting for her, but the boy she had seen before was gone.

"Have you signed the deed of sale?" Qiu Zi said teasingly.

"Well, it's signed." Yu Ruan replied obediently.

"Then let's go home." Qiu Zi rubbed Yu Ruan's hair and said softly.

"Okay~" Yu Ruan moved closer to Qiu Zi, took her arm, and walked out together.

As she walked, Qiu Zi popularized the basic knowledge to her, "According to the findings in the past two years, the dungeon interval in Area A is at least 7 days, and after that, it is possible to enter the dungeon at midnight on any day."

"The shortest time in area B is half a month, and the shortest time in area C is one month. Due to the complex population composition of area D, the shortest time cannot be accurately known, and area E cannot be specifically counted because the time is too long."

"We all have estimates in our hearts, but it has nothing to do with us." Following Qiu Zi's patient explanation to her, they quickly walked out of here and came to the vicinity of the motorcycle.

"Little idiot, go home." Qiu Zi stepped on and put the helmet on Yu Ruan's head.

"Okay, Azi," Yu Ruan replied obediently.

When Yu Ruan was lying on Qiu Zi's back, watching the building retreat rapidly, she felt as if she was traveling in a space-time tunnel.

The high-speed wind can't bring her words to Qiu Zi's ears, but the temperature of the human body can warm the atrium through the touching skin and blood.

The loneliness that has been everywhere since I came to this world has disappeared at this moment.

She is like a little sister, sitting on her sister's motorcycle and speeding home.

Together, Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi spent a few days of peaceful life - lying down at home, eating, drinking and sleeping.

A comfortable and comfortable life can heal physical wounds, but it cannot heal spiritual wounds.

Every night in the middle of the night, Yu Ruan would hug her textbook, thinking of the little boy she met in the last dungeon.

She clearly understood that without him, she would not be able to come out alive.

I survived in the dungeon, but I relied on the dungeon boss, which made Yu Ruan sigh helplessly.

Now that she has her own skills and abilities, she shouldn't be so depressed and depressed.

But she didn't really believe in her abilities either.

If she was someone else, she would have died long ago, and if the other person was her, she would have the same probability of surviving as her.

In that case, what's the point of her existence?

The days of ease are the fastest and most uneasy.

On the seventh day of rest, during dinner, Qiu Zi asked Yu Ruan, "Do you want to go to the ruins together?"

"Yes." Yu Ruan also hoped to be with Qiu Zi.

"Little idiot, are you really not afraid, aren't you afraid that you won't come back?" Qiu Zi smiled and added a lot of vegetables to Yu Ruan's bowl.

"Everywhere in this world, it's the same." Yu Ruan replied, and was rewarded by Qiu Zi's rubbing.

Now Yu Ruan is glad that she didn't really get that "vacation card".

If she chooses to rest, someone will carry her life on her back.

As long as the copy is still there, her "rest" is just to live.

(End of this chapter)

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