Chapter 20 Under the Spotlight - 03
Everyone is discussing whether it is possible to go out here, and what will happen tomorrow.

"What do you mean by the draft you mentioned earlier?"

"How to choose? Who to choose for?"

After this day, everyone also understands that this draft will not be a good thing.

After everyone's emotions stabilized a little, they briefly introduced themselves to each other.

The girl with short hair and round face is called Yu Xiu, and the girl beside her with long straight hair, Zhao Yi, is from District C, and they were in the same room as Yu Ruan and the others from the beginning.

The other two, both with braids, are a pair of sisters, the elder sister is Liang Yun, and the younger sister is Liang Ting, from District D.

When they heard Qiu Zi say that they were from District A, they couldn't help looking over in surprise.

"A district? We rarely meet people in A district. Qiuzi seems to have heard of it." Yu Xiu said in surprise.

"Does that mean that this dungeon is difficult. Well, it is indeed difficult." Zhao Yi said from the side.

"Then can you take us with you?" Liang Yun asked, and after finishing speaking, the four of them stared at Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi.

Qiu Zi said directly, "I can help others, but I have never heard of this dungeon, and we didn't bring any weapons in. We can only rely on our own personal ability. To be honest, the situation is not very good."

Hearing this, everyone's mood sank again.

Yu Ruan knew before that he might have entered the "rare" "spiritual dungeon" again, but it was inconvenient to explain at this time, so there was no need to add insult to injury to his depressed mood.

Qiu Zi rubbed Yu Ruan's head, she also felt very uncomfortable facing the depressed crowd.

When she first became an investigator, she was very innocent. When encountering dungeons, she always hoped that everyone could unite, but what she faced was countless betrayals.

People are afraid of death themselves, but they hope that the death of others can be exchanged for their own chance of life.

Human nature is not something to be believed.

They are investigators, and it is their duty to protect human beings, but they would rather die in exploration than calculation.

It is a pathfinding stone on the road of hope, not a tiptoe stone under the feet of some people.

Yu Ruan squeezed Qiu Zi's hand reassuringly, she didn't want anyone to sacrifice to protect her, it would only make her live more guilty, Ning Ning had already left an indelible mark in her heart.

The atmosphere among the six of them cooled down, and they stopped talking, but the other side was still noisy and excited.

Yu Ruan has been paying attention to the words of the people around her. Although they are very strange and seem to be numb to those days of "no dignity" and "unable to fight back", they are very concerned about tomorrow's draft.

I just heard them saying that they must do their best tomorrow and perform well, otherwise they will definitely not end well.

When the six people were quiet, they were already thinking about the future.

"If I get first, then I have a chance to enter the palace."

"You can still make money."

"It's sure to be a hit."

"It would be nice to be in the top 20."

"Yes, then there is a chance to go out."

"Or, if it's favored."

"I wish I could be favored."

"Be the first and you will be free."

"It must be ranked higher."

All kinds of imagination lingered in everyone's ears, like brainwashing, Yu Ruan couldn't help thinking.

Qiu Zi touched her with her elbow, suggested to cover her ears, and motioned to the four people beside her.

It seems that it is really brainwashing, Yu Ruan covered her ears, leaning on Qiu Zi, thinking about the draft, the top 20 does not necessarily mean saving her life, but there is a high probability of losing her life if she falls behind.

Is it competition again?Or is it just their women's competition?Why are you so annoying, this copy of garbage.

It wasn't until very late, when the lights went out, that the room became quiet.

The room seemed to be heated and not very cold.

Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi lay back to back, curled up to the sides.

She felt Qiu Zi's heartbeat, and slowly began to feel a little tired, and fell asleep.

But without thinking, he opened his eyes again in another place.

When Yu Ruan woke up, she was in the sea, holding a greeting card with "Invitation Letter" in her hand.

She directly opened the greeting card and looked at the content inside. It was indeed a post inviting her to participate in the draft.

What was written on it was very sincere. She was invited to participate in this feast, and attendants were already waiting for her arrival on the shore.

She didn't expect the change of status, there is such a bug in the mermaid physique here.

Without thinking too much, she swam to the shore by instinct, she must get more information to take back.

After she landed, there was indeed a group of animals driving a car, evenly distributed on the entire coastline.

When a brown wolf saw her, its legs were upright, but it immediately turned back to all fours and ran towards her.

It gave Yu Ruan the illusion of seeing a husky.

"Mermaid King, we have been waiting for you for a long time, and finally we are waiting for you. The draft will start tomorrow!" Brown Wolf said hastily.

"Let's go." Since it's not a husky, we have nothing to talk about.

"Okay, please get in the car with me." The brown wolf was about to go to the car, but he couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Can you walk after you go ashore?"

Yu Ruan didn't speak, but pointed to her scaly feet.

"Okay." The brown wolf walked ahead, but looked back at Yu Ruan's feet from time to time.

"What's the matter?" Yu Ruan really couldn't accept this meaningful gaze.

Hearing this, the brown wolf turned around and bowed down, saying, "I'm sorry, Mermaid King, you are too much like that humble human being."

"Want to die?" What the hell, who is humble?Who are you calling humble?
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please get in the car." The brown wolf quickly opened the door and invited Yu Ruan to get in the car. It was afraid of its gaffe.

Yu Ruan sat on it, and looked at the brown wolf who was about to drive through the space in the middle.

She just observed it. In this dungeon, these animals still look the same as before, but they are bigger. They can talk, walk upright, and use tools.
What is the difference between humans and animals?Labor is produced by making tools.

After Yu Ruan thought about it, she asked, "When you get there, give me...give me a car, I want you to do it." I almost forgot that I seemed to be a king.

The brown wolf froze for a moment, "We can't do it, only humans can do it."

Yu Ruan pretended to be dissatisfied and replied: "I don't want human beings to do it." He expressed his apology in his heart.

"But we really don't know how to do it. Only humans can do these things."

"These? You don't know anything?" Yu Ruan was very impatient.

"Yes, if you really don't like something made by humans, we will try our best to arrange it." The brown wolf had a very headache, and it didn't expect that there are so many fish in the deep sea.

"Okay." After listening to Yu Ruan, she rested her chin and thought. It seems that the operation of this place still depends on humans, and it is this group of animals that turned over and became the masters.

They enjoy everything from human beings, so do they still need the concept of money?Those people said before that "you can make money", can this money still play a role?

"Go and cheer." Yu Ruan thought for a while and said.

The brown wolf looked at the fuel gauge, which was indeed bottoming out, and couldn't help expressing admiration for the mermaid's eyesight, "Okay."

After a while, the brown wolf drove to a gas station, and there were people standing there.

Before the brown wolf could speak, the man saw the car stop and pulled out his own card and put it in the machine, picked up the oil gun and started to refuel.

After refueling, put the oil gun back to its original position and bow to the brown wolf.

The brown wolf drove away.

Sure enough, there is no need for money in this dungeon, as an animal.

This also shows that the "No. [-] in the draft" that those people advocate is just a pet, and it's hard to say whether it will survive to the day after winning.

After all, Yu Ruan already knew the cruel methods of those animals.

Yu Ruan sat in the car for a long time, thinking about everything about this world, watching such a big wolf freely using human tools.

"Do you have your own abilities?" Yu Ruan couldn't help asking.

"Ability? How can we have ability? Only the clan king has it." Brown Wolf replied.

It can't help but mutter in its heart, are all mermaids capable?It seems that the legendary mermaids do have special abilities. Thinking about it, their attitude became more and more humble.

"Okay." That's good, if you don't have the ability, it's already like this by relying on enlightenment, if you have the ability, you still can't go to heaven?

Yu Ruan murmured in her heart, it seems that the situation of people is not that bad, these animals can completely be defeated by personal ability.

This is good news.

As the city's buildings became denser, they also arrived at their destination, looking like a five-star hotel.

The brown wolf led her to the top floor. Before going in, Yu Ruan told the brown wolf, "I won't go out during the day, so don't disturb me. Send something to wait in the lobby."

"Yes." The brown wolf agreed quickly. It knew that there was always something wrong with things in the deep sea.

After Yu Ruan opened the door, she turned around and added, "I want all the materials for the draft to be delivered to the door as soon as possible."

Although the brown wolf was a little puzzled, he still complied, and the strange thing about this fish was no different.

Yu Ruan went directly to the bathroom of the room, filled the bathtub with sleep, and soaked herself in it. All the way, her body felt dry and uncomfortable.

She was lying in the bath thinking about the draft. This draft must not be a good thing, and there must be a lot of casualties.

When she was distressed, she thought of her last copy, the entire collapsed palace.

So, can we find a chance to blow up the arena?

Yu Ruan couldn't help thinking about it, it was very difficult, and it was completely impossible with her current ability, so she could only rely on the strength of everyone to find opportunities.

But this beginning made Yu Ruan stumped, she had already seen how difficult it is to seek cooperation in this world, people are extremely hostile and defensive towards the same kind.

As soon as you think about this problem, you have to think about the reason?To consider mortality?To consider non-spiritual copies?Too much too much.

Yu Ruan had no choice but to soak in the pool and fell asleep regretfully, um, she must not be sleepy.

(End of this chapter)

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