Chapter 21 Under the Spotlight - 04
When Yu Ruan woke up again, she returned to the room where no one had clothes.

She was just about to tell the people around her something about the outside world, and she assumed it was a dream she had last night.

He heard the door being pushed open, and it was the pig who had brought someone over to deliver the meal before, "Okay, it's time to go to the arena, follow me."

After Zhu finished speaking, he turned around and left, the women followed closely behind, Yu Ruan and the other six followed in a leisurely manner.

After going out, there are cages on both sides of the road, closely connected, some doors are open and the inside is empty, and some are still tightly closed.

The leading pig led them all to a huge door and pushed it open.

This room is unexpectedly very characteristic. There is a huge wall in front of the eyes. A large piece of red velvet cloth is hung on the wall, shining with thin golden light.

The ground was a white plush carpet with a fine texture. When Yu Ruan stepped on it, she felt that her feet were wrapped in fluff.

Except for the huge wall, the other walls and corners are covered with high and low camera equipment, and three or four black bears are standing beside them.

At this time, a black bear came towards them, "Brother, it's really early, we just called someone to arrange it."

They walked in facing the pig, and they followed closely behind, but were stopped by other black bears, "Don't move."

The black bear brought a microphone over, placed it in the center of the room, and signaled the pig to stand beside it.

It began to speak into the microphone: "The long-awaited audition has already begun. The first group is the first group of girls brought by our Li Fen. Let's not talk nonsense, let's directly see the performance of the pets."

Zhu grabbed the microphone from the side and added: "Everyone remember to vote for the contestant you like."

After speaking, it greeted Yu Ruan and the others with its pig's trotters, and the black bears who blocked them before also walked to the equipment again.

As soon as the pig greeted him, several people rushed up.

"The contestants are very enthusiastic this time, come one by one." Hei Xiong said and nodded in satisfaction.

The first one to go up was a thin and small girl, standing naked near the microphone, and the pig named Li Fen came to the line and began to line up for everyone.

The black bear stood next to the girl, took the microphone from the other black bears, and started pointing: "This is only a little skinny, but it can still be seen if it is long. Okay, let's start your performance."

Hearing this, the girl first carefully showed her body to the camera, and then began to dance her body.

"Well, it's still well-proportioned, and it twists naturally. This one is not bad." The black bear looked at it and nodded.

The girl was very excited, and said to the microphone: "I am No. 1 Yiyi, I hope everyone will support me." After speaking, she bowed forward.


The thin and small girl came down, followed by a slightly fatter girl.

As soon as the girl went up, she first said into the microphone, "I am No. 2 Xiao Jin, I hope everyone will support me." Then she showed her body and started dancing.

Hei Xiong nodded in satisfaction, "This time, this one is well-proportioned and has a good figure."

This series of scenes made Yu Ruan very physically uncomfortable, her empty stomach began to twitch, and she had some acid regurgitation from time to time.

She looks like an outsider, but she can't be an outsider, and she will go up to such a shameful performance, begging for a chance to prolong her life.

She knew that all these actions were useless, but they only made her discomfort worse.

Qiu Zi on the side squeezed her hand, and lined up naturally, holding Yu Ruan behind her.

There were many people in front of them, but Yu Ruan didn't want to look in the middle after watching the first one. She really wanted to blow up this damn place.

One after another passed, and soon it was Qiu Zi's turn.

Yu Ruan watched Qiu Zi walk to the microphone following Hei Xiong's "This is too tall and dark, but her figure is not bad."

She said "No. 13, Qiu." Just as Hei Xiong was about to comment, she began to sing.

"How many times have I fallen on the road, how many times have I broken my wings, now I no longer feel hesitant."

Yu Ruan listened to Qiu Zi singing this old song loudly with a soft and waxy voice.

Listening, listening, she couldn't help but shed tears. Qiu Zi faced the "shame" openly and generously, and also passed on her strength to them.

After finishing a song, Qiu Zi bowed to Yu Ruan, said thank you, and walked towards her.

Hei Xiong was already speechless in surprise, "This contestant can actually sing? It's so rare, this one is very good, I highly recommend everyone to vote for her, it's very face-saving to keep at home."

Qiu Zi didn't respond at all, she just came down and rubbed Yu Ruan's head, and said, "It's okay, let's go."

Yu Ruan calmed down her emotions, tried to ignore her situation, and walked towards the microphone.

She didn't listen to what the black bear was saying, she hummed a song, and all she could hear was the song she was humming.

She stood in front of the microphone, looked at Qiu Zi, and began humming a nursery rhyme into the microphone - Chonger Fei.

After humming, he said "Number 14, Yu." He also bowed to Qiu Zi, then walked down and returned to her side.

Yu Ruan took Qiu Zi's hand, and suddenly felt that these embarrassments were nothing more than that.

Don't listen, don't look, don't care, live hard, and live wantonly.

Behind them were 4 girls together, they also encouraged each other, and everyone went up and sang a song.

It is to give yourself courage, but also to give courage to your companions.

When the group of them finished their performance, the black bear standing aside opened the door behind them.

There is a long line of people behind the door, a long line, in the corridor, until the corner of the corridor, you can't see it.

The pig named Li Fen led them away from one side of the team.

Along the way, Yu Ruan saw too many people, some excited, some numb, some happy, some crying
This group of people was also looking at them, one of the girls waved to them, and after that, many, many girls waved to them quietly.

These should be the people who came to this copy.
When Yu Ruan walked to the end of the line, she secretly counted the number of people in her heart, and she actually counted to 75
So many people, so many people, so many lives, are they going to die without dignity in this ghost world?

Yu Ruan couldn't accept it at all, she couldn't help but squeeze Qiu Zi's hand tightly.

Qiu Zi realized something, held her with both hands, and patted her comfortingly.

This world is absurd and unreasonable, they are like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, helpless and helpless.

Their only advantage is only one point, which I just found out just now. They have a lot of people. If they don't find a way to use everyone's personal skills to fight, they may be doomed, Qiu Zi thought.

(End of this chapter)

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