Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 105 My best friend's son insists on falling in love with me

"The bed next to me was occupied by a girl my age, named Wang Fang. She also came from the countryside and was looking for work everywhere like me, so we quickly became very good friends."

"One day, she told me that she had found a job. Then, Wang Fang left, and I was the only one left looking for a job."

"But after two or three days, she came back suddenly. She told me that the job she found was very good, with high salary, 1000 yuan a month, including food and lodging, and she was still recruiting people. She also said that she You can introduce me."

[Why does this sound unreliable?In those days, 1000 yuan a month was worth 1 yuan now]

[Why is this routine so familiar?Now there are also many gangsters overseas under the banner of high salaries, deceiving people in China to go to work, but they are actually Karma’s kidneys]

[Sister must have encountered a liar, right? 】

[Don't go with her! 】

Chun Buwan turned her eyes back from the window, and after looking at the barrage posted by netizens on the screen, she smiled bitterly.

"Yes, this is indeed a scam."

"While Wang Fang was looking for a job, she accidentally joined a drug gang. The gang made her addicted to drugs and instructed her to find more beautiful girls to go back."

[Why did those drug dealers ask Wang Fang to find a beautiful girl? 】

[Does drug trafficking have gender restrictions? 】

[Is it still pornographic?Pornography, gambling and drugs are generally integrated]

"That's right. Those gangs are based in several large nightclubs, using beautiful girls to attract rich people to play, and then make them addicted to drugs." Chunbuwan affirmed the speculation of netizens.

[Nightclub, a place with a sense of age]

【Is that sister okay afterwards? 】

[Those drug dealers are inhuman things, my sister must have suffered a lot after being tricked into it]

Chunbuwan shook her head, "I'm very lucky."

"After Wang Fang tricked me into the drug gang, I pretended to obey the drug gang and went to nightclubs to face those fat, dirty men."

"Because I knew that if I didn't, I'd be force-fed."

【Sister is so smart, you deserve to be a rich woman】

【This is the smartest thing to do in that situation. Once you get addicted to drugs, it's hard to quit】

[I have already guessed the next plot!It must be my sister's drug detective boyfriend who rescued her from the gambling den, right? 】

Chun Buwan smiled, "You guessed it right, he broke in alone at that time and rescued all our victims."

"In my heart, he is like a savior in Xiaguang."

When Chunbuwan said this, there was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were full of love.

[I didn't expect the rich woman to have such a girlish side]

【Women's Muqiang mentality】

[What a man!How did he die? 】

[Could it be that it disappeared during the execution of the mission... Oh my god! 】

Tears welled up in Chunbuwan's eyes, she looked up and let her tears flow back.

"He later went undercover to the core team of the drug gang."

"Unfortunately, he was found."

Chun Buwan clenched her fist and slammed it hard on the armrest of the chair.

"That group of beasts tortured him for two full days, broke five ribs, skinned his legs, cut off his nose with a sharp blade, and even exploded his two eyeballs!"

"The group of beasts also threw his body in the square with the most people, openly provoking him!"

[How can there be such a cruel beast in this world? 】

[Just listening to my back feel cold, I can't imagine how much torture this hero has endured! 】

[Salute to the heroes! 】

【Remember forever! 】

Chunbuwan pinched her nose, was silent for a while, then raised her head and said, "We were going to get married..."

Speaking of this, Chun Buwan's voice became a little trembling, and she tried her best to restrain her emotions.

"So, after his death, I made up my mind not to marry in this life."

"Over the years, I have rejected all the men who have confessed to me. But this time, it is strange that my best friend's son confessed to me, and I actually want to agree..."

"But I made an oath in front of his grave that I will never marry in this life. In addition, my best friend also advised me not to be with him. I don't know how to make a choice right now, so I want to ask the master."

After hearing Chunbuwan's description, Sang Luo smiled meaningfully.

"Did you know that after death, people will be reincarnated?"

Chunbuwan nodded, "I know, but, does this have anything to do with the question I asked?"

"After your ex-boyfriend died, he has already been reincarnated." Sang Luo replied.

【Hey... This kind of people's hero, I hope he can have a good pregnancy in this life】

【I hope he won't suffer any more in this life】

[God!I seem to understand!Could her best friend's stepson be the ex-boyfriend of the rich woman's sister? 】

After Chunbuwan saw the speculation of the netizens in the live broadcast room, doubts shrouded his eyes, "My boyfriend has been dead for 26 years, and my best friend's stepson is only 25 years old this year?"

"Did you count the ten months in the womb?" Sang Luo asked with a smile.

Chunbuwan's eyes shone brightly after hearing this, "Yes, yes, and you have to add it to the October month of pregnancy!"

"That's why people in our country pay attention to the false age, because the ten months in the womb must also be counted, and it is one year false."

【Wow!Gained new knowledge]

[The culture of our country is really broad and profound! 】

【So my sister’s ex-boyfriend came to her specially after reincarnation to complete the fate that I didn’t understand in the previous life】

[It's so romantic!Going around is still you]

[No wonder my sister rejected so many big bosses with money and status, but she couldn't reject her best friend's stepson!Because he is my sister's ex-boyfriend! 】

【I'm sorry to bother you!I don't think so?Didn't the master say it before?Now the reincarnation queue in the underworld has been queued for 200 years, how could that ex-boyfriend be reincarnated so quickly? 】

Sang Luo nodded, "Ordinary people do need to queue up for reincarnation."

"But people like the ex-boyfriend of a predestined person who died for the country and the people are given preferential treatment in the underworld, and can be reincarnated early."

[That's great!Everyone must do more good deeds in the future!After arriving in the underworld, there is still the right to reincarnate first】

[This kind of people's hero should enjoy such preferential treatment! 】

【Wow!In my impression, all the underworld judges are blue-faced, fang-toothed, unreasonable, and vicious judges. I didn't expect to have such a human side? 】

[Yes, yes, I heard that the underworld is full of skeletons, and the Wangchuan River is full of blood. I thought the gods in the underworld were all vicious]

After Sang Luo saw the comments from netizens in the live broadcast room, a series of black lines appeared on his forehead.

In the eyes of these human beings, what is his image?

It seems that in the future, it will be necessary to give positive publicity to the underworld.

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