Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 106 My best friend's son insists on falling in love with me

After Chunbuwan heard Sang Luo's words, she brushed the broken hair from her forehead behind her ears, and carefully recalled the process of getting acquainted with her best friend and stepson Aze.

The first time I went to my best friend's house, when I saw Aze, the expression on Aze's face froze obviously, and he stared at himself for a long time.

Later, he also came to work in his own company through an application.

Every day, as soon as she arrived at the office, a bowl of rice rolls would appear on the table. It was her favorite food when she first arrived in Hong Kong City.

Aze also knew that he would get eczema in summer, so he prepared ointment for himself on time.

He also always takes himself to places where his ex-boyfriends have dated in the past.

He seems to know himself very well.

A hint of doubt appeared on Chun Buwan's face, and she asked: "Master, if there is such a thing as reincarnation in this world, you should drink Mengpo soup, right?"

"But why, I always feel that Aze knows me very well? It seems that he still remembers everything in his previous life."

【what? 】

[Meng Po's soup has expired! 】

[It must be that Po Meng forgot to add her own sad tears when cooking the soup]

【ha?What is this saying? 】

Sang Luo looked at the complaints from netizens in the live broadcast room, and explained with a smile: "There is a folk legend that Mengpo soup is made from Bi'an flowers and Wangchuan water, which contains sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty ingredients. Five flavors."

"The introduction to making soup is: one drop of raw tears, two old tears, three tears of bitterness, four cups of tears of regret, five inches of tears of lovesickness, six cups of tears of illness, seven feet of tears of parting, and tears of sadness from Granny Meng. "

【So that's what happened, it's interesting】

[Then being Meng Po is hard enough, I have to shed tears every day at work]

[What if Po Meng wasn't sad that day and couldn't bleed out? 】

[Perhaps when the ex-boyfriend of the rich lady's sister was reincarnated, Po Meng didn't cry]

Sang Luo shook his head, "This man's boyfriend actually didn't drink Mengpo soup at all."

【what? 】

[Can this thing still be chosen? 】

[Perhaps this kind of person who has made great achievements can be chosen after death? 】

【Don’t even think about those of us who live in the world and wait to die every day】

After Chunbuwan heard Sang Luo's explanation, his face was very happy, "Really? So he still remembers everything from his previous life?"

Sang Luo nodded.

"Then he should be able to live to old age smoothly in this life, right? He won't be tortured like in his previous life, right?"

Sang Luo counted with her fingers, and her expression suddenly became serious.

She stood up suddenly and said, "Wait for me first."

Then he turned around and went out the door, returning to the squatter room where he slept.

The audience who didn't know what was going on in the studio was left behind, looking at each other, not knowing what was going on.

【It's over, Master, this expression is not normal】

【God!Could it be that the hero has to suffer again after reincarnation! 】

[Why!It's too unfair, can't we arrange a better fate for the hero? 】

Chunbuwan saw that the master had left, and felt uneasy, stretched his neck, and waited anxiously for Master Sang to come back.

After Sang Luo returned to her room, she closed the door, and then exercised her mana, a golden light suddenly appeared, and the book of life and death appeared in front of her.

She just calculated that this hero lived a very ordinary life, and after his death in this life, he would suffer a hundred years of torture in the underworld. It stands to reason that a person who made contributions like him should not have this result.

She planned to check the book of life and death to see why.

After she opened the book of life and death, a few large characters clearly came into view:
Because he refused to drink Mengpo soup, he had reached an agreement with the judge. He will live an ordinary life and be burned for a hundred years after death.

She just figured out that the hero didn't drink Mengpo soup, and thought it was a work mistake made by a ghost.

Because there are too many ghosts queuing up in the underworld, a lot of ghost power is lost to maintain order. The ghost messengers at Naiheqiao who distribute Mengpo soup are a bit short-staffed, so occasionally there will be people who reincarnate directly without drinking Mengpo soup.

This is what she discovered after she came to the world, watching videos when she couldn't sleep at night.

I often see some reincarnated people, three or four-year-old children, who can clearly tell the story of their previous life, and can remember the road to their hometown in the previous life.

However, he never expected that this time he actually mentioned it himself.

With the glory of my life and the torture after death, I will reincarnate myself to find my lover in the previous life.

She, a thousand-year-old ghost, felt a little moved when she heard it.

This kind of bloody man is equally daring both in life and after death.

After reading it, Sang Luo put away the book of life and death.

Then she went back to the computer room. As soon as she appeared in front of the camera, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all blown up.

【Master, you are finally back! 】

【what's up?Does that hero have to suffer in this life?Why? 】

【Master, if you don't come back, the rich lady will turn into a giraffe】

After seeing Sang Luo's return, Chunbuwan hurriedly asked, "What's the matter, master? Why did you leave suddenly just now?"

Sang Luo thought about it in her heart, since the hero came back to renew her relationship, then it would be difficult for her to tell the truth, otherwise Chunbuwan would definitely blame herself very much after hearing the truth, and it might affect the relationship between the two of them .

Then the sacrifice made by that hero would be meaningless.

Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, it's better to let the resentful couple live happily ever after.

Thinking of this, a warm smile appeared on Sang Luo's face.

"I just calculated that the boyfriend of the predestined person lived an ordinary life and had no children, so I was shocked. I was afraid that I had made a mistake, so I went out to do the calculation again, only to find that I was not wrong."

"So, you don't have to be nervous. Your boyfriend can live to be 88 years old in this life, and he won't suffer from any illness in his life. But it's a pity that his fortune is a little bit poor, and he doesn't have any children of his own."

After Chunbuwan heard it, she let go of her hanging heart.

"What are you afraid of if you don't have wealth? I just have money."

[soft rice, fragrant]

[Overbearing female president! 】

[It's normal to have no children. After all, the rich woman is already 51, and it is really difficult to get pregnant]

After listening to Sang Luo's words, Chunbuwan decided to call Aze. She hoped that her feelings would be blessed under everyone's comments.

She picked up her cell phone and dialed Aze's number.

Aze answered Chun Buwan's call almost instantly, "Hello! Don't you agree to be with me? Why are you calling me?"

There was a hint of arrogance in his tone of eagerness.

Chun Buwan lowered her head and smiled, "Do you still remember the snot popsicle?"

On the other side, Aze was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a trembling voice: "You finally remembered that it was me? Thanks to me getting up early every day and queuing up to buy rice rolls for you, I only remember me now."

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