Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 107 Looking for the Missing Wife

After Chunbuwan heard it, she also raised her eyebrows, and replied sourly:
"You have been reincarnated, why are you looking for me? Aren't those young girls better? It's not like me, an old aunt who has been half buried."

Aze smiled, "I'm afraid that if I don't come to you, you will never get married in your life."

"I heard what you said in front of my grave. You said that you will not marry in this life. I don't want you to grow old alone in this life, so I am here."

After Chunbuwan finished listening, tears flowed down her cheeks.

【Wow!Knock it well]

【Mom, I believe in love again】

【This is too sweet】

【I brought the Civil Affairs Bureau in front of you, you can figure it out yourself】

After Chunbuwan hung up the phone, she smiled and thanked the netizens in the live broadcast room for their blessings, and then hung up the video connection.

Sang Luo also smiled and said: "Today's trigrams have been calculated. If you still want to calculate, but haven't grabbed the lucky bag, I suggest you bring incense and come to the temple early tomorrow. I will do the trigrams for free."

Then, also offline.

On the second day, Sang Luo got up early, washed up and dressed briefly, and went to the kitchen.

Wuyou was chopping vegetables with a big knife, and Wuchen was sitting on the side with a small bench to choose vegetables.

She stood in front of the chopping board and looked at today's dishes.

Worry-free ran over to chat with her.

"Master, we have a total of twelve kinds of dishes for lunch today, namely: braised potatoes with king eryngii mushrooms, shredded cabbage, stir-fried vermicelli with Chinese cabbage, stewed vermicelli with tomato, fried bean paste with pickles, cauliflower in dry pot, cucumber mixed with fungus, steamed Pumpkin, stir-fried cowpea, stir-fried lettuce, mushroom and rapeseed, and vegetarian three delicacies."

"What do you think of these dishes?"

Sang Luo looked at a large basin on the table, which contained mixed cucumbers. She picked up a lump, put it in her mouth, tasted it carefully, and then gave out a burst of appreciation. Voice.

"The taste of the dishes is not bad, and the dishes are quite complete, remember to make enough for 50 people.

After she briefly told Wuyou the things that need to be paid attention to when breaking fast at noon today, she went to sit at the small table in front of the temple, waiting for the pilgrims.

Red clouds filled the sky in the east, smudged the entire sky, and the cool morning breeze and the sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen made people feel extra warm.

thump -- thump -- thump --

A burst of hurried footsteps came from the stone steps down the mountain, accompanied by the sound of footsteps, and the noise between people.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Can you do it? Get out of the way if you can't crawl! Don't block me from asking for divination!"

The other person replied while panting, "I won't let you go! I was already walking in front of you, why should I let you go? You asked for the hexagram? Who is here today not to ask for the hexagram?"

"If you ask for hexagrams, hurry up and climb up! What are you doing in the middle of the road?"

"That's right! We're all waiting for the fortune-telling, and we'll have a vegetarian meal after the calculation!"

"Yes! Hurry up! Why are you stuck?"

After hearing the noise coming from under the stone steps, Sang Luo put down the book in his hand and walked to the last step of the stone steps.

Although she didn't say a word, the aura emanating from her body seemed to flow naturally, and it was directly transmitted to the noisy crowd.

All the quarreling pilgrims quieted down instantly and looked up.

"Yo! So it's Master Yunze!"

"Master Yunze, good morning! We have come here specially to ask you for divination!"

"Master Yunze woke up quite early!"

Sang Luo raised his breath, and said in an energetic voice: "No noise! ​​Line up in an orderly manner."

After she finished speaking, the heat under the mountain instantly quieted down.

Then, she turned back to her seat and sat down.

The first one in line was an old man, his face was riddled with dimples and his eyeballs had lost their luster.

It's hard for Sangrou to imagine now, how such an old man got to No.1 and climbed to the top of the mountain.

The first sentence the old man opened his mouth was, "Master, my wife has been missing for a month. Can you do the fortune telling for me to see if she is still alive? If she is still alive, how can I find her?"

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