Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 111 Borrowing Longevity Talisman

After Sang Luo explained the ins and outs of this matter clearly, the pilgrims also began to point fingers at Yue Chao.

Said that he had no conscience and no responsibility, said that he deserved to be found by ghosts.

Yue Chao sat on the small futon opposite Sang Luo, surrounded by the pilgrims who pointed at him and scolded him, he felt ashamed.

He crossed his hands in front of his chest, hugged his right arm with his left hand, and hugged his left arm with his right hand, shrinking himself into the shape of a cicada chrysalis.

He raised his head, looked at Sang Luo with a timid look, and asked tentatively: "Master, I know I was wrong, it's not that I don't want to compensate, but I was really scared at the time, so I didn't do things right."

"Can you save me? I really don't want to die, and I really know I was wrong! As long as there is a remedy, I'm willing to do anything, and I'm not afraid of Chixiang!"

Sang Luo's lips parted slightly, startled by what Yue Chao blurted out.

She coughed lightly, regained her composure, and said, "If you can find the upper half of the dead man's body from under the cliff 23 kilometers away from the place where the car accident happened that night."

"And respectfully send it back to someone's home, compensate the family, and bury the remaining half of the body properly. Maybe this matter can be saved."

After Yue Chao heard it, he pinched the corner of his clothes, and his eyes were a bit unconfident, "Looking for a corpse under the cliff, isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack? Can you find it?"

Sang Luo raised his eyelids, glanced at his son Yue Chao from the corner of his eye, "Didn't you just say that you were willing to do anything? You are not afraid of Chixiang, are you afraid of this?"

Yue Chao smiled, "It's much easier to eat Xiangxiang, first of all"

"Okay." Sang Luo raised his head and looked at Yue Chao coldly, "In the beginning, when the accident happened, you had to get out of the car to apologize, and the compensation would be settled."

"You are the one who wants to escape. The reason for your escape has already been planted, so you have to bear the consequences of going to the cliff to find the corpse. If you don't want to, I suggest you go directly to the cemetery to buy a cemetery now. Is that female ghost I will let you go."

Sang Luo didn't give Yue Chao another chance to speak, so he tilted his neck and called out the name of the next pilgrim.

After counting the ten hexagrams, it was time for Guanli to break his fast, and the aroma of all kinds of fresh vegetables and cooked fresh rice spread from the dining hall to the temple.

After the pilgrims finished offering incense, they all stood in line at the entrance of the dining hall to eat in a very orderly manner.

Sang Luo tidied up the small table for her fortune-telling, and prepared to go to the dining hall for dinner.

At this moment, a young man ran up the stone steps out of breath and called Sang Luo to a halt.

"Master Yunze! Wait a minute! Wait for me!"

Sang Luo held the tea tray, turned her head and looked at the young man who stopped her carefully.

A little familiar.

The man had withered hair, a sallow and thin complexion, and dark circles hanging under his eyes, which were bigger than a garbage bag in the toilet.

Suddenly, a picture flashed through her mind, and only then did Sang Luo remember that the person who came was the first netizen who won a lucky bag in her live broadcast room yesterday, bold and careful.

She promised him yesterday that she would help him resolve the 20 life money he found in the rental house.

So, she took the tea tray back to the small table under the tree, put down the tea tray, and set out two teacups.

He poured tea, kept a cup of tea for himself, and pushed a cup of tea to the bold and careful sitting opposite her.

Boldly and carefully rubbing his eyes, which had not slept for three days, were dry, painful, and covered with red blood.

Then he took out a pile of money from the small backpack he was carrying, and pushed it in front of Sang Luo.

"Master Yunze, this is the 20 life money I found in the rented house. I have used almost all of it. Now there are only these left. Please help me to resolve it."

Sang Luo picked up the stack of money wrapped in red cloth on the table, opened it, counted it, and it was exactly [-].

Boldly and carefully pointing to the money in Sang Luo's hand, he reminded: "Master, there is a piece of talisman paper at the bottom. I thought this talisman paper was quite evil, so I didn't dare to throw it casually."

Sang Luo let out a cry, then picked up the 2 yuan bill and put it on the table. At the bottom of the bill was a triangular yellow talisman.

She picked up the small talisman and took it apart. The talisman, which was originally the size of a post-it note, instantly became a talisman twenty centimeters long and five centimeters wide.

Various intricate characters are painted on it with cinnabar.

A layman sees this as if reading a heavenly book, but she, an insider, can tell at a glance that this talisman is a longevity talisman.

Her eyes were wide open, and the thumb of her right hand slid over the cinnabar characters from top to bottom, and she was carefully identifying them.

Seeing Sang Luo watching so carefully, he was a little curious. He tentatively asked, "Master, what are you looking at? So engrossed?"

Sang Luo, who was concentrating on identifying the owner of the talisman paper, was brought back to reality by the bold and careful voice of inquiry.

She smiled, "Well, you go to the temple to find a layman named Wuchen, and ask him to bring you a pair of scissors. Then you cut some of your hair and nails and give them to him. Cursed."

After hearing it boldly and carefully, a smile appeared on his face, "Then thank you, Master!"

Then, he stood up and bowed deeply to Sang Luo, and went to the temple to ask Jiang Wuchen to cut his hair and nails with scissors.

After walking away boldly and carefully, Sang Luo turned his attention back to the talisman paper in his hand.

Generally speaking, the person who draws the talisman will leave his name and signature on the talisman paper, so that the power of this talisman will be greater.

However, such a name is not as obvious as the general public signs a contract.

The talisman drawer will disassemble the strokes of his name, and integrate them into the characters of the talisman bit by bit, blending with the talisman patterns.

Ordinary people can't see it at all, and even a master like her needs to spend some time and effort to dismantle them one by one.

After about 10 minutes, Sang Luo finally put down the paper talisman in his hand.

She stretched and looked at the three big characters written on the notepad on the table:
Zhang Zihui.

This is the name of the talismanist she obtained after carefully dismantling it.

She had to come to the door herself and teach this Taoist person who disturbed the order of life and death reincarnation in the two worlds a lesson.

After Jiang Wuchen accepted the nails and hair that Boldly and Carefully wrapped, he sent him down the mountain.

Turning his head, he saw that his master was sitting alone in front of the small table, with his head down, looking at something.

Holding the bold hair and nails in one hand, he bouncingly walked towards Sang Luo.

He handed the hair and nails wrapped in red cloth to Sang Luo, and then asked: "Master, why don't you go to eat? Those pilgrims have a really big appetite today, and they finished all the vegetarian meals. If you don't go, why don't you go?" I'm afraid there isn't even any dishwater."

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