Sang Luo picked up the small cloth bag on the table and put it into his arms, "I'm not hungry, you go and eat, I will help the predestined relationship you sent away just now."

After finishing speaking, Sang Luo threw the 2 yuan that Bold and Careful just gave her to Jiang Wuchen.

"By the way, this is the single fee for you and Wuyou last month. The two of you have been busy growing vegetables these days and preparing the vegetarian meal in Guanli. You have worked hard."

Jiang Wuchen weighed the pile of money with his hand, said oh, and prepared to leave.

But unexpectedly found three large characters written on the notebook.

"Zhang, son, come back."

Since Jiang Wuchen's perspective was upside down, he pointed to the notebook in front of Sang Luo with his right hand, and read out the name written in the notebook word by word.

After reading, Jiang Wuchen's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of doubt.

He asked: "Master! Isn't this the name of Heavenly Master Zhang of Tianquan Cave? Why did you write his name? Have you figured it out and are going to go to Tianquan Cave?"

"It's very good! Tianquan Cave is famous, and there are many pilgrims! Then Master, you must also take me with you, I am familiar with that place."

"Wait." Sang Luo interrupted Jiang Wuchen's chatter.

Jiang Wuchen shut his mouth, blinked his eyes and stared blankly at Sang Luo, "What's wrong, Master?"

"You just said that Zhang Zihui is the famous Zhang Tianshi in the world?"

Jiang Wuchen was amused by Sang Luo's serious face, he grinned and nodded, "Yes, Master, what's wrong?"


"Of course I'm sure! When I was young, I studied under Zhang Tianshi for a few days. How could I not know his real name?"

Sang Luo smiled.

She also said some time ago that when she was not busy, she would go to Tianquan Cave to visit Zhang Tianshi to find out what happened to her during her lifetime.

Unexpectedly, these two things collided with each other, and the matter of visiting Tianquan Cave had to be quickly put on the agenda.

"I want to visit Tianshi Zhang in Tianquan Cave tomorrow, can you help guide the way?"

Jiang Wuchen froze for a moment, then nodded quickly, "Yes! Of course!"


After Sang Luo performed the Dharma carefully, she walked out of the temple, closed the door, and walked to the backyard.

At night, Cangyun Mountain is quiet, not as bustling as it is during the day when pilgrims are crowded. The quiet wind blows the ancient trees behind, and she can hear the sound of withered yellow leaves falling to the ground.

After coming out of the temple, she walked through a small corridor and arrived at the hut where she usually slept.

After entering the room, she closed the door, lay down on the bed, and took out her mobile phone from under the pillow.

After the opening of the fast in Guanli today, there were a lot of pilgrims coming, and she was also very busy, so she didn't have time to look at her phone all day.

As soon as it was unlocked, countless text messages popped up on the screen of the phone, all of which were sent by Tiandi Bank.

[Your debit card account, 9996, remitted a sum of 11 yuan from Tiandi Bank on November 1, and the current balance is 20 million yuan. 】

[Your debit card account, 9996, remitted a sum of 11 yuan from Tiandi Bank on November 1, and the current balance is 12 million yuan. 】


Sang Luo has some obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the worst thing is to see unclicked message notifications on her mobile phone, so she clicked on all the messages sent by Tiandi Bank one by one.

It was not until the last item that I saw the total balance of my account.

[Your debit card account, 9996, remitted a sum of 11 yuan from Tiandi Bank on November 1, and the current balance is 10 million yuan. 】

As soon as she saw this number, Sang Luo immediately sat up from the bed, holding her mobile phone tightly with both hands, and double-checked her account balance.

Unexpectedly, Guanli actually made a total of 740 million incense money today.

Adding the 600 million in the original account, she has already made up the three-month wages she owed to the ghost messenger, which is 1300 million.

Even, she had an extra 40 yuan.

She exited the SMS interface and went to the Whale platform to post a new video that she had edited.

The main content of the video is, of course, the record of the Cangyun Temple's opening of the free vegetarian meal today, and the highlight moment when I performed fortune-telling for ten people for free.

As soon as the video was released, within a few seconds, Sang Luo's fans liked and commented one after another.

【Wow!I actually saw myself in Master Yunze's video! 】

[The color of these dishes is also really good!At first glance, it looks like the organic vegetables grown by Master Yunze himself! 】

[Laughing to death, why does the fortune teller still have a male love brain? 】

[To be honest, that man's love brain is at the bottom]

[It feels very good!Next time I have a holiday, I must go to Guanli Shangxiang to have a vegetarian meal]

Since Sang Luo had too many fans, Sang Luo didn't have time to open those messages one by one. After reading them briefly, she was about to turn off her phone and go to sleep.

At this time, another message was suddenly received on the phone.

[Your debit card account 9996, spent 11 million yuan on November 1st for the payment of ghost salary, and the balance after the transaction is 1300 yuan. 】

Sang Luo smiled helplessly, then threw the phone aside and fell into a deep sleep.

This was the most peaceful sleep she had had since she came to the world.

It can be said to be debt-free.

The next day.

After Sang Luo got up to wash up, she went to knock on Jiang Wuchen's door.

Forcibly pulled Jiang Wuchen up who was still asleep.

The two embarked on the road to Tianquan Cave together.

Tianquan Cave is not in Rongcheng, but in Xiangcheng, which is connected to Rongcheng.

The area of ​​Xiangcheng is also under the jurisdiction of Sang Luo.

Xiangcheng is located at the intersection of nine cities, bordering on the border with nine cities, so there are dozens of different folk customs here, and many different ethnic groups gather here.

The Taoist temples of Tianquan Cave can stand firmly for hundreds of years among dozens of people with different beliefs, and are famous far and wide.

You can get a glimpse of how accomplished the Taoist priests and mages in Tianquan Temple are.

Tianquan Cave is located halfway up the most famous mountain in Xiangcheng.

The night before, it had just rained lightly in Xiangcheng, and Sang Luo stepped on the muddy road, staining most of his trouser legs.

Between the two peaks, a natural cave appeared before her eyes.

Beside the cave, there is also a mountain spring falling from the peaks on both sides, splashing water several meters high, forming a very strange landscape.

The angle formed between the two peaks is called Tianquan Cave. On the small hill not far from Tianquan Cave, there is a Taoist temple with a history of [-] years, called Tianquan Temple.

This is also one of the most popular Taoist temples in the country. The fame of this Taoist temple depends entirely on the prestige of the celestial masters advocated by the temple.

In recent years, Zhang Tianshi has defeated other fellows in the feast of Tianshi Mansion several times, and won the title of the best Tianshi.

As soon as Jiang Wuchen saw Tianquan Temple, he jumped up and ran to the front, clearing the way for Sang Luo, and entered the interior of Tianquan Temple.

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