When Zhang Tianshi said this, his expression was reserved, and his facial muscles twitched slightly, revealing an embarrassment that could not be concealed.

Sang Luo believed what he said was true.

She handed the longevity talisman in her right hand to Zhang Tianshi.

After Zhang Tianshi took back the talisman paper, he looked around and quickly put it into his bag.

"The founder of the Cangyun faction betrayed the ancestors of the Yi family, that's why he exterminated the descendants of the Cangyun temple."

Zhang Tianshi kept his voice to a minimum, and leaned into Sang Luo's ear and said.

Sang Luo chuckled, raised his eyebrows and said, "I already know what the Heavenly Master said. Can you tell me something I haven't heard? For example. How did the founder offend that so-called Yi family?"

"What's the history of that Yi family?"

The corners of Zhang Tianshi's mouth turned up, and there was a ripple on his cold face, his eyes narrowed, "I don't know the grievances of more than 3000 years ago."

"But as a member of the Taoist sect, you don't know the Yi family? You always know about the famous Mingdu, right? It was founded by the members of the Yi family."

After Sang Luo heard it, a layer of anger that seemed to be absent was shrouded on his calm face.

Mingdu, a well-known evil cultivator organization in the world.

Generally, people of the right path collect the aura of heaven and earth, practice stealthily for many years, and then improve step by step.

Most of the evil cultivators, in order to shorten the time of practice, use some inhuman methods to absorb the blood and flesh of others to practice.

When she was still in the underworld, she had already heard of this organization called Hades.

This organization often collects the personal information of people with special fates in the world, and then approaches them step by step and kills them.

In the end, the victim will be brought back to the underworld to provide for the upper-level organizers to practice.

It is also because of the recently paralyzed economy of the underworld and the chaotic management system that these people can take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, this group of people even extended their hands to the Cangyun Temple to harm righteous practitioners.

The most important thing is that she didn't expect that the supreme leader of this evil cultivator organization had a relationship with her former self.

She is also an old ghost of more than 3000 years.

The family that can be related to her must not have a simple background.

Otherwise, I would not dare to use the word Mingdu to name my organization.

Doesn't this directly level the status of his organization with the underworld?
"Then how do you know so much?"

Sang Luo raised his chin, his eyes as clear as water, lightly swept over Zhang Tianshi.

"Why do I know?" Zhang Tianshi smiled, and then met Sang Luo's eyes, "Because I used to be a very inconspicuous apprentice in Cangyun Temple, who could only clean the temple all day long."

"After defecting to Mingdu, not only did my cultivation greatly increase, but I also became a celestial master!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Tianshi paused, "Pindao sees that you have some abilities, little friend. If you also intend to join Hades, it is okay for Pindao to recommend you."

Sang Luo sneered, "Tianshi Zhang usually likes to think of himself as righteous, and thinks highly of himself, but in private, he is willing to be a running dog of the underworld."

For this kind of sect traitor, she will definitely not give a good face.

Zhang Tianshi was ashamed and angry at Sang Luo's words, and left Jiang's villa with big strides on his hips.

As soon as Zhang Tianshi left, the little police detective who went upstairs to check the situation also ran out of the room.

In the corridor on the second floor, he stretched out his head and shouted to the downstairs: "Group Leader Su! Wake up, you really woke up!"

After Jiang Wuchen heard it, he stood up from the stairs in a jerk, and then said to Sang Luo: "Master, I won't go back for the time being, I want to finish the family affairs first."

Sang Luo nodded in agreement, and after bidding farewell to Jiang Wuchen, he left the Jiang family villa and returned to Rongcheng after a long journey.

She thought that Jiang Wuchen didn't come back with him, and there was one less helper in the temple, so she went to the haunted house in the city center to find Shen Wuyang.

It has been three or four days since the haunted house opened.

Last time she promised Shen Wuyang to go to the haunted house to see him, but she forgot about it these days.

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