In the hall, several young men and women were sitting on the sofa waiting to enter the secret room.

As soon as Sang Luo entered the hall, she saw the lecherous male ghost who crawled on her bed and gnawed her feet last time.

As soon as the pervert saw Sang Luo, he immediately put down his work and ran to say hello to Sang Luo.

Sang Luo looked around, but did not find Shen Wuyang's figure.

"Where is Shen Wuyang, where did he go?" Sang Luo asked.

The pervert smiled and said, "Boss is working as an NPC in the secret room!"


Sang Luo didn't expect that Shen Wuyang would become an NPC by herself, she thought it was all those little ghosts from the hotel.

"The boss said that management is boring, and it's not as fun as being scary every day, so he left all the management of the secret room to me, and then went to be an NPC!"

Sang Luo hummed, and looked at the sycamore leaves that were blown by the wind outside the window, and when the leaves fell to the ground, she also turned her eyes back to the pervert.

"So, you can manage this secret room independently now, right?"

The pervert blinked and frowned, furrowing his caterpillar-like thick black eyebrows, "You can put it that way."

"Okay." Sang Luo nodded in satisfaction, "Shen Wuyang is in that secret room? I want to take him back to the temple."

The pervert pointed to the customers sitting behind Sang Luo, "It's in the secret room they're going to enter in a while, why don't you go in with them? By the way, you can also experience the secret room. Let's see, boss, what else do you have?" There is nothing to ask for!"

So, Sang Luo followed the group of young people to the second floor to go to the secret room to catch Shen Wuyang.

The team of young people chose a book with the theme of a mental hospital.

After assigning roles and scripts to them, the pervert opened the theme room of this secret room.

As soon as the door was opened, the room was filled with the smell of moldy medicine and disinfectant, crumbling medical equipment, and several blood-stained hospital beds.

The impact of the screen was so strong that several girls screamed before entering the room.

"This secret room is too realistic, isn't it?"

"Why is the smell of the hospital simulated? I dare not go in, it's eerie inside"

"I heard from the Internet that this secret room was converted from a haunted hotel. Could there really be Ah Piao?"

In order to show their masculinity, several other boys in the same group patted their chests and said:

"What are you afraid of? Just follow us two men for a while! We will protect you!"

Then, one of the boys walked into the secret room with his head held high.

After entering, he gestured to the people outside, signaling to follow quickly.

The rest of the people followed one after another.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the room, the door of the secret room was locked by the pervert, and the men and women in the room below kept screaming.

Sang Luo quickly covered her ears.

As soon as the door of the secret room was closed, the lights began to flicker, as if they were about to go out at any moment.

The pervert began to use the radio to broadcast what should be done next, and after a brief explanation and reminder, he disappeared.

Their task is to find the key to the next secret room in this room.

At the beginning, the boys who said they wanted to protect the girls were also frightened and stood still and did not dare to move.

The atmosphere in the room was too eerie, and from time to time there were a few inexplicable crying sounds.

Several people were so scared that their faces were pale, their legs were shaking like sifting chaff, and they chattered about giving up this experience, but they felt that the money was spent, and it would be a loss not to continue.

Sang Luo looked at the young people in front of him who had been slow to find the keys, and felt a little impatient.

At this speed, she doesn't know how long it will take before she can enter the last level and see the ultimate ghost, Shen Wuyang.

She looked at the blood-stained hospital bed by the window, walked straight over, sat down on the hospital bed, propped her hands back, supported her upper body, and placed herself like a big character, Half spread on the hospital bed.

Looking coldly at these timid young people who have spent money and don't want to go on.

While bored, she swept her hand over the pillow and found a remote control under the pillow.

She picked up the remote control, fiddled with it a few times, and clicked the button on it casually.

As a result, there was a beep.

The wall suddenly opened, and a vertical iron box appeared in front of everyone.

Those customers screamed again in fright.

Sang Luo cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "Do you still want to continue playing?"

When several young people in the room heard Sang Luo's voice, they all looked at her in unison.

A girl wearing a black and white plaid headband asked hesitantly, "If I don't play now, can I still get my money back?"

Sang Luo rolled her eyes, thought for a while, "Well, probably not."

"Ah? What a pity! It's 299 yuan per person, let's keep playing."

"If you don't think I'm affecting your game experience, I can lead you to do missions and escape."

In order to see Shen Wuyang quickly, Sang Luo took him back to the temple and proposed to the group of young people.

After the young people heard that Sang Luo was willing to help them, they nodded their heads in gratitude, "Really? That's great!"

After getting the consent of several people, Sang Luo stood up from the bed and walked towards the wall that sealed the iron cabinet.

She put her nose close to the cabinet and took a sniff.

Well, there's a ghost in here.

This is a password locker. She organized the young people to go through the plot according to the scripts in their hands, and quickly gathered a six-digit password from the plot information.

Sang Luo was honorably elected as the person who opened the tin cabinet.

She dialed the code, and the cabinet door opened with a ding.

A gust of cold air gushed out, adding a bit of coldness to the already gloomy secret room, which made people feel chills on the back.

This iron cabinet is an electrified freezer. If the NPC inside is not a real ghost, I am afraid that few people can hold on in it.

Especially when encountering such timid customers who stand still and dare not move, the real NPC must be frozen to death.

As soon as the metal cabinet was opened, a female corpse in a hospital gown let out a terrifying laugh.

The young people were so frightened that they messed up and hugged each other.

Sang Luo slapped the female corpse on the forehead, the female corpse stopped laughing, and Sang Luo took out a round key from her bosom.

Then, the iron door was shut with a bang.

"I got the key, let's go to the next room!" Sang Luo shook the key in his hand and said to several young people.

Seeing Sang Luo's relaxed appearance, several young people admired her courage, and lamented that the NPC in this house is really dedicated and has been lying in the freezer for so long.

If a few of them knew that the NPC just now was actually a real ghost, they would not dare to play the secret room again in this lifetime.

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