Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 120 The Ghost Baby in the Basement

Chapter 120 The Ghost Baby in the Basement

Under Sang Luo's organization, several young people soon reached the final stage.

According to the script, they want to find the last pass key in this doctor's office.

Several people finally opened a secret passage by deciphering the information in the script.

This secret passage is located on the wall behind the medical equipment cabinet.

A group of people timidly walked to the entrance of the secret passage, and looked inside, it was a damp and dark basement.

The gray cement stairs stretched all the way, with a little glint of light at the end.

There was still a smell of blood in the air.

Sang Luo walked in the front, and a few young people behind her hugged her waist with their heels close to their heels, and followed them down the stone steps.

Their feet creaked and creaked on the wet and sticky floor.

When it was about to approach the basement, a sound of jingling bells suddenly came from inside.

A frightened couple squatted on the ground screaming and embracing each other, while another bold girl hugged Sang Luo's and continued to walk inside.

As soon as Sang Luo stepped into the basement, she saw a headless doctor in a white coat running around.

There are several blood vessels hanging from his broken neck, shaking around with his running pace, while the red blood in the blood vessels is still splashing around.

"Ah!", the female customer in the same company screamed.

Sang Luo sighed, and shouted: "Shen Wuyang! Why don't you pretend to be an NPC and run around?"

The headless male doctor stopped immediately when he heard Sang Luo's voice, and stood there for a moment in a daze.

Then he picked up a head placed on the operating table and placed it on his neck.

After it was installed, I twisted it left and right to adjust the position of the face.

Fortunately, the female customer who came in with her just held her head and screamed, and didn't see this scene at all.

Otherwise, she would have to faint from fright on the spot.

After Shen Wuyang fixed his head, he laughed and shouted, "Master! You finally came to see me!"

Immediately, an apology appeared on his face.

"Master, it's not that I don't want to be an NPC well, but that a baby came from nowhere in this themed secret room."

"I was going to pretend to dissect a dead body on this operating table, but the kid picked up my prop corpse and ran around the room like a dog!"

"Then he kept messing around! I couldn't bear it anymore, so I wanted to find him out and teach him a lesson!"

Shen Wuyang's eyebrows frowned into a little comma, looking extremely aggrieved.

Sang Luo smiled, then glanced around in the operating room, and finally saw a green light in the gap of a half-open cabinet.

She rushed over with a stride, and pulled out the baby with green eyes that was hiding in the cabinet.

The baby looked immature, emaciated, and his whole body was purple. His eyes didn't even have whites, and they were still glowing green.

Even, his stomach was still connected to the umbilical cord, as if he had been stripped from the mother's womb alive.

This baby is a ghost baby.

Moreover, he did not exist in the form of a spirit body, but used his original body to cultivate into a ghost baby.

How could this kind of immature baby suddenly appear here?
Sang Luo looked at the immature baby in her hands.

This kind of ghost baby is extremely spiritual, as if he could feel the divine power in Sang Luo's body, he didn't cry or make trouble.

He silently watched Sang Luo, waving his blackened and shriveled little hands in the air.

Perhaps in the eyes of many humans, this baby is very terrifying.

But Sang Luo only felt sorry for him.

After waiting for reincarnation in the underworld for so many years, I finally got it, and died before I was born.

"Beauty! Have you got the key yet?" Several customers waiting outside asked tentatively.

After hearing the urging from the customers, Sang Luo didn't avoid being alarmed, and she stuffed the baby back into the cabinet.

She winked at Shen Wuyang, signaling him to give her the key to pass the level.

After Shen Wuyang understood the meaning in Sang Luo's eyes, he immediately took out the key from the small box under the operating table and handed it to Sang Luo.

Sang Luo took the key, helped the girl who was crouching on the ground trembling with her head in her arms, and walked out of the basement.

She handed the clearance key to the group of young people, and then let them leave the secret room.

After seeing off the customers, Shen Wuyang took out the walkie-talkie in his arms, and after shouting a few words, the pervert ran up.

Sang Luo took out the baby hiding in the cabinet with one hand, pointed to the baby's head with the other, looked at the pervert and asked:
"You have been here for a long time, have you seen this ghost baby before?"

After the pervert saw the ghost baby, his jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

"Where did this kid come from?"

While speaking, he quickly ran to Sang Luo's side, lowered his head and carefully looked at the ghost baby in her hand.

"Damn it! The body is cultivated into a ghost baby, this is a terrible thing!"

Sang Luo lowered her eyes and muttered to herself: "So you don't know where this ghost baby came from?"

The pervert shook his head in confusion, "I don't know! He's new here!"

Sang Luo closed her eyes and felt the yin energy surrounding her.

The building of this hotel was originally in the shape of lonely ghosts, inviting ghosts.

Also raise ghosts.

It must be that someone hid the baby's body in this haunted hotel, and then the baby absorbed the yin energy here, and slowly cultivated into a ghost baby.

If this baby stays here, it will only get worse and worse. She must be brought back to the meditation to purify and save.

Otherwise, it will be a catastrophe in the future.

She walked out of the basement with the ghost baby.

Shen Wuyang followed her closely, "Master, did you forget to hand out the coupons for the secret room last time? No one came to the secret room with coupons these days?"

Only then did Sang Luo remember that the last time Guanli opened free fasting meals, he was really busy and forgot about it.

"Guanli is very busy, so I forgot."

Sang Luo looked into Shen Wuyang's eyes, "I came to you this time because of this matter. Guanli is short of manpower now, and I need you to go back and help."

Shen Wuyang's eyes were full of joy when he heard it, "Okay! As long as Master needs me, I'll be there anytime! Anyway, I'm not very involved in the operation of the secret room here."

Just like that, Sang Luo left the secret room with Gui Ying and Shen Wuyang.

Turn left at the gate of the secret room, and there is a very lively small market.

This is the only way to take the Huicangyunguan sightseeing bus.

At one corner of the market, there was a huge crowd of people, all scrambling to buy things from the small vendors.

Sang Luo felt a little strange, why hadn't she seen such a popular snack in this market before?

She pointed to the crowded place and asked Shen Wuyang, "Where is it selling? It's so popular?"

Shen Wuyang looked in the direction Sang Luo was pointing at, and said, "That peddler is a newcomer recently! What kind of dried ostrich meat is he selling?"

"Now these people are all pursuing novelty and have never eaten ostrich meat, so they all go to queue to buy."

(End of this chapter)

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