Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 121 The Married Woman and Her 4 Husbands

"Dried ostrich meat?" Sang Luo suddenly stopped and thought about it seriously.

"Is it tasty?"

Shen Wuyang nodded frantically, "It's delicious! It's so delicious! I've eaten it once, and I can't forget the taste even now."

"However, it is difficult to buy some, and the supply exceeds the demand every day."

Said, Shen Wuyang took out his mobile phone, "Master, do you want to eat? If you want to eat, I will snatch it for you now!"

Before Sang Luo could respond, Shen Wuyang immediately squeezed into the crowd to help Sang Luo grab the dried ostrich meat.

Shen Wuyang squeezed into the crowd, almost being squeezed into jerky himself, and finally squeezed to the front.

The ostrich meat vendor is a middle-aged man in his 40s. His skin is as if soaked in soy sauce, yellow and black, and his hands are covered with calluses.

He picked up the scale pole on the ground and put it into the back basket on the side, then carried the back basket, raised his head and smiled to the customers in line and said: "Today's dried ostrich meat is sold out! Tomorrow one Hurry up, everyone!"

Those customers who had waited in line for a long time yelled and complained loudly, and then dispersed angrily.

He kept saying that he must come to line up early tomorrow.

Shen Wuyang walked back in front of Sang Luo with lazy steps, put his hands on his waist, shrugged his shoulders, and said:
"Master, I can't help it. It's sold out again. I will find a way to grab it for you to try next time."

Sang Luo smiled and said it's okay.

Then he took Shen Wuyang and returned to Cangyun Temple with the ghost baby in his arms.

It's Friday again, and it's time for live streaming.

Sang Luo carried a plate of sun-dried dried persimmons and made a pot of white tea before entering the computer room.

She turned on her phone and looked at the hot current events on Whale Platform.

#Hao Ling Group CEO was drugged and poisoned by his wife#
#Hao Ling Group Prince Jiang Mengchen takes over the business of the group#
#Frequent spiritual deaths across the country#
#卫民局Newly Established Supernatural Events Special Management Bureau#
#Is there really a ghost in this world#
Due to the fact that a large number of people with special fates have been collected and killed in Mingdu recently, and the methods used are extremely subtle and weird, every dead person will experience a supernatural event during their lifetime, which caused a great commotion in the society.

The common people began to believe that there are supernatural phenomena and supernatural souls in this world.

In addition, the Security Bureau has also set up a special management bureau for supernatural events, which further convinces the public that there are ghosts and gods in this world.

This also directly led to the metaphysics bloggers on the Whale platform starting to explode in popularity overnight.

As the boss of fortune-telling bloggers on the Whale platform, Sang Luo directly gained nearly a million followers.

After briefly flipping through recent hotspots, Sang Luo put down her phone, turned on her computer to debug, and started her new live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started, a large number of fans flooded in. In addition to the old fans who had always supported her, there were also a lot of fresh blood. These new fans were extremely active.

[Is this the fortune teller of Whale Platform? 】

[This looks too beautiful!Obviously she could brush aside, but she chose to come to fortune-telling]

[Is this the master Yunze who has never failed in the three months since the broadcast started? 】

[If I had known that the anchor of the fortune-telling live broadcast room was so good-looking, I would not have gone to the live broadcast room, my body was completely empty]

[I'm new here, I heard that someone has seen ghosts in this live broadcast room before, is this true? 】

[As an old fan who watched Master Yunze on the first day, I can tell you responsibly that this is true]

Sang Luo picked up the teapot, poured half a bowl of tea into the teacup, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, the soup was clear, the aroma was high, and the tea fragrance was clear and upright.

Take a sip carefully, the taste is mellow and smooth, and the aftertaste is long-lasting.

"The rule in my live broadcast room is that when a goddess comes to do a fortune-telling, three times a day, I will release a lucky bag for everyone to grab, and the netizens who grab it will have the chance to fortune-telling. If anyone does not believe in my ability, I can give it to you first. You test the previous event, you think it is accurate, and then the payment is the final event.”

Sang Luo put down the teacup in his hand, and explained the rules of his live broadcast room to the new friends who entered the live broadcast room.

"There are many ways of fortune-telling. I know Qimen Dunjia, Fengshui Physiognomy, and Four-Pillar Bazi. If you want to ask questions, you usually use Qimen for divination; You can use horoscopes to make predictions."

"I will use facial features as an assistant when predicting things. If there is a predestined person whose ancestral grave is not buried properly, or the feng shui of the mansion is not good, you can also come to me."

【Wow!There are too many broadcasters too]

[I heard that the anchor has some friendship with the team leader of the Special Administration Bureau!Then you are a regular army]

[It looks very professional, unlike some fortune-telling bloggers I met before, I feel like a half-baked person]

[The anchor is a mountain doctor who is proficient in everything! 】

[I want to count, I want to count! 】

[Is it okay for me to make ten goddesses to come and do a divination?With a live broadcast room of tens of 10 people, I might really not be able to grab a lucky bag]

Sang Luo shook his head, "No, I have many fans who gave me gifts in the live broadcast room, but none of them got the lucky bag. This exception is not allowed. Everything follows the rules."

【Why!Oh well】

[The anchor, hurry up and distribute the lucky bags!I'm going to get ready to grab]

【It's time to fight for character】

Sang Luo saw that the netizens in the live broadcast room were all gearing up and eager to try, so she quickly released the lucky bag.

As soon as the lucky bag was released, tens of thousands of people rushed to grab it. Such a lively battle made her live broadcast room a little stuck.

30 seconds later, the lucky bag was opened, and the live broadcast room was full of wailing, complaining that they didn't get it.

Amidst the many howls, a gift announcement suddenly jumped out.

[Meicheng decoration workers sent a goddess to come]

【Is this the lucky one who got the lucky bag today? 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous】

[Anchor, I have grabbed a lucky bag, how should I do fortune-telling? 】

Obviously, the netizen who snatched the lucky bag is a newcomer in the live broadcast room and doesn't know the process yet.

"You can just click Apply for a video connection at the bottom of the screen. After I connect, you can start fortune-telling." Sang Luo explained.

The video connection was connected, the screen split into two, and a middle-aged man appeared on the screen.

The man's hair is crooked, and the stubble on his face looks like it hasn't been trimmed for a long time. Behind him is a house with earthen walls and dimly lit yellow lights.

There is not much decoration in the room, only a wooden bed, a small blackened square table, and a few small chairs, and the clothes are hung on the nylon ropes in the middle of the room.

The term "houseless and four walls" is very appropriate for this predestined person.

After the man connected to the video, he showed a simple and honest smile. Facing the camera, it could be seen that his face was a little unnatural. He reached out and greeted the audience in the live broadcast room:
"Hi everyone, my name is Wei Dehai, and I'm a decorator! If you need decoration, you can find me!"

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